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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • @balazer , thank you, i think also better to invest on 95mb/s than 45mb/s ...

  • 95 MB/s 32 GB, certainly. It is what I use.

  • 45mb/s 128 GB or 95 mb/s 32 GB (almost same price in Sweden) what would you suggest ? I'm mostly using Cake 2.3 ...

    (Cake 2.3 spanns in all modes om my current 30mb/s 32GB HD Video cards)

    Edit: i meant same price as for 95mb/s 64GB ...

  • Money spent on a 95 MB/s card is never wasted. You get a good, fast card that will perform more reliably than anything else in the GH2, even if your encoder settings don't require the fastest card. With these prices, I see no reason to buy anything else.

  • Thanks for the info. What bitrate is Sendna?

    If I really was concerned about spanning a long event I'd use Sanity or see if Cake 2.3 would span

  • @RatLABProductions

    I have the card you linked to. Have used it for Sedna Q1 and Canis late day, without problems, except when I've made a few deletions on the card (that appears to lead to aborted recording). I haven't attempted to span with any setting.

    One issue which does concern me is occasional motion stutter in playback out of the camera, but since in most cases this occurs randomly (doesn't appear to be baked into the file), I'm assuming it's strictly a playback issue, too much data, in high-data scenes.

  • I was about to pull the trigger and hesitated on the HDVideo 45MB/s because of this thread. My head hurts from reading. I am using Cake and want to try flomotion 2.0 when it comes out. Seeing as they no longer offer the 30MB/s cards are the new 45MB/s HD video any good or is it the 95MB/s or nothing? I don't shoot that high of bitrate so spending so much on a card seems pointless to me. Although saving money and having one that doesn't work is pointless also.

  • Update to @tinyrobot's link. Adorama just dropped the price of the 64GB Sandisk card to $159.95. Had to finally splurge and hopefully be worry free on future gigs.

  • @LongJohnSilver Sorry for the late reply, but I have ordered a Sandisk 16GB Class 10 95MB/s SDHC card which is apprantly suppose to handle Sedena Q20 in all modes? Because once again, like my previous 32GB card, it keeps stop reocording in Manual movie mode and especially at ISO128000 :(

  • does anyone know where i can buy the sandisk 30 mbs hd-video (so not the new 45 mbs one) in nyc? here in nl i can only find the new ones. my bro is in ny atm so i could ask him to buy one, if theyre available. Anyone??

  • I've been testing Rig's GOP1 GH1 patch...I bought 3 Sandisk Cards today:

    8gb Extreme 30mb SDSDRX3-8192-A21

    16gb Extreme 45mb SDSDRX3-016G-A21

    8gb Extreme Pro 95mb SDSDXPA-008G-A75

    Recording this bush, it would fail instant with EVERY card. I changed the GOP to 3 and it started working, but then failed after 3 seconds or so. I stepped back a foot and it started recording alright though stream parser showed some missing frames in the high detail, but going frame by frame in Vegas, I didn't see missing frames....SIGH....super high detail and low GOP on the GH1 just don't mix....even with the 95mb cards.

    I'll test the GH2 this weekend. Also used a purple and pink filter simultaneously and the image is CC back to normal.

    1920 x 1080 - 780K
  • Thanks balazer, I found I was able to span sedna with quality set to L instead of H. I'm hoping with the faster card you mentioned, I'll be able to do both

  • Spanning depends on what card you're using and what hack settings you're using. SDXC has nothing to do with spanning - it's just the designation of SD cards 64 GB and larger.

  • Can someone clarify for me what is needed to reliably span clips? Does it have to do with certain patches and does the card need to be sdXC instead of sdHC? Or can it be done with these lower bitrates on sdhc? I have a 16gb sandisk extreme 30MB/s, I recorded 4 gigs of 1080p cinema 24p 150 megabit/s, but it wouldn't span. I'm currently using sedna Q20 verA. Is the 1080 res what is stopping me from spanning or do I need a better card/different patch? Thanks in advance

  • I found a good deal on a Sandisk Card at Best buy.. It's an Extreme type card by the way, 30mb class 10....Hopefully this will work well with a high bitrate patch

  • Perfect then

  • Beach Camera is a SanDisk authorized reseller.

  • Hummm actually it's sold by Beach Camera. Is it a reliable Sandisk reseller?

  • @tinyrobot I believe driftwood designed his latest patches specifically for 24H, any other settings have yet to be finalized or tested.

  • Okay, I tried SEDNA A 24H today with my Sandisk 16GB 30Mb/s Extreme HD. No spanning, but the file was intact. Everything looked good.

    But! SEDNA A 24L had a strange regular pattern of Intra frame spikes and falls in StreamParser. Anybody else experience this?

    SEDNA B 24H and 24L worked well without anything unusual in StreamParser.

  • @gameb

    You may want to avoid the "Ultra" cards. Hasn't proved reliable at 66mbs, and fails immediately with the latest Driftwood settings.

  • For the "new" Sandisk 45Mb/s, SEDNA A on 24H works, but no spanning. 24L works with false spanning, i.e. it will span but the last few seconds of the first 4gb chunk will be empty so spanning is effectively useless.

  • @tinyrobot currently I'm using SEDNA A settings 24p cinema mode or HBR NTSC 30p and it works. I never tried the spanning on real shots beacuse I mainly shot underwater and it's very uncommons having a shot longer than one minute. I've never tried 24L