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War: Chronicles of 22.02.22 war
  • 266 Replies sorted by
  • @Vitaly Throughout the twentieth century you had friends in the West who were prepared to understand the somersaults of Soviet foreign policy. When it built up the Spanish Republic and then when it abandoned it. When it was in street fights with German Nazi thugs, and when it formed a pact with Hitler, and gratefully later when Russia fought Hitler and took such great punishment. You had some people in the West who understood all that and stayed with you. Some stayed with you through Hungary and Czechoslovakia. When you annexed Crimea, some people wondered if, for reasons of geography, ethnicity and local sympathies there, maybe you could argue that you had some justification. But please, make no mistake, you have no friends here that I know of in this cruel adventure that you are now undertaking and, if you remain sane, you will live to regret that.

    Today the BBC sent a reporter to a village in Siberia that was the home of a recently captured Russian soldier. No one, not even his own mother, even knew the young man was in the Ukrain, let alone captured. No one interviewed seemed to understand what the war was about. This is how imperialist states operate, not democratic ones.

  • @G3550D

    In 20th century we not only had friends with the west, but main team of traitors who destroyed Soviet Union and made main capitalist laws in 1987 had been... authors of current gas pipes system and exports of fertilizers. Big friends with Germany, Italy and others.

    Official talks started in 1963.

    Today the BBC sent a reporter to a village in Siberia that was the home of a recently captured Russian soldier. No one, not even his own mother, even knew the young man was in the Ukrain, let alone captured. No one interviewed seemed to understand what the war was about.

    You are not idiot. And BBC journalist scum also not dumb. In real war it is prohibited to tell exact location of soldiers, as well as give them communication means during active operation time. And I can make interviews look the way I want, if I am pro (and BBC guy is). Ally you need it cut properly and select proper people takes.

    This is how imperialist states operate, not democratic ones.

    You live in imperialist state, all major capitalist countries are imperialist states.

    Read this article, after this print it and hand near your bed -

  • Echo of Moscow - main pro western liberal station is turned off. Very good news.

  • Let's assume Putin will take Ukraine (and it is far from certain) what has he achieved other than to murder many of your Soviet cousins, speed up the total decimation of his economy, his own grip on power and his country?

    And I don't think Russia should justify bad things by suggesting that the West have been doing it, getting away with similar, and so on. Russia should be better than this. Leave the "eye for an eye" bullshit to Iran.

    Everybody needs to calm down before we raise the stakes and bring up the risk of ending all life on the planet.

    It is a disgrace to me that nuclear weapons still exist and I don't care who is to blame. Americans, Russians, I don't care.

    99% of people on this Earth just want to get on with their family life, jobs, eat well, and live in peace.

    Hatred is a form of slow suicide.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Andrew, you are not in school, you are grown man, but you talk like child, like all this confused females in EU goverments.

    99% of people on this Earth just want to get on with their family life, jobs, eat well, and live in peace.

    Capitalism doesn't work this way. If you are used to have warm bed and no problems it does not mean it is same for everyone else - some people who made you stuff you are using or wearing are not.

    It is a disgrace to me that nuclear weapons still exist and I don't care who is to blame. Americans, Russians, I don't care.

    Nuclear weapons are now the only reason you are still not marching in column under waving flags to kill Russian scum.

  • Competition is good, but not to the death.

    Your President is an isolated man today. His inner circle and the banks have a golden bridge to escape over whenever they choose to take it. Putin however is like the rat he cornered as a young kid. He is fearful and has no other options but to lash out.

    Most people have political opinions. People with political thoughts want to have a say in how their country is run.

    Of course capitalism is an incredibly unequal situation for the world. However, look at the intelligence, athleticism and size of your country.

    There is absolutely no reason why it can't do better.

    So why isn't it?

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Your President is an isolated man today. His inner circle and the banks have a golden bridge to escape over whenever they choose to take it. Putin however is like the rat he cornered as a young kid. He is fearful and has no other options but to lash out.

    Stop listening to propaganda, as you just retranslate stuff here.

    Most people have political opinions. People with political thoughts want to have a say in how their country is run.

    It is no longer time for opinions. As I posted two leading liberal strongholds who started to post their usual proclamations are shut down. Few next will follow soon.

    Of course capitalism is an incredibly unequal situation for the world. However, look at the intelligence, athleticism and size of your country. There is absolutely no reason why it can't do better.

    And it will do better, just on our own terms.

    Just stop and think. The old order is dead and now the curtain will open for you to experience that other people experienced all this time.

    Capitalism is always the war - but you did not care about people at Donbass, you had many fun things to do. And now reality will come to first make your life miserable (your propaganda guys never told you that your expenses on basic things will quadruple?).

    West is still very strong. Russia can fall into the trap, it is possible.

    But.... Ālea iacta est

  • Huge encirclement is forming around main forces after their leadership and generals had been wiped out today:


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  • It's deeply depressing to see Russia fall victim to far-right geopolitical warmongering.

    To appreciate the depth of the problem, I have some reading for you:

  • "May god protect our troops. Go get him." State of the union of the USA.

  • American Express suspends cooperation with partners in Russia.

    Boeing has suspended maintenance and technical support for aircraft of Russian airlines.,

    US companies continue the act of mass suicide,

    As no one except under direct order will use or buy their products now.

  • Arguably, the lethal weapon in Russia’s arsenal of responses has been identified by the head of the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements (IGSO), Vasily Koltashov: the key is to confiscate technology – as in Russia ceasing to recognize US rights to patents.

    In what he qualifies as “liberating American intellectual property,” Koltashov calls for passing a Russian law on “friendly and unfriendly states. If a country turns out to be on the unfriendly list, then we can start copying its technologies in pharmaceuticals, industry, manufacturing, electronics, medicine. It can be anything – from simple details to chemical compositions.” This would require amendments to the Russian constitution.

    Koltashov maintains that “one of the foundations of success of American industry was copying of foreign patents for inventions.” Now, Russia could use “China’s extensive know-how with its latest technological production processes for copying western products: the release of American intellectual property will cause damage to the United States to the amount of $10 trillion, only in the first stage. It will be a disaster for them.”

    Copyright also can be part of the story.

    And note that all major CHina companies can suddenly have branch or two here.

  • “Putin can surround Kyiv with tanks, but he will never get the souls and hearts of the Iranians,” Biden said.

  • Who pushed Nazis and gave them weapons:


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  • Spain to supply offensive weapons to Ukraine - Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez

    Everyone blamed Hitler during WWII. But it seems like we need to blame nationalism in the heads of all this nice looking liberals and social democrats.

    They still consider themselves as rulers of the world.

  • Yesterday, the Danish Air Force delivered 2,700 disposable M72 anti-tank grenade launchers to Ukraine.

    The line is extremely thin now. Huge war can happen any time due such things,

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    Netherlands number here is mostly fake export to offshores.

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  • The troops of the DPR continue to move towards the border of the republic, it is planned to encircle the troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region of Donetsk and Gorlovka, said on Thursday the representative of the people's militia of the Donetsk People's Republic, Eduard Basurin.

  • I am sure the battle within regular armies will be over soon. The question remains if there will be a long guerrilla war.

    Still, my best szenario remains peace talk between Ukraine, USA and Russia with a neutral state.

  • Vitaly. You are quite smart but not as smart or as successful as several people I know. I have been following your forum, as you may know, since your GH2 hack days. I like the fact that you are pro science and are not religous even if you do tend to think you have won an argument by posting a quote from the Marxist-Leninist scriptures. Your problem in my eyes though is that, if you were truly smart, you wouldn't be so quick to insult people, to pose as omniscient, to champion counterproductive causes. When you call the BBC scum, when you call Western scientists 'prostitutes' (my quotation marks) there is reputational damage but it is to yours. When you rejoice in the closing down of the last sources of alternative views to those of your totalitarian government while, at the same time, boasting that you personally have the resources to have monitor other media, I wonder how long it will be before you are cheering on the burning of books to stop your citizens' minds being corrupted.

    Today we saw your police in full riot gear taking away a very old lady, a survivor of the Siege of Leningrad, for holding up a poster and the caging of a mother and her young children for taking flowers to the Ukrainian embassy. Just how weak and incompetent is the Putin regime? You have posted a lot of statistics but you know that for the Russian people it's going to be the old story, another five years of suffering for jam tomorrow. In the end you will be relying on the morale of your citizens. In the end your soldiers will come home.