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Art vs. "Art"
  • 161 Replies sorted by
  • I like artichokes. A lot of people don't but I do. I mix mayonnaise and dijon mustard and dip the leaves into that. It's good.

    This is art. It made me feel hungry.

  • This is art.

    499 x 374 - 43K
  • "I like artichokes. A lot of people don't but I do. I mix mayonnaise and dijon mustard and dip the leaves into that. It's good." I like to dip them in melted butter and then in grated parmesan cheese.

    Art is subjective but their is still a lot of art that is real crap.

  • The trouble with Shian's little experiment is that, movies being what they are -- wholly dependent on vulgarization to succeed as works of anything -- any disparaging opinion about any filmmaker has at least some arguable validity. Somebody who said on a music blog that his dog could write the late Beethoven string quartets wouldn't be worth a second thought -- he's either an idiot or an untalented provocateur and would be banned immediately, as he should be.

    But movies? Saying the stupidest or most insulting thing you can think of doesn't necessarily put you in the realm of the moronic, because it could be true. So of course everyone takes it literally.

  • Art takes place among living, concrete, and, therefore, imperfect people. Today there is a glut of styles that bore, fatigue, and turn our stomachs because they are the fruit of a creative recipe, the work of an unsocial and poorly brought up people. The word should be aimed at people not at theories, at people not at art.

    Lynch is not one of them. You are now, cheap and unoriginal - Shian.

  • @svart - probably the deepest thing someone has said in this thread. At least it makes sense.

    But I got the popcorn out.

    Let the alienation continue.

  • Whether you buy it or get there "on your own", the end result is the same.

  • I like artichokes. A lot of people don't but I do. I mix mayonnaise and dijon mustard and dip the leaves into that. It's good.

  • Great!! (missing the point) But way to participate, and avoid answering the question.

    And keep your money, dude, you're gonna need it to buy your way to greatness.

  • Well, here's one question I've answered, "Am I going to buy your Color Gear?"

    Not any more. Some times my procrastination pays off.

  • Yes!!!!!

    Dance, monkeys. DANCE!

    And while you're at it make sure to avoid answering the question at all costs. Whatever you do, don't answer the question.


  • Why can't people just say "I don't like director xyz" instead of grandiose proclamations such as "Director xyz is a talentless affront to humanity!"

  • If we're going down the hating route and lets face it, this thread is all about pure hating, there's one director I despise for his style over substance. Tim Burton.

  • Saying Lynch sucks is safe. I think he's very talented if not a genius, but his work isn't for everyone and even I don't like or can't watch half of his films. Blue Velvet, Dune, and The Straight Story are classics and are must sees for film fans.

    Here's something a little tougher to say....Ridley Scott is vastly overrated. He's all flash and little substance. Blade Runner is one of the most overrated films of all time. It's boring outside of the visuals and the awesome performance of Rutger Hauer. He's not a good writer and/or doesn't recognize great writing.

    Most of his works suffer from that with Prometheus being the newest and most glaring example. When the Map guy said, "I'm not here to be your friend, I'm just here for the money", I rolled my eyes that one of the most hacky lines ever written was in this supposed genius filmmakers movie. Followed up with all the other glaring plotholes and bad performances(minus the great Fassbender), proved to me Scott isn't that good outside of his visual aesthetic.

  • I appreciate those who have not bothered to comment at all even more

    And I appreciate the appreciation :) Wait... did I just lose it?

  • My ex gf once told me when I was getting angry about the BS some sell as art: Stay calm and neutral, watch it closely, sleep over it. Those works you remember next day might be good ones... Very good advice. ;)

  • @Shian Thank you for opening my eyes man! Now i can see! If its you on your picture profile, the long jesus like hair might explain it why you can make a blind person see. Like a jesus... on crystal meth.

    Thats the most megalomaniac thing i have read in a while. In little parts it was almost entertaining.

    But seriously dude, i know you have easy laws in the states, but is it that easy to get prescription free stuff there?

    and how can anyone make art intentionally as you try to encourage us? as soon as you try to make art all it becomes is arty. Bresson wrote some nice stuff on that if you cared to read. As soon as it becomes intellectual its a head birth, teadious intellectualism.

    i recently watched some shit in a can in a museum not so long ago. mocking? art? who the fuck defines. and does it even fucking matter?

    strange thing is: this thread is not stimulating in any way. still i posted, maybe it is art after all??? then i want to thank you for this wonderful experience. although i still feel bored.

  • Btw, as I remember it is now legal in few states to grow your own :-)

    May be first test mode?

  • +1 @bimdas aaah now I get it!

  • you must be smoking some good fucking weed.

  • Why do you care what I think? Do you realize, by commenting on my opinion you give it validity that it did not possesses initially. My opinion is nothing if expressed in a vacuum. My opinion is nothing on it's own. Just words. You gave them value. I am nothing.

    I respect immensely those who have commented only on the thread, and not my opinion. They clearly "get it." They appreciate the art. I appreciate those who have not bothered to comment at all even more. Whether they read it and rolled their eyes, OR if they read it and laughed, both are valid.

    Those who felt the need to engage in a conversation about art, even worse, someone's opinion of art clearly do not get it.

    How we actually get to know someone has been touched upon, but not WHY. And why my tactic works has only been half answered in the attempt. Do you not see it? You already know the answer.

    Are you afraid to answer, for risk of being wrong? Are you a bold artist, or a timid one? Do you resist the need to be artistic because you resent the impetus of creation? Fuck you, I am nothing. CREATE!!


    (Worse yet, most of you are sitting in the interview chair, and don't realize it. But you can't walk out unless you know WHY. It has no power without a why. You cannot effect anything without a cause. This is causality. This is motivation. This is the "why". Why does it work?)

  • @Nino_Ilacqua

    For some strange reason your text reminded me of Carlin and the way he used to express his thinking.. :-) Thank you, totally made my day!

  • @Jasketti

    Some research showed that most monkeys (sometimes called "humans" by other researchers) consider themselfs center of universe, no matter the modern education.

    So, be softer.