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PTool v3.62d topic
  • 327 Replies sorted by
  • >something's wrong with the hack, I think

    It is something wrong with GH2 encoder bitrate estimator, not the hack :-)
    GH1 is even worse, of course. But GH2 is also not the best greation in the world :-)
  • @kron Yeah, I tried a higher bitrate this morning and it still had the same problem. I'm currently using a set similar to the one you posted on the maximum image quality thread but I've set the AQ to 1. GOP is still 12. I did also double the frame buffers, and I tripled both the 24H and 24L top/bottom settings. 24H is at 66MB and 24L is at 48MB, both are recording well without the cadence problem so far, well not on the test shots I was using that normally did. Also I have FSH at 32MB so I doubled the other top/bottom, but I havent tested that setting yet.

    I also set parameters that we would set with the previous ptool which we probably don't need to now such as 24H ADD to 66000000 and the video buffers to 2800000 and 3600000 respectively. Anyway, yes, I'm really happy with what I'm getting here (especially the look of motion) but will take the camera out soon to give it a proper run.
  • @Stray
    Do not touch top/bottom settings. They are ok.
  • cool, okay, will uncheck and redo. Thanks.
  • Thanks. :-)
  • What's the current understanding regarding the parameters "Video Buffer" and "Video Buffer 24p" in AVCHD Research?

    There's a note attached to these parameters stating "This value must be increased if you increase the bitrate using other patches. 2X increase in bitrate must result in 2X increase in buffer size."

    In order to address some of the other strange behavior in 3.62 I tried setting these as per the instructions. However, following this advice resulted in instant crashes of the camera with flashing LCD as soon as recording begins. No files saved at all.

    Do these parameters matter?

    In general, where is there an up-to-date description of what the ptool parameters actually do? The ptool hints are generally very terse and sometimes very obscure. For example, what is the relationship between buffer 1080 FB1 and FB2? What does buffer 1080 SB have to do with either of them?

    Without some broader understanding of the context I feel like I am just shooting in the dark when I change any of these parameters.

  • "Video Buffer" and "Video Buffer 24p" are in testers section.
    And for a reason.
    PTool adjust them appropriatly under the hood.
    About crashing - you set too high values.
  • Thanks, Vitaly, you're right - I had Video Buffer set to maximum, becuase of the 3x bitrate I was testing. Setting Video Buffers to 1/2 maximum was better, but still locked up camera in some modes.

    I was exploring tester's section because Frame Buffer size (1080p24 FB1, FB2, etc.) seems to be an important setting. Does ptool 3.62 also set these automatically?
  • Vitaliy, is it possible to bring the old G1 feature AutoReview back on the GH2? On my G1 the LCD or EVF would automatically zoom in after taking a photo when using AutoReview. This saved me a lot of time checking the sharpness but also preparing for the next shot.
  • hi Vitaly,
    I have read most of the topic about GH2 Hack, and i didn't understand if there is a meaning for me to hope and wait for 1080p 25fps shooting with GH2 (I really need 25) ? Thanks.
  • This must be a bug. I enabled the Microphone AGC 0 setting at its default value. Remote trigger doesn't work anymore.
  • >I enabled the Microphone AGC 0 setting at its default value. Remote trigger doesn't work anymore

    Just checked.
    No bug. Check your trigger.
  • @cosimo bullo
    >We are in fact seeing a very dramatic difference but only in shadows and with a LOT of motion. The difference is huge though in terms of grading. Not wanting a war here or anything, just want to clarify that we really DO see a difference. <<br />
    I think that's wishful thinking or a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy

    other parameters could influence the BQ,
    increasing the bit rate will only bring greater Files
  • What is a good way to think about managing multiple version of the firmware? It looks like we may end up with a high bitrate for some things and a lower for others. Would it be neccessary to constantly export alternating version through ptool so they have the version increment or could a way be devised to have an archive of firmware versions and upload the right one for the job?
  • "What is a good way to think about managing multiple version of the firmware?"

    Ideally this could be managed within the firmware itself (i.e., automatically or with menu options). In the meantime, perhaps you could use separate SD cards?

    SD1: stock
    SD2: 24fps low motion
    SD3: 24fps high motion
    SD4: etc...
  • So first you load sd1 and then load sd2 when you need it. If you put sd1 back in the slot and press the play button, will you again be prompted to load, or ignored because it has a lower increment than the last loaded?
  • it will work - I have gone back to previous firmwares several times. I think ptool's trick is to tell the camera its firmware version is higher than the current version, but the firmware the cam actually writes has the same version number as the original firmware.
  • I also think this should be managed in the firmware (replace/add menu option in the camera) if it is possible.
  • @vitaly or @cbrandin

    short question about Frame Buffer size settings.
    There are two settings for 24p under patches for testers / frame buffer size.
    Is the first referring to 24H and the second to 24L?
  • Good question @towi. I was also wondering which is for what, because I have a setting with 24H 3x (66mbit) and 24L 2x (32mbit). I did not change the Frame Buffer size for these (is this done automatically?).

    My goals is to get the best 24H 66mbit settings (what do you guys recommend for stable shooting with good motion cadence) and safe 24L 32mbit settings (those files span for me under 3.62, with good motion cadence). Should I change anything other than the bitrates in Ptool? I left both at GOP12 (default). The only thing that worries me is that the 24H settings have impact on the 24L settings (settings like frame limit, frame buffer so one of the two will turn out shit because of this dependence.

    This way, I can shoot 66mbit for b-roll or short scenes (24H) and 32mbit for interviews (24L).

    I hope this is going to work. Please enlighten me.
  • >Is the first referring to 24H and the second to 24L?

  • ""Is the first referring to 24H and the second to 24L?"
    Nope. "
    What a pitty. Would love to make totally independent settings for 24H, 24L and FSH.
    Well... maybe in a future release of PTools...
  • @towi my understanding is this effects the upper limits of total frame sizes. So its basically allowing for larger I frames etc much like the top/bottom settings do. That is if you have the bitrate set to use them fully, and the scene you're shooting is going to crank it up to those higher levels, and/or your AQ setting is going to push it up there. Soo.. having a larger framebuffer limit isn't going to negatively impact on your 24L settings, because it isn't going to get to those levels you've set for 24H anyway, but it's going to get to maximum frame size anyhow cos there is room for it. If anyone knows better please correct me here.
  • Do we manually need to set framebuffer and framelimit? Is it recommend or undocumented? I only changed bitrate settings in my settings file and left everything else untouched.
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