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Driftwood Cluster X series 3:│moon T7│ЅріzZ T6│Nebula T7│Drewnet T9│
  • 1811 Replies sorted by
  • @driftwood

    Is the Moon setting the best bet to use as an upgrade from someone that likes the look of Orion v4b, or is Orion vb4 more stable?

    I see a lot of people are using Moon T5, how will T6, T7 or any of the other variations differ? Also, is it planned to have one "final' release of Moon that combines everything from all of the trials?

    Is Moon suitable as an all-around hack because I really only like keeping one hack loaded. If not, then which do you recommend taking what I mentioned into consideration?

    I'm running a 64/96 sandisk card.


  • @dieter123 Ill be taking a look at REDshift update on Friday.

  • @anthonyw moon T5 is heavily tested as the current leader - however moon T7 supersedes this and until we see more reports back from people regarding T7 you may want to try out T5 first. As far as my own measured opinion, T7 wins hands down. All the Cluster X settings are finitely tuned and updated as we go along. As an all round hack, T5 and T7 work on all modes. T6 was very experimental and has been superseded by the improved and much more stable T7. If you decide to go along the T7 route - probably use setE from the zipped pack just to be safe for all round use.

    @danielortegajan Its not too bad that. The second batch of shots probably in too tight to get adequate focus.

  • @anthonyw

    I started out with the same thought process that you have but gradually changed my way of thinking after learning about and trying the different patches. Example, for me most of my stuff that I shoot will be in HBR30p mode so if I were to use strictly Driftwood patches I would choose Nebula T-6 because I believe it is better then the other Driftwood patches for HBR30p mode so this would be my all around patch. However if I shoot mostly in 24p mode then it would definitely be Moon T-5 for my all around patch, and also lets not forget long GOP Drewnet that has excellent video quality at a lower Bit rate.

    People will have different opinions and needs in regard to patches, cameras, lenses, etc. So to me the best thing is try the patches and see what works best for you. I have narrowed down my patches to 3 from the vast array that is offered here on personal view.

    One patch strictly for 24p mode

    One patch strictly for HBR30p mode - This is my all around patch 90% of the time

    One patch strictly for 720p mode

    @Driftwood I wish I had the time to try out your patches :( I feel like a little kid a week before Christmas, being able to see the toys kinda knowing whats inside but not being able to open them. Thank you for giving us more presents :)

    Best Regards

  • @Driftwood I am having a ball with Moon 7 sete... 24p works brilliantly however the camera keeps freezing when filming HBR25p... I am not using a Sandisk card but I don't think it is the card anyway. The same card handles a higher bit rate with 24p with no problem at all... Am I missing something here? Any ideas? Thanks

  • At last some reports! Thanks @WarLightUK Have you got a clip where 25p stops? Dropbox/link me to it. What sd card is it btw?

  • @Driftwood Camera completely freezes and I need to get the battery out to reset. Looks like there is no pattern to the freeze. Sometimes records 50sec, sometimes 2min+ before freezing... No playable clips on the card - neither in camera nor on computer. And the file size shows "0". Using and integral ultima pro 95mbs card. As I said it handles 24p without any problems. Is the corrupt file any good for you? Do you still want to see it? Thanks for your help

    EDIT: Formatted the card and tried again... Looks like it is working now... Do you think the culprit might be the files recorded with Moon 7 setd that I left on the card?

  • Could well be a fragmented card and the format sorted it out.

  • @WarLightUK Was that last test video shot with a 1/50th shutter?

  • @driftwood @Azo

    Thanks for the replies!

  • I'll do more tests tomorrow and report back... Thanks Nick.

  • @vicharris Yeah... The files that recorded without any problems and the ones that froze the camera were all 1/50th.

  • @WarLightUK Just for shits and giggles, can you shoot a few scenes at 1/40th? I was going to go out to the pier tonight and shoot some tests but I've been allocated to ripping down a wall in my kitchen by the wife. The boss takes priority! :)

    I shot some stuff on the first version and the motion looked ok to me and I shoot on 1/40.

  • Hello, when I read about moon T7 "INTRA 24p minimum 130-147Mbps - best looking ever" I'm asking myself if it is, maybe, better than Sedna?

  • Try it. You decide. A lot of people like the grain in Sedna, Apocalypse Now settings, Boom and Intravenus I & II. See what you think to moon.

  • Cluster X Nebula T-7 seems to be rock solid.

    I tested the Death Screen chart with the following;

    Sandisk Extreme Pro 64GB 95MB/s & Sandisk Extreme 64GB 45MB/s cards with the same results. Panasonic 20mm 1.7 @ 6.3, ISO 1600, Shutter Speed 50/60/125, White Balance Set to Daylight Balance Setting, Video Mode in Fully Manual with no i-DRC or iA modes.

    I formatted each card with the SDFormatter in the quick format mode. The logical address adjustment was checked in the options panel prior to recording onto each card. I proceeded to record in all of the various modes back to back remembering to record a short 5-10s clip right after the 15 minute clips.

    I recorded the Death Screen in 24p, HBR30p, 720p, and 1080i for a minimum of 15 minutes in each mode before I stopped the recording. The patch is rock solid with both cards no issues or freezing etc.

    I am working on a website at the moment so I don't have time to shoot anything other then the death screen but I hope this info is helpful.

    Best Regards

  • Good report. Thankyou @Azo. Nebula done then. :-)

  • Nebula T7 test, thank you for the great work @driftwood!

  • I tested the moon T7 sete, using a Sandisk 64gb/95mbps. - Cinema 24p, 1920x1080, Auto Quantizer changed to "4 - All to details". Shutter 1/40 and 1/50, ISO800. Recorded long clips of 20 and 10 minutes, all fine. - 720/60p, Shutter 1/125 for slow motion. Recorded 20 and 30 minutes, all fine.

    I don't have anything interesting to shoot right now, so I will try it in a real job on this Friday, as it's a reliable patch.

  • Cluster X Drewnet T-9 Death Screen Test

    I tested the Death Screen chart with the following;

    Sandisk Extreme 64GB 45MB/s card, Panasonic 20mm 1.7 @ 6.3, ISO 1600, Shutter Speed 50/60/125, White Balance Set to Daylight Balance Setting, Video Mode in Fully Manual with no i-DRC or iA modes.

    I formatted the card with the SDFormatter in the quick format mode. The logical address adjustment was checked in the options panel prior to recording. I proceeded to record in all of the various modes back to back remembering to record a short 5-10s clip right after the 15 minute clips.

    I recorded the Death Screen in 24p, HBR30p, 720p, and 1080i for a minimum of 15 minutes in each mode before I stopped the recording. The patch is rock solid with no issues or freezing etc.


    I have a question for you. Prior to installing the latest patches I was using PTool 3.64d for all of the patches. I am using PTool 3.66d for all of your latest releases, does it make a difference which PTool I use.

  • @puru Liang was that 720p ? Nice to see a Brighton test :-)

    @FernandoAndre Did you uncheck Initial Quantizer / Quantizer for 1080 modes / Quantizer for 720 modes before switching on Auto Quantizer?

    @Azo Thanks for proving DREWnet is rock solid too. Yeah there were some 720 B frame amends during the ptool changes that sorted out a few issues in the firmware / switching on / first recording etc. Always good to use the latest version of ptools.

  • @driftwood Yes Nick, it was 720p60, no cc. Will try DREWnet & Moon during the weekend. Cheers :)

  • @driftwood No, I didn't see these options on "patches for testers". So, I need uncheck these 3 options if I want the Auto Quantizer active?

    Edit: Got a question: Ptool says on Auto Quantizer: "lower values mean lower compression, High values lead to high compression". It means that 4 - All to details has a higher compression than 0 - All to motion? If I want better quality (and bigger bitrate by consequence), my choice should be 0 - All to motion?

  • Never mind I saw the post proving it is solid.


    On a side note. Thanks a lot Nick Driftwood. I appreciate all you do and all you continue to do for the community and the GH2 Camera.

  • @FernandoAndre I don't use AQ at all personally. Everything is measured from the matrix to the manual quantisers.

    FYI on Auto Quantizer. =4 is lowest QP as it moves towards =0 it adjusts bitrate to motion estimation. = 2 is a balance.

    Chris Brandin who created the routine explains:- "The Auto Quantizer allocates the additional bandwidth to different things. If you go towards "detail" more of the extra bandwidth is allocated to using less quantization of macroblocks - which means better shadow detail and smoother detail all around. If you go towards "motion" extra bandwidth is not allocated to accommodate lower quantization of macroblocks, rather it is allocated to encoding changes in the image more robustly - which means reduced stuttering, etc... They both improve quality, just in different ways. "

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