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War: Chronicles of 22.02.22 war
  • 266 Replies sorted by
  • Bank of Japan freezes Russian reserve assets.

  • Putin signed a decree "on the application of special economic measures in connection with the unfriendly actions of the United States and countries that joined them"

    According to the decree, exporters must now sell 80% of foreign exchange earnings. And Russians and Russian companies are prohibited from receiving foreign loans in foreign currency and crediting foreign currency to bank accounts outside the country.

  • The European Union asked the satellite intelligence center in Madrid to provide Ukraine with intelligence data on the movements of Russian troops

    According to international law such way EU becoming side of conflict with obvious consequences, But EU bureaucrats don't get it.

  • What's next - expel russians on the ISS into space?

  • @Dark_Blue

    No - next will be fast drop of life level that will be blamed on Russians.

    And return to fascism and Natzism, starting from declaring our nations as third sort.

  • Perhaps it's time to summarize some of the truly extraordinary recent achievements of Putin.

    1. He started out repeatedly insisting he wasn't going to invade Ukrane. The West, with good intelligence, warned us all that he going to invade and so won the battle for credibility from the start.
    2. He completely underestimated the willingness of Ukraine (his so-called 'non-country) to fight back and, because of that, failed to ensure sufficient logistical support for his armies. He has also managed to:
    3. get Germany, for the first time since the second world war, to send arms to a country at war.
    4. get Switzerland, neutral since 1815, to take sides against him.
    5. got China, his major supporter, who he had just personally negotiated an alliance with, to abstain at the Security Council instead of joining him in a veto.
    6. got Turkey to limit Russian warship access to the black sea.

    7. Despite threats, he seems to have failed to get his citizens to call the war a "'special military operation". Even Vitaly heads this topic 'War'.

    8. Demonstrated in television broadcasts that, apart from himself, his government are largely lukewarm or fearful about his war.
    9. Had to resort to nuclear threats.
    10. In such financial chaos that he wouldn't allow the Moscow Stock Exchange to be opened.
    11. United the EU, GB, USA and most of the rest of the world against him and this is likely to be followed by sharp increases in their military budgets. 12 As at five days in, though massively superior in military hardware, he has failed to win the war. Estimates I've read cost the invasion of the order of 15 billion dollars a day, and that is without taking into account any future reparations. Whether that's accurate or not, it will clearly be a large figure.

    There are also major repercussions in the cultural and sports worlds which will diminish all of our lives.

  • @G3550D I consider myself level headed. I also have a degree in security studies (civilian), so I can make sense of reports like those published here:

    The first thing you'll need to do, if you actually desire to understand what's going on the ground, is stop following mainstream media on the hour, and the pundits in between. Their role isn't to inform, and never has been. Their role is to shape perception.

    To your last point: five days in for a special military operation, the results are neither good nor bad. Underwhelming perhaps. They were expecting/waiting for a political collapse in Kiev. On to the bad news: the WAR starts now. They cannot afford to withdraw without achieving the political objective in full, as that would mean regime collapse in Russia. This will not end well either way. They went for the maximal objective, and that has been a strategic miscalculation in my view. It might've worked if Ukraine collapsed in three days. Now the bear is forced to move in ways it hasn't done in 70+ years. Other ramifications: the UN is shot, the post-WW2 order is shot. This is uncharted waters, much more unstable than the Cold War. The inherent risk for a miscalculation leading to WW3 is not low. Back to operations: the Russian Army will continue to exercise caution when striking at military targets, as to avoid civilian casualties, but accidents will increase. If it comes to heavy armor within Kiev, then it's shtf.

  • @G3550D

    First, stop thinking that it is Putin individually who did it. All this theory of evil geniuses is idiotic.

    Second, remember that you eat propaganda. I check western channels and they are horrible.

    Third, remember that Ukraine is really big.

    Fourth, remember that around 70% of all best fighters in Ukrain Army are on LNR/DNR front, that is extremely heavy fortified. And this requires huge operation to encircle them.

    For now advancements speed is equal to Ardennes operation.

    Sanction level and extremely tough words are totally opposite from that media tell you about military side, didn't you notice?

    Can it be huge trap anyway? It can be, we don't know for now.

  • Ukrainians!

    Today in your country there is no leadership that would worry about its citizens, think about them, try to make their lives better. No patriots, no defenders.

    There are only Bandera, nationalists, terrorists. They only hide behind the fact that they are fighting for human and national ideals, but in reality they only alienate two peoples and two countries from each other.


    Zelensky has lost his connection with the world, and not today, but for a long time. He did not rule, but he is ruled. Trust in him is lost, because he did not commit a single correct and deliberate act. All this time, he led Ukraine by the hand along the path, which is very well known to Chechen eyewitnesses of the events of the 90s. We are very well aware of this tactic of imaginary integration with the West, which in the end only leads to the protection of the interests of foreign states.


    Bandera, the Azov battalion and other terrorist armed formations claim that they will protect you. Not true. Firstly, the Russian army does not attack civilians in Ukraine, and secondly, these "defenders" become the first marauders and thieves.

    President Vladimir Putin, like any Russian, does not want human casualties among the fraternal people. He wants Ukrainians to have the opportunity to determine their own destiny, and not depend on the wishes of Western "partners." ⠀ I, as a military expert, as a person who has seen and experienced modern information and field wars, I ask you, Ukrainians, to hear us and become masters of your country, throwing aside the adherents of European propaganda. Only in this way will we rule out further human casualties. ⠀ It is necessary to move on to large-scale measures to destroy the Nazis and terrorists, to liberate the cities. And in this struggle, the armed forces of Ukraine have every right to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Russian troops. I assure you that the Russian servicemen are ready for such joint activities and will only be happy about it. ⠀ Peaceful citizens of Ukraine!

    Military forces of Ukraine!

    Let's liberate the country from traitors and bandits together!

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  • @radikalfilm - you seem level headed to me too.

    @Vitaly I don't think Putin is a genius of any kind. I do think his actions are going to bring long term suffering to the Russian people and a lower standard of living for the rest of us. As for the role that individuals can exert, it seems self evident to me that Putin and, more surprisingly, Zelensky are hugely significant at the moment. Forget propoganda for a moment, watch directly the way Putin treats his own cabinet in his own broadcasts and then watch Zelensky speaking to his people and to the Russian people.

    But you are right, we need to be wary of propaganda and it is not always as obvious as in your post of 6.07 this morning. My previous post though was mostly a list of facts which I note you do not dispute.

    I, like Putin, am not a communist but I do try to call my government (UK) to account when I think they are in the wrong. I was too young for Suez, but I demonstrated against Kennedy in the Cuban crisis, America in the Vietnam war, the UK in Iraq and some other times. I still regret that there was no organised opposition here against Thatcher's undermining of Karmel's government in Afghanistan. But it is easy here. With some exceptions, British Police, deal with demonstrations fairly and I can compare my experiences here very favourably with a couple of demonstrations I (unintentionally) encountered in Brussels and Paris.

    Without wishing to say that Russia had no legitimate grievances, I am convinced that your government is seriously in the wrong here and that this will become more and more apparent if it tries to occupy Ukraine. I imagine a rerun of 1917 is unlikely but a less costly way out would be for your government to take control back from Putin and call a ceasefire. That will only happen if Russian citizens make it clear that they are against this invasion.

    Vitaly do you ever disagree publicly with your government? Do you ever take the, what would be in Russia, courageous step of demonstrating against it?

    Or are you just going to continue to try to hold the difficult line that Russia had more to fear from Ukraine than Ukraine had to fear from Russia?

  • Baltic countries news

    Gasoline canisters are being bought in the city, in Latvia the population is also moving due to a large base nearby, some have begun to collect things. In general, the feeling of an impending collapse is already spreading. Gasoline costs 2 euros per liter, although back in autumn it was 1.2 euros

  • @G3550D

    I do think his actions are going to bring long term suffering to the Russian people and a lower standard of living for the rest of us.

    One thing you don't get is that your countries already made Russian people suffer since 1992 multiple times. And even 2014 had been worse hit than today.

    Forget propoganda for a moment, watch directly the way Putin treats his own cabinet in his own broadcasts and then watch Zelensky speaking to his people and to the Russian people.

    You are out of touch with reality. In fact Putin now do a lot to hold society to shut few remaining pro west media outlets that 90% of society wants to not only close but hang on nearby trees. And they want it for last 20 years at least.

    Without wishing to say that Russia had no legitimate grievances, I am convinced that your government is seriously in the wrong here and that this will become more and more apparent if it tries to occupy Ukraine. I imagine a rerun of 1917 is unlikely but a less costly way out would be for your government to take control back from Putin and call a ceasefire. That will only happen if Russian citizens make it clear that they are against this invasion.

    Russian people, as well as Ukranian people with some grey cells are for reunification and peace. And west is for war and extermination now.

    Vitaly do you ever disagree publicly with your government? Do you ever take the, what would be in Russia, courageous step of demonstrating against it?

    In fact I support happening things now (including lot of sanctions on elites). Despite that it is imperialistic move and done mostly by nationals. Without Ukraine we don't have any chance to build socialism here. So, it is first step necessary.

  • "One thing you don't get is that your countries already made Russian people suffer since 1992 multiple times. And even 2014 had been worse hit than today."

    Of course, I won't be aware of the Russian people's suffering as well as you are but I think you are mistaken if you think the consequences of this Ukrainian adventure are not going to be worse than those of 2014.

    "You are out of touch with reality. In fact Putin now do a lot to hold society to shut few remaining pro west media outlets that 90% of society wants to not only close but hang on nearby trees. And they want it for last 20 years at least."

    IF you are right here, then I am out of touch with the Russian reality and I have been over estimating the basic decency of the Russian people.

    "Russian people, as well as Ukranian people with some grey cells are for reunification and peace."

    Yes and, of course, the definition of which Ukrainian people have some grey cells will be those who support reunification..

    And west is for war and extermination now. If the West invades Russia, there are hundreds of thousands of us here who will take to the streets but it is not going to happen. We will also not be threatening you with nuclear weapons or cluster bombing your citys.

    "Without Ukraine we don't have any chance to build socialism here. So, it is first step necessary."

    The first step is to subjugate Ukraine. What are the following steps?

  • @G3550D here in SA we are profoundly indebted by your demonstrations. Surelly they influenced much more our countries than the coups, torture, rape and murder. I bet the coups, torture, rape and murder international school closed because some nice guy in UK peacefully, moderatelly and orderlly demonstrated. Ohh wait, no, the thing still running. I hope you reach back when you people start experience democracy as it is sponsored by your guys in the great majority of the globe, could be a really aproaching experience. Oh, and if you guys happens to get there to the top walking nicelly and shouting with moderation, it is polite to return Malvinas.

    While you solving things with your monarchy, I have to note that Ukraine nazis were training nazi paras from arround the world, including my country, and that put us in risk of civil war for the next decade at least. So I can't fell better if all these nazi bunch be hangged and stop spreading their shit arround. War was to break out, if not in Ukraine because of Ukraine.

  • @G3550D

    You just need to understand that if you get resources almost for free and in return provide extremely high margin products and "services" - it can end one day painfully. Especially as your economic will become too weak and your products are not even known by wide audience, only some manufacturing equipment is now shipping from EU and some cars.

    The first step is to subjugate Ukraine. What are the following steps?

    I hope that second step will be nationalization of all western firms and their assets.

    And third step will be abolishing all western related patents and copyright.

  • @RoadsidePicnic There are small numbers of crackpots who call themselves Nazis all over the world and that includes Eastern Europe and, increasingly, America. They often have connections with small groups of football supporters (as in Ukraine) but it is just laughable to say that the current Ukrainian governemnt is Nazi. I have no strong feelings for monarchy and, as for Malvinas or Falklands, I was against that. We were 'lucky' there and had the tacit support of the USA - as well as very competent forces. But for us, the 'winners', it kept Thatcher in power whereas the 'losing' Argentinians got rid of a tyrant.
    During Apartheid times I was outside the SA embassy a number of times and later Mandela came to London to thank everyone who had been part of the Anti-Apartheid movement. I have a fond memory from years later of going to the embassy to collect a visa for my daughter to work at AIMS in Cape Town. The black guy who served me was still learning his job but his pride in being there was humbling. I am sorry you appear to be defending the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • I don't think a brigade size openly nazist para unit fits the definition of a small number of crackpots neither the political and military training dispensed by said crackpots in their area of operation to foreign militants whose organizations just aquired large numbers of military grade gear fit the definition of hooliganism. It just happens to fit the definition of spreading nazist and fascist terrorism and coups. It's old news.

    Nazists and fascists strategy for the present have not been to declare an body of government but to embed into it and to strenght themselves materially and politically. We are not in a stage were "fasci states" are sound, but it looks like fasci armies (all paraphernalia included) are sound in Ukraine since euromaiden. It's not some groups of drunken hooligans, you're basing your perception on your neighbour, these are military units playing into hardpolitics. I'm not in favour of any act in abstract, I'm not into Putin, but given what we have I'm certainlly not defending Ukraine coup politicians neither nazi paras and hope they vanish. This scenario was arround for quite some time, again if war have not broke out in Ukraine it would broke out because of Ukraine (and US, and UK, etc) in another place or time soon.

    By SA I mean South America, but yeah...

  • @RoadsidePicnic Please be clear. Are you supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine or not?

  • Intelligent people tend to overthink things and stack the statistics one on top of the other until they think they know the truth. But the situation is much more simple than that which Vitaliy would like us to believe, and usually his only argument against my points is that I'm the stupid one who needs to read more and understand more statistically.

    You don't need statistics when you have fundamental evidence of a widespread Russian campaign of influence and systematic disinformation in the West.

    I watch Russian state sponsored media. I know for certain that Russia has a pyramid shaped leadership, authoritarian to the core. The media you have in Russia is the most biased and deceitful anywhere in the world.

    It is time Soviet and socialist values were protected in Russia under new leadership and a new leadership structure, without the deceit and murder being default defensive measures Putin uses to "achieve" this. (He isn't achieving it by the way, quite the opposite).

    "Special military operation".


    "We will not invade Ukraine".

    Sometimes the amount of time between the statement and disproving it can be measured in milliseconds.

    When nothing is true, anything is possible.

    In Modern Russia with the help of his media and his coin banks, Putin is able to build public consensus for whatever bullshit ideology he wants.

    Trump was the result of a social media campaign of disinformation and a proxy war.

    Brexit was the result of a geopolitical playbook move to isolate the UK from Europe. The UK is home to NATO's European Nuclear deterrent. The links between the Leave campaign and Russian money is proven with hard evidence. It isn't a matter of opinion or mainstream media speculation. It is about weakening NATO and the EU both in terms of the economy, and the societal schism between our people it created.

    In the West we have been stupid and slow to act. We are only just realising the scale of the Russian money, campaign of influence, disinformation techniques and internet subversion.

    The fall of the Soviet Union was a disaster for Putin and his hatred for Western liberalism and democracy has festered for decades. It is not surprising now to find ourselves at War.

    I suggest in order to prevent the current events turning into a nuclear war and a nuclear winter, Putin is not further isolated and is brought to the negotiating table, it may have to be a necessary evil to neutralise Ukraine even if the majority of Ukrainian people do not want this and are willing to DIE to maintain independence from the Russian government and military.

    I suggest Vitaliy that you turn off Russia Today and listen to what the people of the Ukraine are saying about the war and especially listen to those who are witnessing their young children die in the back of ambulances because of a war between capitalism and Putinism.

    It is simple.

    It is not about statistics.

    It is about humanity.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD "Trump was the result of a social media campaign of disinformation and a proxy war." This is laughable. How do I know: trust me, I'm an expert. In 2017 I defended my Master's thesis in Intelligence studies (in a NATO country) on the topic of Influence operations, using the 2016 US presidential elections as one of the case studies. I argued (successfully of course) that there has been an influence campaign from Russia, besides the hacking of the DNC servers (this bit was likely true, but one cannot just trust the US cyber command when they say "these guys did it").

    I have since come around, having uncovered more intel (it was making the rounds in the scholarly circles like a true butt joke one cannot publish, though I think it did get coverage in the US press eventually). We can equally say that teenagers from a remote village in North Macedonia tilted the US elections in Trump's favor, by setting up "news" websites with collations of facts and conspiracy theories, and reaping the ad traffic from the many millions hits they received from the conservative viewership in the US. There was simply a huge appetite in the US for that sort of content, and hungry enterprising kids in North Macedonia delivered it. This was uncovered by an investigation started by intelligence offices in the area, when expensive sports cars started appearing on the streets of those remote village(s). They followed the money, got to the ad payments, and the websites. It's the sort of thing too weird to contemplate, but nevertheless fact. 'Russia bad' is the easier sell.

    Trump won because it was time for someone like Trump to rise to the fore. The US is tearing itself apart culturally, and soon geographically, and Trump's election was the first clear data point in this progression.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Andrew, rise up, you are smart!

    I watch Russian state sponsored media. I know for certain that Russia has a pyramid shaped leadership, authoritarian to the core. The media you have in Russia is the most biased and deceitful anywhere in the world.

    I specially pinned for you thing you still did not even read

    Because you can't understand BASICs of capitalism and "democracy".

    We are only just realising the scale of the Russian money, campaign of influence, disinformation techniques and internet subversion.

    Get back to reality, it is not about "influence" and similar bullshit. It is about real stuff now.

    The fall of the Soviet Union was a disaster for Putin and his hatred for Western liberalism and democracy has festered for decades. It is not surprising now to find ourselves at War.

    Hatred for Western liberalism happened here in 90s already, elites just contained it.

    And hatred is materialistic because metropolies robbed colonies while using nice words, and Russian people are not used to be colony. Each country who tried to make it such paid dearly.

    I suggest Vitaliy that you turn off Russia Today and listen to what the people of the Ukraine are saying about the war and especially listen to those who are witnessing their young children die in the back of ambulances because of a war between capitalism and Putinism.

    I don't watch TV for many years, so I have nothing to turn off. I watched RT last time on youtube months ago for 1-2 minutes.

    Andrew - as I told you, read, educate, understand.

    Instead you come and retell me bullshit story that west propaganda is pushing in the children of the poor and educated.

  • The fall of local liberal pillars

    The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation demanded to restrict access to "Echo of Moscow" and "Rain" *

    “Echo of Moscow and the Dozhd TV channel publish false information about the actions of the Russian military as part of a special operation to protect the DPR and LPR,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said.

    Both are total pro west media.

  • I do not accept this statistical right vs wrong discussion, it's not important. It is not seeing the wood for the trees. If you endorse this war, you are complicit in murder. It really is that simple.

    Putin's men have spent billions on sponsorships, investments, social media, traditional media, political influence and donations.

    It is all documented evidence.

    Are you really trying to deny the power of Russian influence and disinformation? As if it's a side show?

    It helped determine the course of recent history.

    Putin knows where the fault lines are in our societies and in liberalism. He is encouraging the cracks to widen. It really is that simple.

    Ask yourself what all this chaos and murder archives for YOU and YOUR country.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    It is not about statistics. You do not understand basic definitions and laws of economics and politics.

    You are not stupid and obviously you can't oppose any core points from article that I gave you.

    Putin's men have spent billions on sponsorships, investments, social media, traditional media, political influence and donations.

    Don't you see difference? Same time west spent 100x more on their propaganda machine.

    Are you really trying to deny the power of Russian influence and disinformation? As if it's a side show?

    Get back from VR where you live.

    He is encouraging the cracks to widen. It really is that simple.

    We is not making cracks with words, he is doing it with missiles and tanks.

    Ask yourself what all this chaos and murder archives for YOU and YOUR country.

    Life is dirty Andrew. You just lived too long at the top floor where you don't see it. Now we'll pull you back down, and we just began doing right this.