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Cluster X: Series 1 - moon - ЅріzZ - nebula - drewnet - Slipstream
  • 1008 Replies sorted by
  • *** NEWS **** Cluster X Series: 12/15 GOP - 'DREWnet' Trial 4 - Released 07/02/2013 for Long GOP fans with MEGA quantisation as seen in the GH3.


    WTF over... downloading now!

  • which one is the best setting for using fd manual lenses?

  • it's just "my opinion" moon trail 3>mega quantisation

  • I've got a video shoot in Hawaii starting tomorrow, and I'll be shooting with "Moon" trial 3 all the way. Can't wait to report back, but initial testing of this setting has shown it to be superb. Cheers!

  • I dropped the bitrate numbers just a bit because I fear my 45mbs 32Gb sandisk card giving me read and write errors. So far, I haven't tested the %80 and other speed modes, but it seems cam is working just fine even with panny lenses. süperb quality setting, producing post friendly images, best HBR to date, smooth motion handling, great detail retaining; The clips are converted to Proress 422 HQ with 5dtoRGB and graided in FCPX and the final export converted in compressor to AVCHD youtube sharing codec for uploading. Thanks to @driftwood again. it was fun to shoot those parrots with moon in ex tele. Longer lens is needed. and 45-200mm's AF hunts in couple places where I forgot to use the lock key. here are my 2 minute full hd test samples.

  • Hi to all, I am waiting for a final release of of the hacks and I am curious: Did anyone try higher audio bitrates, especially with "Moon"? I did use 384kBs before and never had a with any hack. (64gb Sandisk Extreme Pro)

  • @Tifose ya it grades well. what about the noise?? i guess its above ISO 500?? what was the ISO for this shot??

  • @driftwood i will try that too "Cluster Xs" ?

  • @rajamalik the ISO was at 160

  • @Tifose then why it shows visible noise???

  • @cjdincer careful dropping bitrate numbers as you could upset the delicate balance. Apart from that 'moon' looking very good on your lenses.

  • *** NEWS *** Nebula 6 GOP Trial 5 Released.

  • @driftwood moon is amazing, I do wanna thank you again and again. I just dropped 24H150 -147, 24L80 - 77, FSH93 - 91, FH48- 46 to be on the safe side, I hope I didn't upset anything. gonna reload moon and check again.

  • Just shot some really boring stuff of a bridge and water with Moon and damn, does it hold up to grading. I was trying to break it down but it held up to me pulling it all over the place. Very nice @Driftwood, very nice indeed.

  • Just playing around. I was actually just testing the SLR 35mm 1.4 lens but I love the way Moon handles grading. This isn't too drastic but of course it's a little over saturated on purpose.

    Screen shot 2013-02-08 at 2.23.47 PM.png
    1107 x 628 - 942K
    Screen shot 2013-02-08 at 2.23.31 PM.png
    1108 x 633 - 1007K
  • Under certain conditions the new long-gop "DREWnet" is the best looking thing I've ever seen on a GH2. Period. Under certain conditions -- I was getting ISO 1600 that absolutely matched a 5D Mark 3 at ISO 1600.

    I'm continuing to work with it and will have a more substantive response in a few days. But -- my initial reaction to Cluster X DREWnet is -- it's almost like a different camera.

  • @onionbrain Could you go into the conditions a little further?

  • It should be - Cluster X Drewnet provides ridiculous quantisation - Q8 to Q12 averages for most pictures. It matches the GH3 and beyond - utilising 4x4 transform for the whole picture (not just the edges as in the GH3) and not 8x8.

  • @GravitateMediaGroup onionbrain is referring to DREWnet. It does indeed give stunning results.

  • @driftwood do you really think it gives better results than moon?

    I shot a clip last night of a white wall with the TV reflecting off of it and saw some CRAZY stuff going on. I usually do this test for some reason, flowmotion is bad, and some others are bad, but the mega quant did some of the craziest stuff I've seen. circular banding type stuff

  • Overall, I love moon. However, for a long GOP offering 8-10 QP - its ridiculous! I love the DREWnet setting. If you guys only realised how long it took to measure all the new Cluster settings... if only you knew the pain... I go to sleep now.

  • I apologize if this is obvious, I'm new to all of this. Does DREWNet have a 60P setting for 720? Thanks.

  • Hi Nick and others on the forum. Havent posted here for ages as I have been really busy...but I have been following this (and other threads)

    Anyway I have to say that Moon Trial 3 is THE BEST 30 frames setting I have seen yet, its so close to 24P...WOW!!

    I am in PAL land but as I mainly want vids for youtube...I switched to NTSC cause the HBR in 30P is a little smoother for motion than the 25P setting and I can set the shutter to stop any lights flickering while in PAL land and in NTSC camera its a win win situation for me.

    Anyway the 24P setting always has been noticeably better than any HBR setting (NTSC or PAL)so far...but as I just said the 24P and HBR 30frame is very very close...the 30 frame stuff no longer looks a bit dinky...just nice and clean with character and smooth.....EXCELLENT WORK NICK!!!

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