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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • US is opening up


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  • Mordor news

    Chart if we exclude Moscow and regions with suspicious statistics


    Looks like falling cases? :-)

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  • Armenia, situation is bad

    Country no longer have places in hospitals for coronavirus infected people.

    Since 1988 number of hospital places, due to capitalism, dropped 2.5 times, and int he same time huge rich people homes are now taking best places.

  • Iran opening goes not good


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  • Clear improvements in Brazil

    Brazil’s Health Ministry removed the data from a website that had documented the epidemic over time and by state and municipality. The ministry also stopped giving a total count of confirmed cases, which have shot past 672,000 – more than anywhere outside the United States – or a total death toll, which passed Italy this week, nearing 36,000 by Saturday.

    "The cumulative data...does not reflect the moment the country is in," Bolsonaro said on Twitter, citing a note from the ministry. "Other actions are underway to improve the reporting of cases and confirmation of diagnoses."

    Bolsonaro has played down the dangers of the pandemic, replaced medical experts in the Health Ministry with military officials and argued against state lockdowns to fight the virus, hobbling the country’s public health response.

  • Well, police in US is in grave danger

    1. Decades of police reform efforts have proved that the Minneapolis Police Department cannot be reformed, and will never be accountable for its actions.
    2. We are here today to begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department and creating new transformative model for cultivating safety in Minneapolis.
    3. We recognize that we don't have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does. We're committing to engaging with every willing community member in the City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you.
    4. We'll be taking intermediate steps towards ending the MPD through the budget process and other policy and budget decisions over the coming weeks and months.

    Minneapolis City Council

  • "Left" press continues with cruzade against cloroquine in Brazil. Even after The Lancet article became debunked, media changed from "killer medicine" to "unknown effects/maybe risky, maybe innefectual and not proven drug" even if its perfectly known and tested by 50 years now.

    El País/Santander local article construct deep criticizing retoric of the early issuing of cloroquine to assimptomatic/good health positive tested cases, even with medical and pacient consent. Journalist also highlights the increase in cloroquine production by the army medicine lab as unresponsible spending, even if in the same article there's citation that the full profilatic kit with 6 diferent medicines cost less than 10 dolars total, in local price. Total inversion rethoric mode.

    Coronavirus and cloroquine topic have became an political agenda expediency, whith left aligned people cruzading agains royalty free medicine, pro enclausurating productive force, revering WHO and defending flawed methods of protection all while oranizing mass gathering and promoting virtualization/precarization of work relations.

    Middle class left is profoundly fixated with restoring the democratic status quo, now long past, almost as a messianic movement, frequently aiming in a consumerist ideal that never even existed here, niether anywhere in the world despite localized strata. People are tired, but moved by hope and still dominate the discoursive space, so liberal outlets use them as manouver element fully.

    In the meantime, far right groups pursues Ukraine model and is constructing paras divisions.

  • @RoadsidePicnic

    I call such guys "lefty". They are not left actually, but they are in this moment of time conservatives as they want to save state that is unsustainable :-)

    Btw Ukraine is project of exactly US democratic party :-)

  • Tracing such type of viruses is mostly pointless shit made only to trace your real movements.

  • The World Bank has warned that the coronavirus pandemic has triggered the most widespread global economic meltdown since at least 1870 and risks fuelling a dramatic rise in poverty levels around the globe.

    The World Bank said it expected global GDP to shrink by 5.2% this year.

    This is how developed capitalism looks like, right into 19th century. With same antiscientific approaches.

  • Small theater.

    So, in reality they stood in same pose on his neck for exactly this time.

    Smart move.

  • So, in reality they stood in same pose on his neck for exactly this time.

    LOL :)

    ‘I can’t breathe,’ cry US protesters. So does entire global neighborhood fed up with American knee on its neck-

    Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer.

  • Just small photo, US, 2020, June


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  • @Vitaliy....Scott Ritter is more than that. He almost single handedly stopped the first gulf war as a UN Weapons Inspector !

  • ....when when when they know something we don't . I see about 3% are scared shxtless !

  • @kurth

    I see one big issue with this science guys. They clearly live on Mars and use teleportation to visit their worplace, otherwise I have hard time explaining all serious bullshit they talk about.

  • @Vitaliy...yeah, that martian base is where it's all at.

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  • Hundreds of Microsoft employees are calling on the company to cancel its contracts with the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and make other changes in response to police use of tear gas and other violent tactics during recent peaceful protests,

    Of course, this guys did not make it because management request, no, can't be.

    And new Microsoft private police will be nicer to you, no tear gas, instead it'll be instant AI person recognition and smart bullets, one for every renegade who do not comply to 1765 points of end user agreement.

  • New pinnacles of science though reached in Azerbaijan

    Almost everything work, people go work and such, but for all weekend they must close in their homes. Visiting shops and eveything else is not allowing, even walks. From next week in some cities it'll be 3 days including Monday. Day before strange lockdown has extreme number of people in each shop or similar places.

    May be they think that virus is sleeping and go to the hunt only on weekend?

  • On the economy decimated by the forced Covid 19 lockdown, Williams, who is the founder of, computes data without all the accounting gimmicks to make things look better than they really are. Williams says, “We have about 40 million unemployed . . . which is about a 40% unemployment rate (using methods) and not 13% claimed by the government . . . . The pandemic collapsed economy took very heavy hits. The April numbers on industrial production had its worst drop in its 101 year history. The drop in April retail sales was the deepest drop in its 73 year history. That was a 60% to 80% contraction. . . . I think we are going to see a GDP contraction in the second quarter of about -50%. . . . April GDP is 50% down, and there you have the full effect of the collapse. . . . We will bottom out in the second quarter, and it might bottom bounce in third quarter, but it should start coming back in fourth quarter.” computations say the real inflation rate in America currently averages 9% per year.

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  • New WHO statement

    People without symproms who have coronavirus are not spreaders. Tracking contacts of them showed that they do not infect others.

    Surprise :-)

    Statements of grave danger of such people had been corner stone of all actions. WHO literally told that such stattement had no facts to support them, never.