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GH3 Best Video Settings
  • 814 Replies sorted by
  • @andersen123 Well done! Love the music, the shots look a tiny bit underexposed, but good control of the highlights and I enjoyed your shot composition. Did you use any filters?

  • @rNeil - Thanks for the confirmation. I'm going to be experimenting over the next week or two to see if I can get things more dialed in. It is a real shame that Panasonic elected to not include 422 10-bit HDMI out. (Sigh!)

  • @GlueFactoryBJJ ... Was just looking at some 4k from the GH4 on a full 4k monitor at NAB yesterday ... yea, why didn't they put all that in our GH3's? ( ha ... )

    Still, dialed in with good post, the GH3 isn't anything to be embarrassed about ....

  • @rNeil - Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my GH3. I just really don't care about 4K right now. I know the potential advantages, but I don't need them right now or, frankly, for the next couple years. What interests me more about the GH4 is the high frame rate 1080p and potentially more accurate color/latitude from the HDMI port. I record sports that my kids participate in and that would be really nice.

    For someone like me, the 422 10-bit capture of the sensor data would be nice when I mess up with the exposure or white balance and need some elbow room to adjust it to my liking. 10-bit helps with capture all of the dynamic range that is available from the sensor. The 422 helps make sure that the colors that are captured are more faithful to the scene than what is available from 420.

    I can't remember if it was this thread or another, but this link (below) really illustrates the problem with 420 chroma subsampling:

    If the "Manual" part of the bottom graphic is pretty close to correct colors, then all of the variance in the colors from the video frame grabs with the different picture styles are (mostly) a result of the 420 (and a bit of the 8-bit color space). The results on this page (Original/Manual vs GH3 Picture Styles frame grabs) are in line with that found in the graphic about 1/2 way down on this page:

    Wikipedia also has a decent article on this:

    I'm just posting this for anyone who isn't familiar with the issues. IMO, the GH3 does an amazing job with its video, especially considering the challenges the codec team had to overcome with outputting 420, 8-bit!

    Overall, I'm very happy with the GH3! I just wish it hadn't been left wanting for some things I think it SHOULD have had output wise.

    Anyway, I'm going to go out and play around with Picture Styles and then contrast, sharpness, saturation, and noise reduction for awhile. Wheee! :)


  • Love mine too ... with the little (or sometimes not so little) irritants that come with it. EVERY tool will have them. That's part of what makes having them fun, though, isn't it? I know mid-70's through late-90's Jag owners ... who love their cars ... constantly berating the original electrical harnesses shorting out every few weeks, and the way those Brit-designed/built vehicles could NOT take 90*-and up heat without blowing their cooling systems out ... on cars they'd nursed for 20 years! :)

  • Well, I have had a chance to play around with the Picture Styles and I can see I will have my work cut out for me. I started in the late afternoon (clear sky) with the sun dropping low toward the horizon. A bit before that mythical "golden hour". :)

    First, I tried setting the Camera to "P" and auto WB/exposure and checking all of the Picture Styles with contrast, sharpening, saturation, and noise reduction (NR) set to "0". I will probably just set the WB to avoid any color cast issues due to oddball WB changes.


    When I look at the ~30 second clips I took on my back patio (on my calibrated monitor(s)), everything appeared over sharpened, over saturated, excessively contrasted, and under exposed compared to what I could see with my eye.

    I thought, "Hmmm, this is going to take longer than I thought."

    So I set the Picture Style to "Standard" and tried adjusting the EV comp by +1/3, +2/3, and +1 stop. About +2/3 stop seemed right on my monitor. That helped get the brightness of the colors (mid tones) in the right ball park, but then many of the highlights were blown out. UGH!

    And I had some ugly color casts in sun faded browns on the "umbrella" on the patio. Double UGH!

    Then I realized that the problem was that the contrast was too high. Arrrgh!

    Just like calibrating a TV, "brightness" (i.e. exposure) and contrast are inter-related. When I adjusted the contrast back down (-4 to start), the apparent "brightness" of the colors increased, so I didn't need any EV comp.

    Also, as you would expect, there was a significant increase in shadow detail. Detail that was just crushed out with the contrast set to 0. AND some of my highlights came back. So now I'm going to have to play around tomorrow with various contrast settings to see what works best.

    Oh, I also decided to set sharpness and NR to -5 for the reasons I thought I'd end up there in my post a couple back. I'll play with them later once I get the Picture Style, contrast, and saturation settings worked out as sharpness, especially, alters color and apparent brightness.

    And as I adjusted the contrast, the apparent saturation changed. Needless to say, I'm going to be busy trying to the myriad variations available to get my GH3 in its "sweet spot". At least I have some of the variables narrowed down.

    Anyway, that is today's adventure.

    As the serial "Scott's adventures with GH3 settings" continues... :-D

  • Hello all. Just wanted to say thank you for your input, comments and advise since I started this thread a year ago last May.

    I Sold my GH3 to be able to purchase the GH4 and made the purchase on line Friday. Hopefully the GH4 will arrive soon!

    I've started the same thread topic for the GH4 for anyone wants to participate.

  • Hi erveryone ! I got a gh3 a few months ago, and i already shot a short film with it in january with the AVCHD codec... Since a few days, i'm planning to work with .mov settings, but it looks like .mov is flatless than avchd... Is it normal ? I used erything at -5 with natural settings at iso 200

    AVCHD = MOV = (50Mpbs)

    It's quiet embarrassing for color correction if i can't get some better "flat-look"... Does someone have any tips ?

    Sorry for my bad english, i don't practice it a lot... I hope that I can make myself understood ! :)

  • @Draksider

    A lot of the folks around here use the mov over the AVCHD, for noise reasons ... less with mov. And after first trying out everything at -5, the consensus has been more contrast -4 to -2, sharpness -5 to -3, saturation around -2, noise at -5.

    This is using either "standard" or "neutral" profiles most often. DO get a nailed WB in-cam, and of course dead-on exposures. You don't have the latitude to get either wrong and get the best end-result.

    Done right, over all it's a pretty nice rig.

  • @Draksider

    GH3 mov uses luminance levels 0-255 like new GH4 (adjustable). GH3 AVCHD uses normal rec709 luminance levels 16-235. If you play GH3 mov with normal settings in player you loose 16 levels in blacks and 20 levels in whites and video looks too contrasty.

    GH3 mov is better codec than AVCHD. It has more information and much less artefacts in motion. Audio is too superior in mov. It is more easy to use (recording starts faster, simpler files, better numbering...)

  • Made my own music video to showcase one of my songs. It's electronic music aka melodic dubstep. Anyhow... made this with my GH2 and GH3. All details in the description. If you like the music better alone its available online on the major streaming sites. Enjoy.

  • @Vesku @rNeil

    Thanks for answering me ! You are right, noise is much better in .mov ! Vesku, could you say me how i can change this "normal player settings" ? It looks weird for me to need to edit the player, for having the "real" camera results...

  • @Draksider ...

    Most welcome. We learn from each other around here ... very helpful all in all. :)


  • @Draksider

    You can change video levels in your graphics card settings or maybe your player settings. If you want to see full range of GH3 mov video levels you must choose 16-235 in graphics card video color settings.

    Windows media player has no color settings but many others has. I use Potplayer. I can change video levels whatever I want in Potplayer so I can make some kind of "grading" in real time. For example I has overexposed skiing videos which looks fine when I make color correction preset for them in Potplayer. In fact I has many color settings for different cameras and situations. All settings in Potplayer can be saved as presets including color corrections, sharpening, noise reduction and even zooming. It is funny to use smooth zooming during playback and see how sharp GH3 videos really are.

    Potplayer is also handy because it shows videos seemingly without any black screen between files. It is like watching edited result.

  • A revisit to the GH4/GH3 footage edit.... All the GH4 footage shot in CINE D

  • No particular concept in this video, just trying to push as always gh3 in the extremes.

  • So... I was a part of this GH3 chat a while ago.

    I am wondering what genuine benefit I would get from purchasing a GH4? I know 4k and everything but all my delivery is in HD and is likely to be for a long time. Your eyes can only see 1.3k or something anyway. And I've since bought a BMPCC which in terms of grading and cinematic look etc I absolutely love.

    That said, the GH3 is my workhorse. I use it probably 3 thirds of the time for practical reasons. The skin tone problem still bugs me and seems present to me about half of the footage I shoot. I can't figure out where the variable comes from, my Panleica 25mm definitely looks less pinky skinned than my 14-140. So yeah, just trying to figure out if I should take the plunge and upgrade, or just wait.

  • I loved my GH3 but the GH4 is a big step up. 4K downsampled to 1080 looks damn good. But, if you don't care for that.. the zebras, focus peaking and better OLED are really nice too.

  • I was hesitant to buy my gh4 but after shooting with it, my gh3 seems like the gh1 to gh2 comparison.

    The focus peaking and better evf was enough to sell me 100% plus the upgraded codecs

  • So....

    Been using the GH3 for a while now - probably the best part of a year. I've tried a few different settings, but still haven't really found any that blow me away - with skintones always a bit of a problem. I can get some decent looks - especially when I'm lighting and it's not a doc approach - but I'm working 'round the look, rather than having the look work for me.

    Here's the latest thing I've shot - it's a teaser for the feature I'm making in August. I'm only going to use the GH3 as a B-cam, and for some slow-mo on the shoot, with a BMPCC as the A-Cam. It's a shame, but it just doesn't give me enough flexibility in the look...

  • Hi there,

    Very interesting topic, here is a test I've made with the natural profile @ -5, -5, 0, -5. Everything shot in MOV IPB 50MB @ 50p (pal version). Next time I try with -5, -3, 0, -3. Natural seems to work well in daylight.


  • ​Hello, I have read all the 32 pages and I'm full of technical details. Thank you first of all because you have helped me with various information. I have done also many tests with the custom settings as all of you. I have read and tested various and various combinations. I believe it's no use to upload my test videos.

    I have lenses leica 25mm f1.4 and I have got this camera most for indoor videos, especially for low light rooms, that's why I bought this lenses. From what I have seen from GH3, I'm very impressed.

    Some things that I have noted:

    1) In low light and using tripod or moving the camera, I'm using AVCHD (1080p-50p (PAL)) as the frame rate it's more smooth and not choppy and it's a bit brighter and with less noise as it is in MOV. If the video is static I can use MOV.

    2) In good light (e.g. outdoor) I believe MOV FHD 50p is the best but I have not done many tests and I'm not sure.

    3) I'm using AFS/AFF focus because the others I think have awkward focus

    4) ISO 1600 because the other ISOs are not so good

    5) Menu, Video, Exposure - set to P. I tested with M and some shutter speed combinations e.g. 1.x/30 or 1.x/50 but more or less is the same with P. For instance 1.6/30 is brighter but choppy, 2.0/100 is darker with lot of noise, so I believe it's fine with P.

    6) I had taken as granted the -5 sharpness because everyone in this forum was referring to and also some youtube guides. I had also used many -5 in the settings as a flat image but the thing is that when you have flat video, you have to rely so much afterwards in post production and filtering / plugins, etc. Why!?! Why don't you just take a normal video with normal settings, eg 0 0 0 0 and then you do whatever you want if it's necessary? So, the -5 sharpness didn't work for me but +5 worked (!)

    7) So the portrait with combination ONLY +5 sharpness (0,+5,0,0) had very good image to me !! And I have put in Sony Vegas and I just add brightness & more contrast (one setting only) and voila. It was just fine. No other settings.

    8) Just for the record (I don't know if I will use these again in the future) in standard custom, the -5 -5 -2 -5 had a good brightness and the -5 -5 0 -5 had good colors. I haven't seen a lot of differences between AVCHD and MP4. Same bit rate, same file size and the quality in the video is more or less the same.

    Starios I'm near to Athens and maybe we could go out some day for a chat (se kammia kafeteria pou exei gemisei o kosmos..).

  • hello guys i need an advice.i will be filming in Italy with GH3 and i need advice for best settings for day and night shooting obviously daytime lot of sun and lots of night shootings,i want relatively flat image nothing extreme easy colorgrading.any advice? i will be using voigtlander lenses

  • In order of course in the menu it's contrast, sharpness, saturation, & noise reduction. So ... here goeth some advice.

    First, this is NOT a Log or RAW camera. When we first got 'em a couple years back, like everyone else, I immediately jumped on the ALL-I bandwagon and set all the above options to -5 to get the flattest possible image. NOT wise, as it turned out. Not at all. After many experiments personally, and participating here and reading/viewing what others tried and were finding ... and some of the posts were rather critical of Panny & the GH3 in particular ... "we" found it wise to back off a bit. Take the camera as it is for what it does do, which ... it does really pretty decently at.

    Second, you can shoot this thing both for direct-delivery with a wide range of settings in-cam, including the artsy modes, and many do. Or you can shoot it for best post/grading workflow, as I do. I've never played much with any of the artsy stuff, i-whatevers and all, but many have, and have done cool things with them. So understand my settings are for a post-processing workflow that includes PremierePro & Speedgrade.

    Third ... ALL-I hasn't been as nifty as we'd hoped. Most of us don't use it, really, as it can be noisier at times, especially with sort of blocky noise. I find AVCHD a bit of a pain, and as the MOV seems to work great, it's simpler to work with afterwards. Also some found more noise in AVCHD than the MOV.

    I shoot in Natural with the below settings on realistically everything. I know where I am & what I'm getting. Some have other preferences, of course. I tried "Portrait" and that just seems to make the skin tones worse.

    Camera settings:

    NAIL EXPOSURE IN-CAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There is no way to over-emphasize the above. You do NOT have the dynamic range to recover anything unless you are shooting in say a very flat-lit studio settings. STRONGLY suggested you learn to use an incident light meter and know where your highlights will fall. Shadows can be set to black to get rid of noise, but ... banded or blown highlights are forever!


    Again, you don't have the data down-stream to "re-set" your white-balance the way I've been used to with say the RAW still files off my Nikon D3. Get your WB as close to 'normal' in-cam during exposure, then modify it in grading later.

    Contrast: -3

    You can set it anywhere ... but lower doesn't get you anymore detail recorded, it just "raises" the visible shadows with their accompanying noise, and higher contrast settings can lose some data occasionally.

    Sharpness: -3

    Doesn't "hurt" my footage here, doesn't "help" it either ... best possible world in in-cam sharpening. First caveat, of course, "do no harm", right?

    Saturation: -1

    Yea, I was LOW sat for a while ... but the colors sometimes would be ... a bit unique, perhaps? ... in totally relying on sat gains in post. Also remember, contrast and saturation are the two main parts of image information, realistically ... raising contrast affects saturation and vice-versa. Dropping both way down seems to limit the total information recorded ... not the right technical way of saying it, but in effect "true". Widest range of detail capture seems to be done by going low on contrast, low/middling on saturation.

    Noise Reduction: -4

    Ok, not the best part of the Panny design ... so most people set it pretty low. YMMV, of course.

    With the above settings, I can go into PrPro & edit, then over to Sg to grade, and it ... works. And grades rather well. Other than a LUT I've made using LUT Buddy (and a similar "Look" in Sg) to sort of get past the dang skin tone thingie Panny did to this camera. A secondary on skin tones to slightly increase contrast in magenta/reds in the mids, and change magenta hue slightly to red (less blue), seems to make the skin a bit more "real".