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Star Wars: Imperialism Awakens
  • 60 Replies sorted by
  • While talking to Rose about how much he loved the films he created and four of which he directed — even calling them his "kids" — Lucas said "sold them to the white slavers that take these things, and ... "

    They wanted to do a retro movie. I don't like that. Every movie, I worked very hard to make them different," Lucas told Rose. "I made them completely different — different planets, different spaceships to make it new."

    Before the deal came about, Lucas said he planned on writing and directing the sequels to his original trilogy. Then the sale occurred. Disney was not interested in his ideas for the follow-ups, so he stayed away from the production of Force Awakens, he said.

    Btw first few pages of reviews on IMDB really deliver and this is worse few pages of any more or less good rated film I saw.

  • Watched the movie. It was awesome! My list: 5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1

  • image

    632 x 625 - 56K
  • Feb issue of American Cinematographer Magazine will cover the cinematography of Force Awakens. Feb. Cinefex Issue 145 VFX of Star Wars : The Force Awakens.

  • Same here. On the second pass I was able to really appreciate the set designs and flow of the action more. The Falcon and X-wing sequences had a strange mystical feeling to them that were really enjoyable to watch in the unique vantages they were presented. Harrison Ford's performance was really impressive, even better the second time around I think. It has me wondering if Mark Hamill will also "bring it" in episode 8.

    The only thing that felt a little off was the Kylo-Rey match-up toward the end. Unless she was somehow channeling Luke, there's no way she'd be able to match Ren's skill, even with his injuries. If she came out of it more beat up I would've been more convinced and it would've seemed much less tacky. That being said, I think she's got the grit to be a great hero character, hopefully on a similar level to Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of Ripley in Alien(s).

  • Just saw it again, and I think I enjoyed it more the 2nd time. The flaws were more apparent, but it was just fun. It still genuinely made me smile and laugh with excitement in a few spots, not many movies have that effect on me.

  • And John Williams did 'mail in' the score, as brilliant as he is. The Phantom Menace score was great...

    All new trilogy sound tracks are very good.

  • I frankly enjoyed parts of this movie tremendously - particularly all the early parts before the old actors came on screen. We got a glimpse of an original Star Wars there, and that was a blast. But in my opinion, the villains and the ANH similarities were onerous. And John Williams did 'mail in' the score, as brilliant as he is. The Phantom Menace score was great...

  • Is there any confirmation of the digital intermediate format of this film? 2k, I would assume.

  • Well, here's my review:

  • I absolutely enjoyed TFA.

    Reading Vitaliy's original critique - I also enjoyed his commentary here as well.

    The film was not perfect, but it's a piece of Pop Art, and frankly I enjoyed this "cheeseburger" a lot.

    To some of the other people "hating" on Star Wars - much of that commentary is just stupid.

    And to the guy complaining about religion being "banned" from public schools - that's fucking hilarious.

    They don't TEACH Christian (or other) religion in public schools, that's something you do at home or in your house of worship. Certainly no one will STOP a child from praying at lunch or recess, whether that's to Jesus or Allah or whatever - that would be religious persecution - which we don't tolerate in US Public schools (for now).

    If you want your kids to have "more God" you should homeschool them - so they'll get a proper distorted view of reality (my own joke here).

  • Existential Star Wars

    George Lucas & Jean Paul Sartre

  • This is the star warts you're looking for...directed by gritty realist english director Ken Loach...

  • @VK _ Reading your second post from the beginning I am amazed by the clear picture of our reality now. I see it has been taken with an old Russian lens, but still! Exquisite resolution. Hundred of years and still we don't have a clue of what means to stand free from stupidity. I feel your solitude.......

  • There wasn't much complex story in the original (ANH) when that came out either.

    You mean that zero and thousand are quite close numbers? If can't stand for something without original story, just impossible.

    And to those now judging Star Wars simply because it is now "Mouse Factory" property with massive marketing, I call full, absolute Bovine Excrement. I'm sorry, but Star Wars has ALWAYS been heavily bolstered by advertising and licensing in every imaginable form, always. Even under Lucasfilm. Seriously, that's probably more than half the reason we all know it and like it in the first place.

    It is just not true. While they always got money on toys and such, marketing hype and such never had been same, and you never had 98% official reviewers posting you just complete lie (to keep theie job and access).

    It is also good idea to read SW story in 90s and role of quite good books and games (that did not bring fortunes).

    Finn retains a subtle quality of "stormtrooperness" that comes across strange until I picked up on it. His performance choices made more sense.

    How idiot and bad actor have any subtle quality? May be with other script and director he had some chance, may be. But it will be biggest surprise in movie history if something will change.

    The "new bigger Death Star" did initially seem like a poor choice, but the strength of the new Republic needed to be eliminated early in the trilogy in order to put the light side in significant peril.

    Why you need DS for this? It is not the Republic even (and whole set up has ZERO sense at all).

    I can understand the hate for the score. It was a bit dull/undefined in many places, but mixed in with the well-utilized original Star Wars score, there were noteworthy new themes. Rey's theme brings a new vocabulary to the Star Wars score toolbox, and it worked well in concert with original music in a few places.

    You can just get score and listen to it, Ray theme is quite weak thing for Williams. But if you looks for various music written by Williams you will see that he can make quite weak music, focusing into very subtle things no one notices, if allowed by director.

  • Its difficult to judge any Star Wars film independent of its trilogy, that's my personal opinion. IMO they had a heck of a lot to juggle in this film, what with introducing new characters, connecting us to those characters, connecting new with old, etc. all while keeping it entertaining in a Star Wars type of way. The real storytelling in this new saga will take place in the following two films, that much is clear and I'm personally ok with that. There wasn't much complex story in the original (ANH) when that came out either.

    And to those now judging Star Wars simply because it is now "Mouse Factory" property with massive marketing, I call full, absolute Bovine Excrement. I'm sorry, but Star Wars has ALWAYS been heavily bolstered by advertising and licensing in every imaginable form, always. Even under Lucasfilm. Seriously, that's probably more than half the reason we all know it and like it in the first place. Like it or not, that whole side of things is part of Star Wars as a franchise. Don't go hating on the new film for it, with Star Wars, its the norm.

    I've seen it twice now, and I think that there's a lot of subtlety to what they've done with some of the characters that gets missed entirely on first viewing. Not that it's some landmark of filmmaking or anything, but credit where its due and all that.

    Finn retains a subtle quality of "stormtrooperness" that comes across strange until I picked up on it. His performance choices made more sense.

    The "new bigger Death Star" did initially seem like a poor choice, but the strength of the new Republic needed to be eliminated early in the trilogy in order to put the light side in significant peril. One of the large factors that prevented the prequel trilogy from feeling like it fit in the Star Wars universe was the large scale war aspect to it. I think the choice to put the (now) small Resistance against the First Order is a wise one that lends itself better to a Star Wars hero journey.

    I can understand the hate for the score. It was a bit dull/undefined in many places, but mixed in with the well-utilized original Star Wars score, there were noteworthy new themes. Rey's theme brings a new vocabulary to the Star Wars score toolbox, and it worked well in concert with original music in a few places. I'm holding out for incredible new music in the subsequent two films. The truly significant plot/story arc elements have yet to happen, and those are the moments that are usually accompanied by the best music.

    If you don't like it, or don't like Star Wars, that's fine. But I feel like many people who take issue are taking issue with things that would be a problem in any other movie, but not in Star Wars. Things that are part of the charm, or part of the package.

    Just my 2 cents (or, my $1.99)

  • Its a JJ Abrams movie

    One knows all they need to from that

  • Man, you guys are really harsh. Sure, the plot was a fairly thin, the soundtrack was forgettable but still enjoyable in the context of the movie, and there were some "lets add this in because it looks cool even though it wont make a ton of sense" moments, but I personally feel the acting was great (SO much better than the majority of the prequels) and it FELT more like Star Wars to me than the prequels did. There are alot of unanswered questions, but hopefully the next movie will elaborate and complete the plot. We can never expect these films to equal the masterpieces of the originals, I just dont think there are enough planets to align to generate the luck and crew needed to pull that off. I personally enjoyed it, and my die-hard SW fan wife did as well. Sure, its no new-hope, but I think it is worth a 7.5/10.

  • "After this even prequels look good"

    Prequels looked good long before this. They just slightly lacked some good story and some acting.
    Music was strong, story was weak, but original.

  • We are not alone! :) other people also see the lack of clothes on the emperor...

    picked from the comments: "After this even prequels look good"

  • are you positive/have some proof of this?

    I am. It is whole market for such things and it is part of marketing budgets (of course it is not openly stated in it such ).

  • @VK: are you positive/have some proof of this? I wondered as well "how can there be not one negative review, they can't be all bought out or censored"....umm, they can? The age of Corporatocracy is upon us then.

  • One thing to notice here and one of the reasons of the post was to notice how corporations and servants are helping each other. Even IMDB have special algorithms made for each of blackbusters, with main goal to filter out any low rating and making sure that low rating responses won't make it to main page.

    Making ToM I see same patters as with this "film", battle of normal people feedback and paid/bots reviews/marks. And, guess that, bots are winning lately (yet this SW have most negative reviews in 10 pages I ever saw). And it is death spiral, as this guys cut feedback they do not like, by cutting it they make more shit and cut feedback even more. In the end they will include tickets price in the budget to have someone to watch their films, I guess.

  • I'm with VK. Not worth the bandwidth of the cam version I just watched. No creativity. I mean this story was new and well executed in Ep. IV, but rehashed as a follow-up to the Revenge of the Sith it is abysmal. The fact that it does well at the box office says more of the consumer than the product.

    @Chaos123x : the myth was made back in 1978. This is just a cash-in for the toys. Are you aware the marketing budget exceeds the cost of production above/below the line? look up the figures.