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Zacuto 'Revenge of Great Camera Shootout,' featuring GH2
  • 261 Replies sorted by
  • @thepalalias the comment I've heard from a few DOPs I work with is that there is something magical about the gh2 24p cadence that they don't get from reds... do you find this? Whenever I look at red footage I have the feeling of seeing incredibly high quality stills strung together, whereas with the gh2 (and alexa for that matter... ) it feels somehow transportative and there's some sort of intangible magic. Yeah, super technical explanation...

    Just trying to put my finger on what the testers in this screening saw, and why they had such a meh response to red and sony footage (other than the f65)

  • @brianluce I guess you're referring to the French slang: "bander" in that comment ;)

  • @brianluce "Really? It's a good way to minimize banding. See page 69 of the manual."

    damn... I had no idea. I'll have to look into this.

  • @shian Yes, the flexibility in post is a huge difference. It was interesting to me to shoot with the RED Scarlet a week after watching a C500 movie (Man and Beast) and getting to spend a few minutes of hands on time with the camera.

    Sometime I would love to try grading C500, F65 and RED footage to see what strengths each brought (I am less interested in the Alexa because of the resolution but still interested). I heard at least one colorist (that worked with footage from alll of them) that their favorite to work with was the C500 because of the highlight roll-off (among other things) even though it had a narrower dynamic range (12 stops). Someone else that had graded all but the C500 really loved the F65.

    But wherever those line up vs each other, the gap between GH2 footage and RED footage in terms of post is pretty huge and I have not had any issues on the RED so far.

  • see what you did there.

    EDIT:OOps ...I meant

  • @bwhitz

    That's weird... I've never operated a camera with my wiener before. :)

    Really? It's a good way to minimize banding. See page 69 of the manual.

  • Help me Help me, there are 2 red users and 7 canon user bashing at my door, they want to hire my GH2

  • @shian

    the options out there are very workable for many situations

    I totally agree! I see many digital films where there are situations where the content looks as good as film - or better. Then you get a night scene where everything goes that khaki which a whole generation of colourists have decided looks natural.

    If the cameraman is a 12-inch ****head, the guy behind the computer's an even bigger one! ;-0

  • "'s not the camera..but the 12 inches behind the camera that counts." That's weird... I've never operated a camera with my wiener before. :)

    LOL- at the fact i bet it's not 12 inches ;)

  • "'s not the camera..but the 12 inches behind the camera that counts."

    That's weird... I've never operated a camera with my wiener before. :)

  • @thepalalias Yes. If the GH2 had that extra DR, I'd use it side by side with the RED, but in conditions where I light for the GH2's DR, you can get footage that cuts pretty well with RED shot in same scene. Not perfect, but decent. But it's a waste of the Red's DR.

    the R3D files are almost unbreakable in post. You can bend and twist the image really far, and in some case more so than film. If it were less buggy, and had that super smooth highlight roll off of film, it would be a perfect camera.

    We're maybe another 5-10 years away from a system that will in every way replace film without excuses. But the options out there are very workable for many's not the camera..but the 12 inches behind the camera that counts.

  • In the Driftwood CM thread I discussed some of the very important areas where you can see the RED cameras completely exceeding the image quality of the GH2. But if you control the conditions or choice of shots to play off the cameras strengths, you can use the GH2 very well and you can probably start filming quicker for each shot. My initial impression is that they work well together on the same production. Media and power are also much cheaper for the GH2.

    But make no mistake -a RED camera has MUCH wider dynamic range and you will miss it if you have shots with a wide dynamic range in your piece. I know I did the next day. Plus, there were never any flashing shadows in the lower third of the histogram and I could tell both where I would clip my highlights and where the shadows would be noisy and I could go through the whole shoot without having to worry about changing ISO since it was all metadata. Some things I like better on the GH2, of course (like easily being able to delete individual clips I had shot, which does not happen on the Scarlet if you read through the manual in its entirety) and the lens selection is quite different between the two.

    But there is no doubt that the RED cameras have more than enough features to justify the price difference, and that they do affect image quality. But if you are outputting 2K, then you will not be noticing that difference in terms of resolution, but rather in other factors.

  • reaction to hacked GH2 at Lucasfilm Skywalker Ranch/ Zacuto Test Footage

    Posted by Zacuto

    "Yesterday we screened the Test Footage at SkyWalker Ranch and recorded comments of the viewers that will go into the 2012 Shootout. the audience viewed it blind not knowing which camera was which and Let me just say that many people picked the GH2 as their favorite including a special guest that I will not name--not George Lucas--but will blow you away when you see it in episode two on July 15th. "

  • It'll go something like this

    "Do you know who I am? I'm Canon Camera company, the biggest, best selling, most awesome camera company. I am God of DSL--"


    "Puny God...."

  • @shian "I just wanted to let everyone know now that I thought of it first, so when it happens I can take all the credit :)"

    lol, that will be funny.

  • spoiler alert don't read this if you haven't see "The Avengers" yet... it will ruin the best part of the movie,

    I really can't wait till The Avengers is out on video, cuz the Hulk-Loki scene will become the new "PWN'D" meme, and the GH2 Slamming the other DSLRs about like a rag doll will be all over net. (I just wanted to let everyone know now that I thought of it first, so when it happens I can take all the credit :)

  • It is not topic about GH2 or GH3, please use appropriate topics. It is my fall for starting all this, but it is time to move to proper places.

  • I LOVE lens flares.....gimme MORE lens flares.

    Plus I hate having to screw the damn things on, OR popping them into a frame and sliding them into the matte box.... just a hassle... gimme a button!!!!

  • I don't know why folks want built-in ND. External ND's help cut down on lens flares and internal reflections so much.

  • As a side note, there was a motion stutter in one of the GH2 Zacuto test clips -- the same thing I see when using in-camera playback. I had assumed this was strictly a camera playback issue.... But maybe it isn't(?) Has anybody seen it in actual high-data files, as opposed to just playback out of the camera?

  • @brianluce The limiting factor is all in our heads, let's all go out and shoot some Epic ish.. Yeah the GH3 Cannot be that much better your right.. @vitaliy_kiselev right on will only have a couple more options thats all. @peternap I guest 7D's are not a hot commodity anymore 2days is really a long time try ebay it will sell.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev It'd be nice if they moved the I/O'sto the right on the GH3, so you can use them with the Varavon Loupe.

  • @shian Not so loud. I've had my 7D on Craigslist for 2 days without a bite...

  • I'm not especially excited about the GH3, how much better can it be?

    It just will be more handy in some things. Like better screen and viewfinders, more fps options, proper outpus and audio in hdmi. Something like it.