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Driftwood ClusterX series 2:│moon│ЅріzZ│nebula│drewnet│Slipstream │Redshift
  • 1053 Replies sorted by
  • Yeah, I would upload it, but then I can't sell it :-/

  • Meh, sell it. I'd support a moon 5 film!

  • @schlanger77 swirly bokeh at 1:17. What lens is this?

  • so any thoughts on quantum v9b updated vs Moon Trial 5?

  • @schlanger77 Ima guess voightlander lens.

  • Question. Would it be possible with MoonT5 to get shots recorded at 50mb/s? I thought it had a base of around 100mb/s even with static shots and and not much going on. I'm shooting some slow push in slider shots for a commercial and they are all averaging around 50. I think I'd be better of with Drewnet at these record rates.

  • @drifwood: I downloaded Movist for mac and all the .MTS files work perfectly.

    I'm using ClipWrap 2.6.0 to transcode the .MTS to ProRes LT and to rewrap the files to .MOV. I still get the broken videos each time.

    I also use Final Cut Pro 7 to transcode the files to ProRes LT and I still get the broken video files.

    What software do you recommend to transcode the .MTS to .MOV?

    I'm on a Mac 10.8.3., 16GB ram and raid SSD drives.

    Thank you very much for your help!

  • Well 'Moon' trial 5 is beautiful to say the least. FYI: It did span for me shooting in 24p High. With the 95MB/s 64GB Extreme Pro Card. Only shot for about 16 minutes for the test. Playback in camera worked as well. (I'm on a Mac Pro so I used Clipwrap. It found two files and wrapped them together no problem.)

    A couple of questions if someone would be so kind:

    1. Has anyone tested or had any experience with spanning capabilities of DREWnet Trial 8? I absolutely love 'Moon' but it's high mode only gives me 55 minutes (95MB/s 64GB Extreme Pro Card) on the camera display. Out of all the Cluster X Series 2 settings descriptions, DREWnet looks to be a safer, middle-of-the road, bit rate but with a higher quality recording capability than say Slipstream 1b. (By the way Slipstream 1b kicks butt with spanning. Even on my Ultra 32GB 30MB/s Cards.)

    2. How reliable is the "remaining time" on the camera display when a patch is installed? I've watched the time count go up while recording but the time remaining doesn't seem to decrease in the same time intervals. Just wondering how reliable the display is so I can govern the amount I can shoot when out on location. (Searched this on Personal View with no luck)

  • @maddog15 As far as I know, the camera is constantly "estimating" the remaining time as you record based on the average bitrate used. Bitrate changes depending on the scene you're filming so it is not a "constant variable" for remaining time calculations.

    My experience is that the actual recording time is never under the remaining time displayed on the screen. Having said that, except a few exceptions, I do not push the card to go all the way. I'd rather be safe than sorry - I change my card at the first possible moment when it shows under 3 minutes remaining time.

  • WarLightUK

    Hadn't considered (and I'm now assuming) the variable bit rate as the camera records. Makes sence now why the display reads as it does while recording.

    Thanks much for your time and advise.

  • @maddog15 No worries... Yeah, the variable bitrate of patches makes the recording times vary. "Remaining time display" is a good guideline but not 100% accurate...

  • @driftwood Here is a quick video I made with Intravenus v1, but I was wandering few things : - Which is better, Intravenus v1, v2 or Boom for this kind of shots with 50% details ? (no 720p on Boom :/ ) - Does low Q ones works well on scenes with movement (moving head, ..) - Low Q patches have to be better than high Q for green screen application ? - How many percentage of the screen have to be undetailed for patches with low Q to work the best ?

  • @ValentinDeluy Boom. Period. A new version of Boom is in the works with support for 720p. I've tested moon on Green Screen and its very good. I haven't run comparisons against Canis Majoris 'Green Screen' setting which I spent considerable time designing.

    As to your quick test, everything seems to look good. If I'd have been there I would have been tempted to get out the pliers to his nose hair! ;-)

  • @schlanger77 FETT !!! awesome!

  • Cluster X Moon V5

  • @drifwood yes Nick, Rob was extremely happy with those videos and people think that I spent a lot of money too. Everything thanks to your hard work.

  • @omnidecay that swirly bokeh that you are talking about was made with the helios 44-2 58mm f2.0. great vintage lens I love it. @butt thank you I appreciate that @Stylz No, that wasn't the voigtlander lens, but i did use the 25mm voigtlander a lot for this video. @drifwood Nick thanks again for making this camera one of the best camera out there.

  • I think Drewnet 8 is gonna be my events hack

  • I won't upload my film, but here are some screengrabs of the next one I'm working on. (These are straight MTS from the GH2. VLC is able to play them back and stretch out the 2x anamorphic from my Kowa 16-H while it's at it.) Moon Trial 5, Konica AR 40mm f1.8 (at f2.8 for all shots), Kowa 16-H anamorphic, Tokina ATX 0.4 diopter (except last shot) and LightCraft Fader ND MkII.

    I know they aren't full resolution screengrabs, but even at this size you can see how good Moon Trial 5 is.

  • Hello All,

    Testing DREWnet Trial 8. Getting conflicting numbers on bit rate. From the notes on personal-view I should be seeing bit rates from 80-88 on 24p? Don't understand how the bit rate is showing much higher than expected. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps there's something I don't understand. Just really want to make sure I've loaded the patch correctly.

    Thanks much.

    360 x 251 - 36K
    359 x 246 - 36K
  • @maddog15 Ive said this before. Im using 154Mbps in bitrate settings to set up / trick the virtual picture buffers into a high automated setting (something Ive learned that works for this mode) but the actual recordings will avg around 80-88Mbps. This negates the need for me to enter a fixed value in other settings :-) Now work that out!

  • Thank you Mr. Driftwood for your reply. I really appreciate all you've done. Every patch is like a new camera.

  • Here is a cheap production... Actors are not paid...

    @driftwood Nick's Moon Trial 5... Lumix 25mm f1.4 lens...

  • Moon 5 on a GF2. The one of the tree trunk is with cc.

    1440 x 900 - 2M
    1440 x 900 - 2M
    1440 x 900 - 1M
    1440 x 900 - 2M
  • More great news about DREWnet Trial 8! Shot continuous for about 35 minutes today on 24p High. 5 files spanned with no problem. (64GB 95Mb/s Sandisk Extreme Pro Card) Also tried 720p High...spanned as well. FWIW: Playback worked with the 720p test. Playback didn't work on the 24p test. Shot short clips after each. Turned camera off and back on to be sure.

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