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GF2 Stable Settings
  • 614 Replies sorted by
  • try cake 2.3, works amazingly stable and over 50mbps

  • @subco, @gameb Guys, thx for the advice. Eventually I went for Cluster_v6 Nebular. Modified it a bit to record 1080p25 in AVC. Also modified the Motion-JPEG setting. Originally its a 2k frame at 30fps, so again I changed for 1080@25. Didn't touch other settings in any of the two. I checked the MTS with Streamparser and yes it is 25p, which is great. While doing some test recording with Motion-JPEG the camera froze after pressing stop and the file didn't save. However second try went well. Hopefully I'll find some time for some decent testing next week. Also I'm planning to do the same mods on cake 2.3 and check for stability. Now - back to work.

  • @tomech motion-jpeg is 30fps and can't reliably be changed to 25fps as far as i know. If you found a way let us know how.

  • @Rambo I dunno, silly of me I just went in there and changed it :) Beginners luck or incompetence? Attatched you will find settings I modified in ptool. Also, clip info from VLC concerning recorded Motion-JPEG file (sorry for Polish interace, hopefully you can make something out of it). Quicktime clip info says the same. Or maybe I don't understand anything of that, which is likely as well ;)

    380 x 628 - 37K
    610 x 510 - 26K
  • @tomech, yes i know about the ptools setting, i change mine to 2fps for timelapse, but i'm sure there is some past history with changing mjpeg to 25 or 24p that makes it unusable, i just can't find the info at the moment. I think you will find there is frame skipping or something.

  • @Rambo will do testing, thx for info anyway.

  • GF2 with Driftwood's Cluster v6 'DREWnet' - Lens is quite always Canon 50mm (100mm) FD mount (w/adaptor) - f1.8. Sometimes a c-mount lens Canon VF25mm (not allowing infinity focus). Shot in AVCHD at 1080. Edited with Edius without changing anything in colours and luminance, exported at 23.9fps: is this the reason why there are some problems with the movements.. right?)

    Let me know what do you think :) Do you REALLY recommend me to use the GOP Variation "Nebular"?

    p.s.: it's me singing and playing guitars.

  • @alessiorock Very good footage, alessiorock, very sharp even with cheap c mount lens ;)

  • I tested the Driftwood´s Cluster v6 Nebular in the GF2 with a c-mount 25mm Switar lens. This is not a sharp lens, not the best to test the fabulous Nick´s work, but hope you find it "alternative".

    Test SWITAR 25mm f/1.4 with GF2 Cluster v6 from Ignacio Sanchez on Vimeo.

  • I've been using Stonebats patch because it's a little more stabile on my Sandisk Ultra Class 10 cards.

    I'm using a Canon B4 lens with doubler and have not been happy with the jello even with a tripod. So this weekend I tried using it in ETC mode without the Doubler handheld. Here's the video:

    Also, noticed I get a soft dreamy look (see last frame) when shooting wide open (f1.7). This does not happen with the doubler on. Would love to understand that better if anyone can help explain.

  • @PatrickGF

    Mine ain't a patch. It's simply a setting. Patch implies software release. PTool would be a patch. Just wanna avoid confusion :)

    I don't have much experience with B4 lens, but I heard a doubler makes it deeper DOF. Without the doubler, it'd be shallower DOF, and I wonder if that made it more dreamy look.

  • been using cluster v6 on my GF and GH bodies, very happy with it, did a side by side shoot same lens the Pani 14mm f2.5 and the GF2 and GF3 are softer than the gh2 but not bad looking , looks like good quality footage.. only looks bad when your shooting the same scene and cutting it with GH2 stuff.. then you can really see the difference.. It's about the same as when I'm cutting GH2 stuff with our Pani HMC80 ENG style AVCHD cameras. Those are $2-3k cameras.

  • Ah so many choices - eoshd's, pvdog's, videohq's and driftwood's Cluster V6. I shall test it some more.

    @Ebacherville is cluster v6 is the winner, in your opinion?

  • Jay, if you want in camera playback stick with the one posted by Stonebat on the first page, 2nd post.

  • Thanks, will do.

  • I haven't tried cluster v6 yet, but cluster v5 has been working perfectly for me for in-cam playback with sandisk extreme 45MB/s on my GF2

  • @JayB38 I have not done extensive testing with Cluster 6 on the gf2 or gf3 yet.. but on the GH2 is been awesome.. I assume it will be the same for the GFx cameras... I know it works on GFx as its loaded on both my GF2 and GF3 and they record etc just fine.. just have not had a ton of time testing with those bodies.. hard to break myself away from the GH2 :) I have a vacation coming up and will bring the GF3 with Cluster6 to save some space.

  • @subco, yep that was my conclusion as well, although I reverted to the hack StoneBat lists on the first page, there is not much to gain.

  • @subco, most important limiter is the lower quality sensor, different than GH1 and GH2.

  • Hi GF2 mates. Does anyone tried the new AN 444 sharp on GF2?. I use a set of VERY soft 16mm lenses in this camera, and I would like to try the "sharp" version of the incredible AN. I still do not know how to load these settings in the GF2. Thanks for the help.

  • Hello, I'm using a gf2 in my quadcopter, and I need a good performance patch. What do you recomend for a always moving scenario? Thanks for the advice!

  • @Stonebat Sorry guys,

    I'm in a hurry. What's the difference between the two ini files posted at first page?

    Thank you

  • I like to share with you my works with my little GF2 and my 6 lenses :D This is still Driftwood's Cluster v6 'DREWnet', edited in Edius (color grading just in some scenes), average of 23mbps, exported at 23mbps with 2 RefFrames and 2 Cons. B-Frames. Youtube seemed so f**king happy with these settings :D Let me know what you think about it.

  • GF2, nikon 80-200 Cluster v6 'Nebular' Premere Pro, MBL

  • @zinin GREAT footage! is the cheapy Nikon Nikkor 80-200 f4.5 ?