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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • More on vaccines

    Mordor vaccine is based on modified adenoviruses (Ad5 and Ad26).

    Issue is that if you have immunity against them (and lot of population do) - whole will will fall apart due to destruction of initial batch of adenoviruses before any COVID immunity could be formed.

    Same, at least partially, is true for repeated usage of vaccine - each time efficiency drops very significantly. Idea here is to hope that immunity will drop enough after pause from previous shot.

  • Restoration looks such:


    791 x 523 - 53K
  • @Vitaliy...""Nice developments and good reminders""....notice how overweight most of these young adults are ? Don't get your hopes up. I doubt they could even raise the blade of a real guillotine. I guess that's why they executed a teddy bear.

  • @kurth

    You are taking all too literally.

    Thing that they are doing is shifting the Overton window. One year ago they won't be able to do the thing they did. So, never say never, real guillotine with present speed can appear quite soon.

    P.S. Teddy Bear is not just random thing as mayor of Portland name is also Teddy "-) Yes and mayor is Democrat. Trump lovers logic falls to the ground.

  •'re dreaming. I guess you weren't around in 68 to 71. Then there were a million sharp mfkers who knew what they were protesting...not a small bunch of overweight losers who aren't sure what sex they are.

  • @kurth

    This has nothing in common with old students and similar guys protests.

    Of course now it is all very strange as it has almost no leaders and lack of good organization. But history shows that it is always such, first people learn and slowly leaders and real stuff emerge.

  • Everything that Trump offers is bad according to media

    Donald Trump on Sunday announced the emergency authorisation of convalescent plasma, a method involving taking plasma from people who have recovered from Covid-19, for coronavirus patients.Dr Soumya Swaminathan, chief scientist at the WHO, stressed that it was still unproven and that there was “very low evidence” it was safe and effective.

    “There are a number of clinical trials going on around the world looking at convalescent plasma … but only a few of them have reported on results. The results are not conclusive. The trials have been relatively small and the results in some cases point to some benefit but have not been conclusive. We have been tracking this and do ongoing … reviews to see where the evidence is shifting or pointing at and the moment it is still very low evidence,” she said.

    Dr Bruce Aylward, senior adviser to the director general of the WHO, warned that the side-effects of convalescent plasma ranged from mild chills and fevers to more severe lung problems and circulatory overload.”

  • Things are shifting

    "We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States. But again, let’s just get out there and mobilize, organize, and not let the President deter anybody from voting. And again, support the postal system which is election central," said the 80-year-old Democrat.

    "They’re doing everything they can; suppress the vote — with your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforcement will be there, diminish the role of the postal system in all of this. It’s really actually shameful. Enemies of the state," she continued.

    Words always follow some real shifts.

  • Situation with small business is bad


    800 x 638 - 59K
  • The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said this week that people exposed to Covid-19 but not symptomatic may not need to be tested, shocking doctors and politicians and prompting accusations the guidance was politically motivated, Reuters reports.

    The advice marks a reversal of the agency’s previous position recommending testing for all close contacts of people diagnosed with Covid-19.

    Idea is to cut testing to adjust charts.

  • From all we know this is extremely shortsighted and will backfire strongly in a few weeks.

  • Canada GDP in Q2 2020 is 38,7% lower YoY

  • Berlin police attempted to disband a mass protest in the German capital against coronavirus curbs a few hours after it had begun because marchers failed to keep their distance and wear masks as instructed. The protest came as infections rise across Europe and as public frustration at measures to contain the virus grows in some quarters. Similar events took place in Paris, London and elsewhere on Saturday.

    Most fun is that usually media who help to form this crowds are belonging to same companies and people who also own other media pushing coronavirus restrictions. Some kind of diversification, and also nice attempt to use natural selection.

  • Libertarians doing their usual old thingy

  • Issue with savings


    737 x 397 - 34K
  • Lack of any logic


    Entrance exams in Uzbekistan, on fresh air on stadiums.

    At exactly same time int he Mordor with much more official infected people all universities and schools work as usual (yes, it is talks about various safety measurements, but in reality it is bullshit).

    Even more logic is that 1.4 million people compete for 150000 places, what this is for? Make it real constant remote learning and cancel any idiotic exams. People who will be able to keep with courses and properly pass course tests will get qualification papers. Simple.

    800 x 477 - 84K
  • Germany’s health minister, Jens Spahn, has said the country will not need to enter another nationwide lockdown over the winter to keep Covid-19 under control despite a rising number of infections.

    Something tells me that he lied.

  • China’s aviation regulator said it will resume direct flights to Beijing from eight countries including Thailand, Cambodia, Greece, Denmark, Sweden and Canada from 3 September.

    Next huge peak will be in China.

    Btw small and medium business behavior in China changed significantly as owners account for huge second wave, so try to keep all safe.

  • New supercomputer hypothesis make sense, or it is false information well made or really is some good advancement to get to a proper treatment.

  • The FBI’s most recent gun-sale figures are stunning. They show that in July the bureau carried out 3.6 million background checks, the third highest month on record. [T]his translates to 1.8 million gun sales for July 2020—a 122% increase over July 2019. The 12,141,032 gun sales through this July is just shy of the 13,199,172 sales for all of 2019.

    And we shall have peace...

  • The ranks of Americans fighting hunger are projected to swell some 45% this year to more than 50 million.

    Capitalism kills.

  • A major concern that should be addressed before implementation of antibody-based drug therapy or vaccine is Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of viral infection, in which the virus-specific antibodies facilitate viral entry to immune cells by cross-linking the viral-antibody or virus activated complement complex to cell-surface Fc receptor or complement receptor, leading to viral replication, subsequently high viral load [75,76]. ADE has been reported for other coronaviruses [77,78,79]. Antibody-dependent infection of SARS-CoV-1 could allow the virus to widen the tropism by providing additional entry routes and contribute to the pathogenicity. In ADE of SARS-CoV-1 infection, anti-Spike antibodies mediate viral entry to the immune cells by cross-linking the virus-antibody complexes to the Fcγ receptor II followed by internalization through a pH- and cysteine protease-independent pathway, which is distinct from hACE2 mediated endosomal/lysosomal pathway [78]. Wan et al.., demonstrated cell surface IgG Fc receptor-mediated viral entry of MERS-CoV into Fc-receptor expressing cells through canonical viral-receptor-dependent pathways [79]. It has been suggested that low concentration of neutralizing antibodies could cause ADE of SARS-CoV-2, as reported in the case of SARS-CoV-1 [80, 81, 82]. Specificity, concentration, affinity and isotope of the antibody are the factors that influence the infection enhancing tendency of antibody. Designer antibodies with higher affinity to RBD are less likely to induce ADE [81]. Engineering the Fc region of mAbs to abolish its affinity for Fcγ receptor is a feasible solution to mitigate the risk of ADE [80]. To abrogate the risk of ADE of SARS-CoV-2, LALA mutations were introduced to the Fc region of CB6, a potent SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody. CB6 (LALA) effectively reduced viral load and infection-related lung damage associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques [68]. Possibility of ADE can also be minimized by maintaining a high concentration of circulating therapeutic antibodies, which is easier to be achieved by improving the half-life of mAbs [83]. Lurie et al.., suggested that rigorous animal testing and preclinical trials should be conducted for the therapeutic candidates against SARS-CoV-2, considering the adverse effects caused by ADE [84]. The current uncertainty about the duration of functional protection by antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 RBD till the second wave of infection must be addressed to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of the monoclonal antibody products.

  • US can wait long enough


    Now any small error by government and it'll be huge spike and total economic stopping.

    544 x 531 - 51K
  • What is the time main face recognition apps companies started big investments into special face masks modes?

    According to my talks - big change happened in 2018. Almost all leading companies suddenly started not only pouring billions, but started sharing working approaches (normally never happens!), so at the start of 2020 most of the companies solutions could work nice with simple surgical masks.

    One of the big points on why 3M and other brands half masks and respirators was never mentioned and promoted in mass media is that algorithms have big issues with them still, according to developer I talked with. Accuracy drop from 3 to 10 times depending on used algorithm and library. For many 3M half masks accuracy drop up to 100 times.

  • Italian doctor warning it's all about killing off 80% of humanity with their vaccines by reducing our natural defenses....and all things considered...