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    War: One of key Nichia patents fell
    • LED packaging service provider Everlight Electronics has disclosed it has won a patent lawsuit in China, where its Supreme People's Court recently dismissed an appeal filed by Japan-based Nichia to claim validity of its YAG patent in the country.

      The Beijing Intellectual Property Court in China invalidated the patent CN200610095837.4 in May 2019. Nichia then appealed to the supreme court.

      The US Supreme Court, the High Court of Australia and the Taiwan Supreme Administrative Court have invalidated Nichia's YAG patents in the respective countries.

      Everlight is expanding ultraviolet and infrared LED packaging capacity by about 30%, with the additional capacity to gradually come into operation in the second and third quarter of 2021.

      Slowly, but steadily.

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    Good quote: On freedom and lack of it
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      Real freedom exists only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some people by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a person does not tremble because tomorrow he may lose his job, home, bread.

      I. Stalin


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    Crypto scam: HDDs and SSD drives prices jumped like mad
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      All thanks to crypto scam.

      We need repressions.

    5 comments 6 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Mordor disinformation must be stopped
    • Representatives of the G7 countries plan to develop a mechanism to combat dark Mordor"disinformation and propaganda," British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab told Reuters ahead of the first series of face-to-face meetings of the G7 foreign ministers in two years.

      "Let's consider the proposal to create a mechanism for rapid response and counter disinformation and propaganda coming from valleys of Mordor," he said.

      According to him, the measures should concern not only the direct "transmission of the Truth" to the residents of the G7 countries, but also apply to attacking directly Mordor and China. In addition, Raab expressed concern about "Moscow's attempts to sow distrust" among citizens in Western governments. This must be stopped and any doubts in governments actions must be viewed as extremism.

      I hope that "The Truth" will keep rotten capitalist west countries afloat for few more years. Or not.

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    China: Also printing money like mad
    • If we take all sources of financing, including shadow, then the volume of new loans in Chinese economy in 2020 amounted to almost 30% of GDP or 30 trillion yuan, which is comparable to the growth of the Fed's monetary base of more than 4 trillion dollars.

      In other words, if Western countries only accelerated emissions last year in response to the pandemic, then China switched on the printing press long ago and only slightly increased the rate of emissions last year.

      And it is perfectly visible.

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    New CPU vulnerabilities - this time will end with severe performance hits
    • Security experts at the University of Virginia's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences said that it is possible to retrieve instructions from the so-called micro-op cache. In such a cache, which is available in both Intel and AMD processors (Intel processors have had this cache since 2011), the simplest instructions for the branch prediction are stored. Researchers have identified mechanisms that can extract this data and use it to obtain confidential information.

      The problem is that the level of the microinstruction cache is much lower than the level at which vulnerabilities like Specter work. Therefore, the Specter Vulnerability Protection does not work against the new vulnerability. Moreover, since the new vulnerability attacks a more primitive layer in processor architectures, an attempt to weaken or close it will seriously affect the performance of both Intel and AMD processors.

      The researchers reported their discovery to all interested processor architectures. But they themselves doubt that such a vulnerability can be closed with patches without seriously affecting the performance of computing systems.

      It all look for me as staged things.

      AMD also can be hitting performance wall and new generations can be now focused on "more security".

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by hardimpact Subscribe to this blog
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    Fertility rate in Muslim countries is falling very fast
    • The Muslim world is on the brink of the fastest population decline in human history. "It's amazing how fast the birth rate in Muslim countries is falling." According to open sources of information, the demographic situation in these countries can be presented in the form of a train disaster: trains from Iran, Turkey and Tunisia are pulled by locomotives of people who are now 20-30 years old. They were born in families with 5-6 children. But the “locomotive” hit the demographic wall: these young people have only one or two children each.

      The current gigantic demographic bubble of young Arabs, whose political humiliation and frustration erupted into the Arab Spring, will be followed by a much smaller generation. Today the largest age group in Iran is 20-30 year olds. But they are not reproduced. The modern educated young Iranian woman was born into a family where she had six or seven brothers and sisters, but she herself will give birth to only one child. It is the consequence of this state of affairs that the impending demographic catastrophe will become.

      Today, there are nine young Iranians working for every elderly Iranian. But by 2050, when the mass of those in their 20s and 30s will retire, 60-year-old Iranians will become the largest age group - seven old people for every 10 working Iranians. An aging population poses a serious threat even to strong societies with well-established social safety nets, such as the developed Western countries. For societies with little or no defenses, aging is a national disaster. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, for example, Iran produces 4400 dollars of GNP per year per capita, which is 10 times less than in the United States. Moreover, most of the GNP is formed through the sale of oil and gas, the reserves of which may simply dry up.

      Experts state that it is too late to fight the decline in the population. The mother of a hypothetical 25-year-old Iranian woman married at 16-17, and by the age of 25 she already had five or six children. One of her daughters, a modern Iranian girl, delayed her marriage to 25, devoting her most fertile age to education and work.


    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - January 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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