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HDMI Output Help?
  • I was hoping someone could help with a problem. I am having problems with my HDMI output showing a lot of judder with both horizontal and vertical movement. The image on my LCD and the camera's evf is silky smooth and the recorded files look fine when I import them into Premiere. It looks like it is only on the HDMI out. I see it when it is connected to both my new LCVFe and a Samsung LCD monitor I have with an HDMI input. I also see the judder in preview mode and while recording. Anyone else having this issue? Am i missing something? Thanks.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • Hello,

    I am not familiar with your monitors, and I don't have a definitive answer, but I have had a similar discussion with one of my tech guys and he blamed it on latency. He said that some devices just can't keep up with the video so they take little breaks that appear as stuttering, random lines, etc.

    It may just be a fact of life when you use those monitors.

    I use a FeelWorld monitor and it gives great results, but sometimes it even suffers from the effect.

    Now I may be wrong, and there might be a solution out there... if so I would love to hear it.

    JMHO it didn't fix the problem but maybe it's easier to live with it now :-)

  • Sorry guys - seems to only be a problem with the EVF.