Below are results of my own research and reading lot of stuff. It is not medical advice.
Probability to catch virus:
Protection measures:
Reusing N95 and surgical one time masks
Having old mask is around 100x better than having none.
Just put each mask carefully in big transparent packet, close it by turning slowly. Either just put pocket in any place for 3 days, or put outside to the hot sun. Do not do such things if you work in hospital and want to reuse mask each day - is such case you need proper sterilization.
Goverment and WHO recommendations
Fully ignore them, as their main goal is to not cause panic and protect goverment clerks.
So they'll keep telling you that you can go without mask until they can.
Specific things
Look for 3M full face and half mask and their Chinese copies. Can use other masks, but make sure you have connector to attach 3M compatible filters.
Best half mask is 3M 7500 series mask. Internal part is made from silicone. Chinese copies are considered ok.
Size is really important for 7500 series it is 7501, 7502 and 7503. Below are size charts:
For filters - you need 3M 6035 P3 filter, better to get 5-10 pairs, as stock will be totally vanishing soon. Such filters are not available online in CHina last time.
Can even use expensive P100 filters if no other options -
Try not to use open P3 filters (look like flat disks usually).
If you absolutely can't find P3 filters use 5N11 prefilters with any other chemical filter.
Most popular full face mask is 3M 6800, chinese copies are worse, but usable for our task.
Inside car all such things are totally useless. As you'll inhale all stuff well before it will filter anything (also it filters mostly air around itself).
UV HEPA Ambient Air Purifiers
Does something like this will function inside a car (plugged in lighter socket) and coworking meetings?
P.S. Along with cirurgical or kn95 mask use.
Interesting talk considering masks and face recognition
I accidentally talked with pro in face recognition (he is among leading authors of algorithms and software is used very widely by authorities).
He told that around 2-3 years ago authorities in many countries (where they did not care) suddenly started asking test results on sets of videos and photos where lot of people with surgical masks are present. So algorithm must keep very good recognition rate and low false positives for such samples. It was not very hard thing as Japan, China and few other countries always focused on good recognition of people in surgical masks.
Some authorities also asked them to do tests on sets where people had 3M half masks and hard formed 3M respirators. Absolute worst results showed half masks, from some angles and in some circumstances algorithms still work quite nice but number of errors and false positives go through the roof (for mass surveillance it is not am option) . Formed respirators are also quite bad, around 10-15 times worst results compared to surgical masks that mostly follow the face outline.
Here we can actually can see why exactly governments do not want you to even consider half masks.
Big thanks for all members and new visitors who sent emails and personal messages to me during past week thanking for above links.
Wearing such mask first requires that you know that such thing exist.
I made small survey - 99% of people have no idea. As all media at best talk about cheap surgical masks.
And such mask is actually much cheaper (as one set of filters lasts around 4 months in normal air quality).
I did not say its right thing. I just said no one wears these fancy masks here.
In India , people don't care about dust mask. No one wears this stuff
It is big amount of good people in India.
Unfortunately most people do not think with their own brain, they use herd instincts (do as people around).
And this is why millions of good people in India will die.
In India , people don't care about dust mask. No one wears this stuff
@Vitaliy_Kiselev What size is the mask 6502QL from the link you provided?( $28.88) I asked the seller and was told “ Normal “ size -;)
Sometimes it is better to shut up than to post.
For sane people - I used it for 5 weeks where day had been above 30 degrees, 2 weeks above 35 degrees in shade. For many hours a day. Little less temperatures than New Delhi average month, but very close and hot.
Such masks are used for 6-10 hours a day on all demanding construction sites, insiding India, Texas and so on. you think people from texas or new delhi are going to be using this shite where it's a 110 degrees in the shade ?
3M 6502 QL, mask that I use
Make sure to measure your face - see post one in topic.
Link to proper filters in post above.
another listing, more expensive
Proper respirator and filters available
Note that 02 means that it is for average face, make sure to check 3M measurement chart on first page -
I am not fan of gloves thing (as if you wear all stuff you wont bring virus into mouth :-) ), more fan of washing hands.
A new study and online simulation tool shows that America could end the lockdowns and beat the coronavirus in a matter of weeks if just 80% of people wore masks in public. Yes, it’s that simple: Wear a mask and you beat the virus.
Most of the anti-mask people fail to realize they are repeating CDC propaganda from February of this year, when the CDC claimed masks didn’t work, as a strategy to make sure government agencies and hospitals could hoard the mask supplies by preventing the public from realizing masks are effective.
Remember all statistical simulations are useless for your personal case, even if using cheap masks help extremely in general in your specific case wearing bad mask/respirator can lead to your personal tragedy.
In other words - if you wear cheap bad mask you still helping stop the virus, but your life can be part of this stopping process.
So, only silicone multiuse mask + good closed P3 filters are almost 100% warranty that you won't get it in your lungs. Of course you can get it still if someone at your home or where you also remain without protection have it.
Aliexpress N95 3M filters price jumped around 3x in last 14 days time.
Masks and half masks prices are still quite good.
Look for P100 filters that are left
Cheap safety goggles are a 1000x better than shields. In mex, people are going crazy with homemade shields. As well, many big outbreaks here in hospitals with under protected medical staff...even violent protests by staff. Most reduced to cheap cloth masks. Mex made big mask purchases from china....landed , unloaded, shipped to hospitals...never seen again !
I have no idea that exact mask he had, something N95 at least.
Lot of ordinary doctors in this hospital use exactly things recommended in this topic in first post (same 3M respirators and same filters). Paired with proper glasses. None of them became sick.
Face guards are effective only in chemical labs against sudden spill from reaction (and popular as they can leave you big FOV).
Small water droplets with virus have no problem with them.
US and UK especially made it popular, mostly as it is only thing they can now produce in volume.
Hence, either full face mask or proper glasses paired with respirator.
Was he only wearing that mask? Medical professionals in USA are wearing face guards in addition to the medical masks. Some have complained about having only blue masks and not n95 masks. Quite a few med professionals have become sick with covid, so i wonder where the PPE failures occured.
This guy is head of central coronavirus hospital in Moscow, did not remove beard, got sick, infected other people among personell (how many is secret), caused chaos in hospital. Completely irresponsible stupid guy.
Alright, to be clear, I do not condone improper usage of respirators, and advise anybody reading to learn, understand, and follow proper procedures and protocols for applying and using any respirator or mask.
Working with "imperfect seal" is not allowed. I know as I had been related to one of such work.
Every worker performs seal check, and master checks this.
Having beard is not allowed, no matter that. It includes both chemical hazards and dust/aerosol particles.
Please do not suggest fopr people to make games here.
I personally shave, yes, but I'm just relating my experience with the face-shield mask in the past. The hazards at my job are typically not that bad, more of a nuisance in most cases, although there are definite acute and chronic inhalation hazards. Even with the imperfect seal, I would rate it better than any N95 mask for filtration. I don't think incidental covid contact is resilient enough to easily bypass a medical mask, but more protection and proper use, as you underscore, is always better.
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