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Star Wars: Imperialism Awakens
  • Short synopsis

    Imagine if Harry Potter and all characters surrounding him grown up and one day waked up in Star Wars universe. Imagined? Well, you now get the idea how Star Wars: The Force Awakens" looks and feels.

    Almost forgot, you also need to imagine that they killed John Williams and replaced him by Siri who made all music (out of the Beats radio tracks).

    Longer no spoiler version

    What can be made out of script produced by three completely drunken people who watched Episode 4 one time and though that this is enough? Btw, some style and idiocy of Little Miss Sunshine is also present.

    What can be made out of new bad actors who lack any charisma or acting skills and talk like cheap sitcom characters and few old guys who are here for money mostly?

    What can be made out of very bad soundtrack (to quickly grasp the idea - imagine same Harry Potter with JW and after him)?

    What can be made out of tons of unnecessary CGI made without purpose and stealing any possible time from story development (I am not telling that this idiots ever had any story worth telling you, no, god forbid me!)

    What can be made out of 3D conversion for a film that was not even properly shot (wrong plans, wrong moves, various size film stock had been used) and edited to shine in 3D?

    Finally, if you put Episode 5 as 100000, Episode 1 as 1000 and Zombievers as 0 you will need to go further to the left for this Episode.

    Few small spoilers and rants

    Why the hell was to kill (sic!) Expanded Universe for this?
    Thrawn Trilogy alone (and computer games that are also part of EU and preceded TT ) have much better story and much better characters.
    Here you have only some computer generated weirdy stuff (dark master, again, on hologram) and some young idiots.
    Absolutely no logic and explanation of events (contrary to EU).

    Ok, you are out of ideas and only watched Ep. 4 (copied almost everything from it).
    So, you need another Death Star. Bigger. This one I get.
    But can you please explain me, why you need to destroy planet if you can soak the star? Why?

    Will be updated.

  • 60 Replies sorted by
  • Definition of imperialism stage of capitalism ( )

    1. The concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life
    2. The merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this “finance capital”, of a financial oligarchy
    3. The export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance
    4. The formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves
    5. The territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.

    Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established; in which the export of capital has acquired pronounced importance; in which the division of the world among the international trusts has begun, in which the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed

    Imperialism in films means that production, distribution, special effects companies, insurers, banks who credit them, all main review media, wide known reviewers personally form close conglomerate sharing finances and same interests.

    It is not a surprise that all of high grossing Hollywood films lately is accompanied by costly compain that adds paid "average Joe" reviews to the critics reviews who write that companies ask anyway.

  • As I already told, do not even attempt to listen to soundtrack, unoriginal and lame.

    I suggest to check STAR WARS: Symphony For A Saga instead to cure some sorrow (original place was , now need some time to find it, thanks to copyright bastards, but I hope you have skills).

  • I have no desire to pay money to mouse ears to watch it!!

  • Almost all the Star Wars fans are dressed up as Imperial Stormtroopers, so they support the Empire right? :) below Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade


    ...does Hollywood extract world culture like corporations extract oil and other resources? ....


  • i have absolutely no interest in this movie. The masses in the United States are like retarded children. That's why we have horrible foreign policy here. Ignorant fools live in a fantasy world.

    ok back to work.

  • A picture speaks a thousand words!image

    729 x 489 - 76K
  • So, my 1st grader (6 yrs old) came home from local public school this week asking me if we going to see the new Star Wars movie, as the school dismissed 1/2 day on Friday, Star Wars opening day for "Winter" break...

    On the other hand, if she openly prays at lunch time or talks about Jesus birthday at school she gets in trouble...

    I guess we need to learn the acceptable US Disney cult behavior, and need to include "Nation under Darth Vader & Yoda" in the US pledge of Allegiance, as Christianity is taboo...

  • @jleo: I've never heard of Valerian and Laureline before. Great catch here. Although, it's not necessarily a "bad" thing to extract ideas to others, the problem always come to the execution of the final piece of art. In the case of Star Wars, all film are very poor in the end.

    It's really like transformers and has always been: something to sell toys, t-shirt and video games. The whole film sounds more like a bank activity. I like how everyone is dressed as the empire guards. The Empire is a success, quite a terrible image of today's system.

  • You guys are being a little too negative, it was a fun movie and the direction and acting were pretty good. No cringe worthy moments like the prequel trilogy. It's biggest problem is that is a sort of a soft reboot of a New Hope. I hope they get more creative with the next ones, cause the prequels at least had some new ideas even though the acting and the dialogue needed a lot more work. I don't want a soft reebot of Empire for the next one. But all and all its a modern myth and I feel that myths are the cornerstone of culture, it's always been that way the shaman storyteller has always set the tone for a tribe not the leaders and cheifs. I think as filmmakers should make the next myth. I think people have always struggled to figure out that a myth doesn't mean fake, it's just a metaphor for eneffiable truth even though the stories are made up. But like anything else in human society it's just something somebody made up.

    All and all I guess it's still cool to hate on Star Wars. Haters gonna hate I guess. Personally I love Star Wars even the flawed prequels. I just don't like the idea of giving Disney money since I work for them lol.

  • It's biggest problem is that is a sort of a soft reboot of a New Hope. I hope they get more creative with the next ones, cause the prequels at least had some new ideas even though the acting and the dialogue needed a lot more work.

    Problem here is not hate (that is just emotions of some).

    It is just logical conclusion that people must not be allowed to get your ticket money selling you third rate fake copy with same third rate acting and dialogs, fuck, without soundtrack even.

  • I'm with VK. Not worth the bandwidth of the cam version I just watched. No creativity. I mean this story was new and well executed in Ep. IV, but rehashed as a follow-up to the Revenge of the Sith it is abysmal. The fact that it does well at the box office says more of the consumer than the product.

    @Chaos123x : the myth was made back in 1978. This is just a cash-in for the toys. Are you aware the marketing budget exceeds the cost of production above/below the line? look up the figures.

  • One thing to notice here and one of the reasons of the post was to notice how corporations and servants are helping each other. Even IMDB have special algorithms made for each of blackbusters, with main goal to filter out any low rating and making sure that low rating responses won't make it to main page.

    Making ToM I see same patters as with this "film", battle of normal people feedback and paid/bots reviews/marks. And, guess that, bots are winning lately (yet this SW have most negative reviews in 10 pages I ever saw). And it is death spiral, as this guys cut feedback they do not like, by cutting it they make more shit and cut feedback even more. In the end they will include tickets price in the budget to have someone to watch their films, I guess.

  • @VK: are you positive/have some proof of this? I wondered as well "how can there be not one negative review, they can't be all bought out or censored"....umm, they can? The age of Corporatocracy is upon us then.

  • are you positive/have some proof of this?

    I am. It is whole market for such things and it is part of marketing budgets (of course it is not openly stated in it such ).

  • We are not alone! :) other people also see the lack of clothes on the emperor...

    picked from the comments: "After this even prequels look good"

  • "After this even prequels look good"

    Prequels looked good long before this. They just slightly lacked some good story and some acting.
    Music was strong, story was weak, but original.

  • Man, you guys are really harsh. Sure, the plot was a fairly thin, the soundtrack was forgettable but still enjoyable in the context of the movie, and there were some "lets add this in because it looks cool even though it wont make a ton of sense" moments, but I personally feel the acting was great (SO much better than the majority of the prequels) and it FELT more like Star Wars to me than the prequels did. There are alot of unanswered questions, but hopefully the next movie will elaborate and complete the plot. We can never expect these films to equal the masterpieces of the originals, I just dont think there are enough planets to align to generate the luck and crew needed to pull that off. I personally enjoyed it, and my die-hard SW fan wife did as well. Sure, its no new-hope, but I think it is worth a 7.5/10.

  • Its a JJ Abrams movie

    One knows all they need to from that

  • Its difficult to judge any Star Wars film independent of its trilogy, that's my personal opinion. IMO they had a heck of a lot to juggle in this film, what with introducing new characters, connecting us to those characters, connecting new with old, etc. all while keeping it entertaining in a Star Wars type of way. The real storytelling in this new saga will take place in the following two films, that much is clear and I'm personally ok with that. There wasn't much complex story in the original (ANH) when that came out either.

    And to those now judging Star Wars simply because it is now "Mouse Factory" property with massive marketing, I call full, absolute Bovine Excrement. I'm sorry, but Star Wars has ALWAYS been heavily bolstered by advertising and licensing in every imaginable form, always. Even under Lucasfilm. Seriously, that's probably more than half the reason we all know it and like it in the first place. Like it or not, that whole side of things is part of Star Wars as a franchise. Don't go hating on the new film for it, with Star Wars, its the norm.

    I've seen it twice now, and I think that there's a lot of subtlety to what they've done with some of the characters that gets missed entirely on first viewing. Not that it's some landmark of filmmaking or anything, but credit where its due and all that.

    Finn retains a subtle quality of "stormtrooperness" that comes across strange until I picked up on it. His performance choices made more sense.

    The "new bigger Death Star" did initially seem like a poor choice, but the strength of the new Republic needed to be eliminated early in the trilogy in order to put the light side in significant peril. One of the large factors that prevented the prequel trilogy from feeling like it fit in the Star Wars universe was the large scale war aspect to it. I think the choice to put the (now) small Resistance against the First Order is a wise one that lends itself better to a Star Wars hero journey.

    I can understand the hate for the score. It was a bit dull/undefined in many places, but mixed in with the well-utilized original Star Wars score, there were noteworthy new themes. Rey's theme brings a new vocabulary to the Star Wars score toolbox, and it worked well in concert with original music in a few places. I'm holding out for incredible new music in the subsequent two films. The truly significant plot/story arc elements have yet to happen, and those are the moments that are usually accompanied by the best music.

    If you don't like it, or don't like Star Wars, that's fine. But I feel like many people who take issue are taking issue with things that would be a problem in any other movie, but not in Star Wars. Things that are part of the charm, or part of the package.

    Just my 2 cents (or, my $1.99)

  • There wasn't much complex story in the original (ANH) when that came out either.

    You mean that zero and thousand are quite close numbers? If can't stand for something without original story, just impossible.

    And to those now judging Star Wars simply because it is now "Mouse Factory" property with massive marketing, I call full, absolute Bovine Excrement. I'm sorry, but Star Wars has ALWAYS been heavily bolstered by advertising and licensing in every imaginable form, always. Even under Lucasfilm. Seriously, that's probably more than half the reason we all know it and like it in the first place.

    It is just not true. While they always got money on toys and such, marketing hype and such never had been same, and you never had 98% official reviewers posting you just complete lie (to keep theie job and access).

    It is also good idea to read SW story in 90s and role of quite good books and games (that did not bring fortunes).

    Finn retains a subtle quality of "stormtrooperness" that comes across strange until I picked up on it. His performance choices made more sense.

    How idiot and bad actor have any subtle quality? May be with other script and director he had some chance, may be. But it will be biggest surprise in movie history if something will change.

    The "new bigger Death Star" did initially seem like a poor choice, but the strength of the new Republic needed to be eliminated early in the trilogy in order to put the light side in significant peril.

    Why you need DS for this? It is not the Republic even (and whole set up has ZERO sense at all).

    I can understand the hate for the score. It was a bit dull/undefined in many places, but mixed in with the well-utilized original Star Wars score, there were noteworthy new themes. Rey's theme brings a new vocabulary to the Star Wars score toolbox, and it worked well in concert with original music in a few places.

    You can just get score and listen to it, Ray theme is quite weak thing for Williams. But if you looks for various music written by Williams you will see that he can make quite weak music, focusing into very subtle things no one notices, if allowed by director.

  • @VK _ Reading your second post from the beginning I am amazed by the clear picture of our reality now. I see it has been taken with an old Russian lens, but still! Exquisite resolution. Hundred of years and still we don't have a clue of what means to stand free from stupidity. I feel your solitude.......

  • This is the star warts you're looking for...directed by gritty realist english director Ken Loach...

  • Existential Star Wars

    George Lucas & Jean Paul Sartre

  • I absolutely enjoyed TFA.

    Reading Vitaliy's original critique - I also enjoyed his commentary here as well.

    The film was not perfect, but it's a piece of Pop Art, and frankly I enjoyed this "cheeseburger" a lot.

    To some of the other people "hating" on Star Wars - much of that commentary is just stupid.

    And to the guy complaining about religion being "banned" from public schools - that's fucking hilarious.

    They don't TEACH Christian (or other) religion in public schools, that's something you do at home or in your house of worship. Certainly no one will STOP a child from praying at lunch or recess, whether that's to Jesus or Allah or whatever - that would be religious persecution - which we don't tolerate in US Public schools (for now).

    If you want your kids to have "more God" you should homeschool them - so they'll get a proper distorted view of reality (my own joke here).