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Windows 10 aka Windows Total Horror!
  • 80 Replies sorted by
  • Or use Linux.

  • Been thinking about that Ralph. If I knew I could get all my software to run under it, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

  • Or just have a dedicated machine to connect to the internet that runs a "safe" operating system like XP or (I assume) Windows 7.

  • If you are up to the task of installing and managing a Linux system and then dealing with your now limited options for some kinds of software you can handle running and operating Windows, any version, in a way that makes you feel secure.

  • Or just have a dedicated machine to connect to the internet that runs a "safe" operating system like XP

    ...that's my strategy , with automatic updates off and clean temp files often. But we all know the ghost is still in the machine. And xp is getting more difficult to run browsers. But you know they know everything we look at. Now they're just revealing they know what we're shopping for....but they know every article, and our predisposition against them knowing. And apparently they don't give a shat that we don't like it. Just look what they're shoving down our throats with 10. It'll eventually require a change of lifestyle.

  • But time can come with some agreement update where they will require you to share information if you still want to use software (otherwise updates won't be longer delivered to you). Take my word.

    yeah, you're probably right. i think i'll be avoiding the upgrade.

    but what other options are there? won't they stop servicing windows 7 at some point?linux is a pain in the ass and it doesn't work with all software. and i don't necessarily trust linux either.

    what are you using?

    by the way, how hard is it to build an operating system?

    i just learned there are other operating systems out Haiku...

    or this guy developed SkyOS,, but now stopped development as he claims it's too complicated for a one-man band development team to keep up with all the technology changes.

  • Some other details.

    All drivers in Windows 10 must be signed with EV certificates, it makes signing for small developers very costly and hard (it involves hardware and such). You also must provide binaries of any drivers to Microsoft (and it is big issue for many closed projects). Leaks now become super dangerous as such certificates are enough to make malicious UEFI bios modules.

    BitLocker encryption key since Windows 10 is being sent to Microsoft servers now.

    License agreement also gives Microsoft power to disable functioning of any connected devices (stopping their drivers from working), as they decide necessary.

  • Check out ReactOS, it aims to be a non-MS windows. The project has been in development for a while, but seems to be picking up steam recently.

  • that's exactly what i was looking for. an OS that is compatible with all windows apps. but as usual, these projects are always delayed because of limited funding. it's still in beta or alpha or whatever. i'm not holding my breath.

  • @ChaosCloud

    This OS can't be used for anything serious yet, as far as I know.

  • WIndows 10 also knows most US/UK films and if you type film name it tries to find any possible files on HDD and after finding them send information to Microsoft, including file names, hash and such, so later you can be charged with copyright infringement.

  • Why is it that Windows users seem to hate each and every MS update? (apart from the search on computer for films - isnt that illegal?)

    I think it must be to do with the reality that software engineers (Apple included) have very little idea how people use their own software. What people really want is very little bloat and something that "JUST WORKS". Why in 2015 is this so hard?

  • Why is it that Windows users seem to hate each and every MS update? (apart from the search on computer for films - isnt that illegal?)

    I think it has nothing to do with hating updates.

    If company install keylogger and send all your chats, searches, file lists and such to the servers where as they state they can sell this information or provide to any authorities - it is not "hating update".

    Such approach actually began on mobile platforms, where OS authors under pretense if helping to learn your habits started to send all your voice commends, searches, calendar, contacts etc

    It is big business and US government ask for this also :-)

  • "WIndows 10 also knows most US/UK films and if you type film name it tries to find any possible files on HDD and after finding them send information to Microsoft, including file names, hash and such, so later you can be charged with copyright infringement."

    Source, please.

  • Zvláštní situace nastává, pokud kdekoliv ve Windows 10 napíšete jméno nějakého známého amerického filmu. Windows 10 začnou samy od sebe po určité chvíli hledat na vašem disku ve složce s médii soubory a indexovat je. Indexovaný soubor je poté anonymně odeslán na tyto servery zhruba do 30 minut při nečinnosti počítače, nepodařilo se mi periodu přesně zjistit:

    A special situation occurs if anywhere in Windows 10 you type the name of a famous American film. Windows 10 will start by itself after some time to look at your hard drive in a folder with media files and index them. Indexed file is then anonymously sent to those servers to about 30 minutes when the computer is idle, I was unable to accurately determine the period of:

    I think it is first source (some reprints exist)

  • Worst thing is not that it send something or not send something. Worst thing is that media is doing, and they work hard (covering all with unnecessary technical details most do not get anyway or with stupid declarations) so you do not see actual direction.

    And this direction is going into strictly prohibiting switching off information collection is the future under usual pretense of terrorists and pedophiles (universal thing, can be used for all).

  • Does anyone have experience with the efficacy of this tool? They claim to disable 37 spying mechanisms. Is this enough to return to a windows 8 level of privacy?

  • it is weird that they give the matter so much coverage, agreed.

  • Perhaps the media is just now getting interested that the overall privacy issue has been reframed in a manner which the general public can understand.

  • We have confirmed user reports of a serious issue with Windows 10 and removable media formatted as FAT32. Users are experiencing corruption of .wav media files by simply inserting FAT32 formatted SD or CF cards into a Windows 10 computer. Files do not need to be opened or accessed in order for them to become corrupt.

    We wish to emphasize that this problem exists with .wav files regardless of whether they were recorded on Sound Devices equipment or not.

  • Over 67 million people have already downloaded it.... What about Tor browser? Would Windows 10 be able to override the anonymity? For emails, there's a way to encrypt apparently? Never done it. But is there also a way to encrypt the files on your hard drive as well?

  • More info on the CF/SD card WAV file issue:

    A solution is offered by a user but it involves having a second non W10 computer available.


  • Microsoft started to backport telemetry to older versions and distribute it via updates

  • Microsoft is anti-privacy. I keep a virtual machine running 7 and do not allow it to see the Internet. No updates.

  • Huh, above posted updates also have code to ignore blocks made using hosts file changes.

    Not only this, but not long ago Microsoft stopped actually using setting preventing participation in their "quality improvement" things. You can turn it off, but it still will send data.

    I think we are on the verge of something big. As they started to act openly and with huge pressure.