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    Mordor: Roskomnadzor blocked almost 200 VPN-services
    • Sergey Khutortsev, director of the Center for Monitoring and Management of the Public Communications Network (CMU SSN) of Roskomnadzor, reported on Thursday at the forum “Spectrum 2024” on the work done. According to him, 197 VPN services used to circumvent Roskomnadzor's blocking have been blocked in Russia so far.

      “Separately, we work with VPN-services that violate Russian legislation as means of bypassing blocking. At the moment, we have 197 VPN services blocked,” Khutortsev said. In October last year at the forum “Spectrum 2023” he reported about 167 blocked in Russia VPN-services, that is, for a year under the ban got thirty more.

      Earlier at the legislative level in Russia, providing access to prohibited information was called a threat to the stability and security of the Russian segment of the Internet. Since March 1, 2024, Russia has introduced a ban on the publication of information on ways and technical means of circumventing the blocking of illegal content on the Internet.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevOctober 2024Last reply - November 2024 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Why coronavirus happened in 2019, why not before?
    • image

      Because before without AI you couldn't solve complex protein folding tasks. And even first versions already allowed military labs to test only thousands of candidates instead of tens of millions.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevOctober 2024Last reply - October 2024 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Open source is just facade, Linus Torvalds as fascist
    • Linux creator Linus Torvald commented on the dismissal of the Russian developers in relation to Linux, calling the reasons for the change "absolutely clear."

      "Using a few random anonymous accounts in an attempt to implement it by Russian 'troll factories' will not change anything. And for the information of innocent bystanders, why there are no 'troll farm' accounts - 'various compliance requirements' - this is not just an American story," he wrote.

      Torvald reminded about the sanctions against Russia. On September 12, the US restrictions came into force, according to which American companies and individuals cannot provide IT consulting and design services, as well as IT support services or cloud services for the corresponding software to Russian organizations and citizens.

      "As for sending me new updates - please use your, as you call it, brain. I am Finnish. Did you really think that I would support Russian aggression?" - said Torvald, explaining such intentions by “lack of knowledge of history.”

      Interesting sin't it? We can see nature of Linus, and why he had been chosen (it had been lot of people who made UNIX like systems in initial state) and kept above all Linux development for all this years. Because he'll listen to his capitalist bosses, because he is nationalist. And fascist.

    11 comments 12 comments Vitaliy_KiselevOctober 2024Last reply - November 2024 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Star Wars: The Phantom hope - illustrated epic soundtrack
    • A Star Destroyer patrols among hundreds of ship hulks, remnants of a recent battle lost by the Rebels.

      A small ship with half of its engines being damaged beyond repair is trying to speak behind huge debris and survive. The chance is slim, but it is there.

      Feel the full power of Star Destroyer, feel the theme of hope changing to theme of the inevitability of fate.

      Like a huge industrial fan giant ship will, without even noticing, stir up with its lasers all the pieces of ships standing on its way to ultimate goal. And, of course, the little one's fate is set and impossible to escape.

      With the final coda, the Star Destroyer captain smiles a little, looking through the huge bridge window at the blurring wreckage of the little ship and in a duty voice transmits to the bridge personnel - "This quadrant is clear. Calculate hyperjump to Rilot."

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    Star Wars: Traitor - illustrated short story with epic soundtrack
    • Traitor


      Today is quite an unusual day. Captain Cressy is in bad mood. Maxie, his squadron's best pilot, hijacked a Tie Fighter. Ungrateful bastard. What's wrong with the Empire? Everything seems right. Traditional family values. And we even banned LGBT. Last time radar picked him up somewhere in the vast asteroid field near Utopau's second moon. Well, we gotta find the asshole. We can't let a traitor get away that easily. It's okay, it's okay, and he doesn't have hyperdrive anyway. He won't get too far. And no rebel ships have been spotted in the vicinity yet. He's got to be here somewhere.

      The chase

      Cressy drove the Tie Interceptor gently and carefully. The huge asteroids, slowly rotating, were passing dangerously close to him, blocking his view.

      Hmm. There's something suspicious about that asteroid over there that looks like an ugly dwarf. Cressy accelerated. But he almost regretted it at the last moment when he swerved sideways away from the small spinning rock.

      Closer. Closer still. What's that shiny thing? Interesting.

      Damn... It's just the wreckage of an unfortunate transport that accidentally wandered into this blighted place.

      Where could this asshole be hiding? Probably near that trio of huge asteroids over there. That's where I'd lay low if I were him. Let's check it out.

      The trio of huge asteroids were slowly getting bigger. They were practically touching each other. Yeah. How big are they. Cressy felt himself and his ship like a small gnat compared to them.

      He gave a sharp roll, and the Tie Interceptor neatly fit into a narrow cleft in the asteroid.

      I'd lay low somewhere around here if I where you. Careful. Where are you?

      Cressy's ship flew out of the crevice into opening of a giant crater.

      I must have been wrong.

      A little higher. What's that? Behind that rock down there. Uh-huh.

      At the bottom of the cliff, the engines glow suddenly appeared. The Tie Fighter spun around its axis and began to gain altitude.

      Cressy clenched his teeth.

      No, you won't go away.

      A sharp turn. A little more. A little more. The targeting system beeped. Cressy pressed the proton torpedoes firing button.

      I got ya!

      Maxie's ship was still spinning around its axis like a madman. He turned sharply toward the second among the trio of huge asteroids. From the side it seemed as if it was about to crash into it....

      A sharp turn. Damn torpedo. It managed to not crash into the surface. It's close. Shit. Maxi saw a hole in the asteroid. That's it. A sharp movement of the rudder.

      Cressy watched with a smile. It's going to get him now. Right now.

      A sudden explosion blinded Cressy. When his vision began to return, he saw that the torpedo had blown the asteroid to pieces, which were now floating slowly in different directions.

      The young asshole deserved it. Cressy smiled and turned the ship around.

      Maxie gripped the wheel with all her might. The ship was traveling at ultra-low altitude over the asteroid. Here and there to the left and to the right fell the debris of its exploded twin.

      And a torpedo. Damn it. The second torpedo was quite close now. Maxi could even see the blue trace of the ion engine. Even closer. Give me more, dear, give a little more! The old ship grunted, squeezing everything out of its puny engines. All available power was now diverted to them, even the cockpit was lit only by the emergency lights.

      It's getting closer... Closer... So close... Maxi closed his eyes.

      But the abrupt silence that came was clearly not what he had expected. The torpedo had run out of ion fuel. Maxi exhaled and steered the ship into a small cavern.

      Let's hope Cressy thinks I'm dead, he thought.

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