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US: Unemployment - same old tricks on new level
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  • I'm happy to give my money for people to have a free ride. I'd rather my money be spent on food stamps for a poor family, than to bomb the shit out of brown people halfway across the world.

    @bostonmike don't you believe there are people on welfare that NEED it?

  • @bostonmike

    I'll be damned if I'm going to give my hard-earned money to someone else who wants a free ride at my your time like I did..what kind of man asks another man for money anyway?

    Such position is popular among some people. But if you have more life expirience you'll quickly see all the shortages of it.

    As for Obama vs Anyone. It is like choosing the color of the pants before jumping from the roof.

  • @NickBen

    If Apple were to set up a plant in Detroit, would you then be able to get your Mac toys at current prices? The Chinese are paying for Apple's greed right now - maybe you'd rather see a black boy get exploited.

  • Brian....Zeituni Onyango is the only person in Southie that Obama is looking out for..that's because she is his illegal immigrant aunt who's been mooching off the system living right here in the projects...collecting welfare and knowingly refusing to leave a country she knows the is an illegal immigrant in. She is an indignant c..nt who bears a striking resemblance to one of the Uraki in LOTR...not to mention his other illegal immigrant uncle who got pinched for drunk driving..what a family! Obama actually upgraded her to an elderly housing complex in Southie with an ocean view and a private driver...I shit you not! I know a woman who made home visists to give her medical care (yes, paid for for our tax dollars) and said she is the most racist person she ever met. She HATES white people. I know people's grandparents who have worked hard their entire lives and been on waiting lists for a decade to get into these elderly housing units and Obama fixes his illegal, bigoted, c...nt of an aunt into one. My grandfather left Ireland at the age of 15 and came to South Boston. He got off the boat and was handed a rifle and sent to France to fight in WW1 to gain his American citizenship. My father was a Marine and fought in the Korean War at 17. What a difference in what constitutes an American nowadays, where Americans actually worship a creep like Obama...Americans have become spoiled, fat, complacent crybabies. A nation populated by those who follow, not lead. A nation of weak minded and weak bodied people who rely on others to provide them their sustenance. A nation of prideless sheeple who eat eat a healthy dose of historical revisionism and liberal politics for breakfast every morning.

    Someone said something to me a long time ago..."There will always be poor people in this world, just don't be one of them"..I was born poor and worked my ass off to bring myself out of poverty, with no help from anyone. I'll be damned if I'm going to give my hard-earned money to someone else who wants a free ride at my your time like I did..what kind of man asks another man for money anyway? I like Mitt Romney's how about this one...

  • @brianluce

    Well, I'm a Ron Paul supporter myself, so I'm not trying to defend Romney... I'm just trying to get people to be a little more objective instead of just calling names.

    And it's not so much here... I've just been seeing allot of it everywhere on the net, facebook, ect...

    Things like "so-and-so is a racist" or "this person hates immigrants". It does no good for anybody. There are allot of easily swayed minds that see "someones name" and "racist" next to it and then never look into that persons actually ideas or philosophy. They just want to go-with-the-flow and look "cool" to everybody on social media sites. It just seems like a growing trend to spread defamatory opinions to whatever race or class happens to be the majority... for no reason other than it's "socially trendy" or something stupid like that.

  • @bwhitz Romney's statement speaks for itself. Look at his (few) policiy proposals and he wants to CUT his own taxes and raise everyone elses. He's out to help all his rich buddies and let the rest of us live as a permanent servant class. He's a greedy fucker and perfect to run a chop shop like Bain Capital, but to run the world's most powerful democracy? Provide social justice? Command our military (serving in the military is something he wouldn't do himself btw) I don't think so.

  • Best advise a coworker ever gave me: "Go shoot something."

  • @bostonmike your man left us in a pretty shitty state. Should it be a surprise that oil goes up after we're involved in a protracted war (that was started for dubious reasons) in a gulf state? When MY MAN Teddy Roosevelt was in charge, gas was only .04 a THATS a republican!

  • @bostonmike "...I love how people resort to the race card when someone has a valid argument..."


    This is just how liberals argue. Since they have no contradictory free premises, they resort to attacks that are completely emotional or subjective. i.e. "I don't listen to assholes", "that guy hates poor people", "he's just racist, xenophobic, homophobic, ect..."

    The modern liberal would argue that 1+1=2 was wrong if presented to them by someone they believe to be "racist".

    @brianluce "Doubt me? just follow Romney's own words."

    Ok, yea, here's a good example... Romney said he doesn't care about helping the very poor. Ok, so you can take that as "he's an asshole" and invalidate any position he has... or you can think about it logically and try to understand the statement on a more objective level. Is it sad that there are poor people? Absolutely. So what would cause him to make a statement like that? Could it just be that maybe while helping "the very poor" would be nice... there is just no evidence that suggest that doing so would improve the overall economy of the country? Most likely...

    Just because someone sounds like an asshole (which is again subjective), doesn't mean their positions are any less valid. Maybe Romney made that statement because he's assumes that the general population would respond as logical adults instead of crybabies.

  • @ghkqn I'm surprised people in the USA haven't figured this out yet. There is a light at the end of the black hole though. I lived in the Philippines for a long time, I watched them go from zero call centers to 400,000. Philippines has more than India now. Yes, they work like slaves for slave wages, but it has nonetheless transformed retail and the entire landscape actually. Malls everywhere, selling things to a new consumer class. Condos, motorbikes, smart phones. Eventually things will equalize in the hemispheres, not to mention that the new Filipino consumer class already purchases things MADE in America. The bad news? Might take several generations for the economies to equalize. The worse news? A lot of these kids are smarter than Vitaliy, and Vitaliy is a smart F'ing dude. So, can our kids compete?

  • Having worked with outsourced Taiwanese companies, including Foxconn, I do not see how those manufacturing jobs can be moved back to the US. I read in the NY Times that is the same answer Steve Jobs gave to President Obama. Beyond the low labour costs, there is the labour flexibility. I have been on conference calls with many of these companies at 3am, their time, and they can turn around their production lines on a dime if needed (you cannot do this with any robot). This is something that cannot be done in the US nor in Europe because of existing practices and regulations. It is no secret that Chinese workers in those factories work like animals, but unless US and European or even Chinese consumers vote with their wallets, those workers will always be exploited. These are not good paying jobs: they never were. If you have visited Foxconn, you will be surprised to find a factory with built in dormitories the size of a US metropolitan area. All the workers in that factory work, eat and sleep there, from director level down to assembly workers. It is a 7-day job, and if needed to be your day could start at 2am.

  • Ah okay, a Southie. Yes, I know the attitudes of that place and have been there. One day you'll realize that President Obama is one of the few politicians that gives a shit about places like Southie. A great irony of our times. Doubt me? just follow Romney's own words.

  • @bostonmike

    Mitt? Really? Your "man" effed all of us, into a perpetual never ending battle on a tactic. Genius.

    Oh and Mitt ain't gonna cut shit. He's a big gov conservative just like you.

    "The Massachusetts state budget was $22.7 billion a year when he took office in January of 2003.

    When he left office four years later, it was over $25.7 billion – plus another $2.2 billion in spending that the legislature took “off budget.”

    Cut a trillion takes brass balls son. Ron Paul 2012

  • Brianluce...I love how people resort to the race card when someone has a valid argument...I'm assuming my comment about affirmative action somehow makes me a racist..because I believe in rewarding people based on merit, not by the color of their skin.. Wouldn't awarding people based on the color of their skin be racist?..or have you been brainwashed into thinking that a double-standard doesn't exist there? The color of Obama's skin means nothing to me, the culture he embraces and the people he makes excuses for means a lot (ie..Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan, Bill Ayers). A "Beer Summit" because a police officer did his job and was accused unjustly of racism because he arrested a black professor. This president is a mockery of the office. He is the most unqualified man to ever become president and he was only elected because most blacks foolishly voted for him simply BECAUSE of the color of his skin. Liberal whites voted for him because they thought electing the first black president would be "cool" and "historic", not to mention that they have their heads up their ..... anyway. Hollywood celebrities voted for him because they are the most decadent, clueless people living in this country. As far as housing projects go, I grew up right here in Dorchester and South Boston and if you knew anything about these neighborhoods you'd know that I've seen more housing projects, guns, drugs, random violence and racism (mostly black on white) to last me a lifetime, so you don't need to give me your second-hand, liberal textbook rendition of them. I've walked these streets firsthand. Just remember, gas was $1.81 when my man George W. left office, its $3.75 now. Face it, you bought the mocha because everyone else was buying it, but it didn't taste so good after all...time to retire this creep and put a real American like Mitt Romney back in the White House.

  • @NickBen

    You approach means the following:

    1. Big and fast life level drop in US, as all money will be forwarded to rebuild industry in short time
    2. Open statement that major US companies are in fact tricksters and do not have most of the money will impact banks (who made actual operations). It'll worsten situation even more.
    3. If you have 5 factories around the world instead of one, with very long components routes, you loose effectiviness for many goods, so more life level drop will follow. Much smaller markets also means same thing.
    4. Idea with robots is old. Apple also had robots but dumped all of them. They cost big money, need energy and service, impossible to use if you make fast changes and adapt to different products.

    Many goverments want to have more industry, but no one can allow the fast consequences.

  • @xyltha the President is the highest title in the US Government, and carries weight of representing the interests of the entire country. Obama is my current US President and was my senator before he became Mr. President, and I see little improvements over the last 3 years on the ground level locally, be it real unemployment, housing or inflation - in fact the state he represented is now 5 years from total economic collapse at $35 billion estimated in debt, excluding unfunded pension obligations. In the meanwhile, Washington DC has seen financial prosperity and Government workers make more than private sector counterparts. I see no major improvement coming from the current lot of Republicans (except Ron Paul who likely won't win anyway, and is Libertarian anyway) Neither party represents average working (and previously working) Americans enough to do anything about the corruption and financial recklessness in all current US politics period...

    I studied and firmly believe in the philosophy "BUILD it where they BUY it" Why does this approach work for Toyota globally but not Apple in the US? Americans would buy north american built iphones, asians buy Chinese built iphones, etc...

    This approach would have nearly eliminated Thailand and Japan production issues in last year, and should be implemented by all major global corporations.

    Build products on 4 continents, and sell each version in their market. That way, each product caters to local needs and if one continent has production / labor / political issues, you have 3 other sources globally.

    I also look forward to future automation / production robot wars where robots replace laborers and robots build better robots, as President Obama did already blame ATM's for part of past high unemployment figures ...

  • Obama could nuke Iran if he wanted. I'd like to see a Gibbon do that.

    Obama certainly can read a paper that will have words about it. This is that I mean. It is sad to be peace Nobel prize winner and not destroy three-four countries.

    He can make noises like gibbon. Be it his own noises, or written by someone for him. But it plays same role.

  • @Vitaliy Obama could nuke Iran if he wanted. I'd like to see a Gibbon do that. If you mean only in regards to employment rate, that's another story. Bostonmike, I hear that drivel all over the web. I know, you just hate it that a Black guy was elected president. Get used to it. And in the mean time, take a visit to your local housing project and see how good they have it. Those places are hell on Earth, with the worst schools, worst health care, and lowest standard of living in America. It's not the Nirvana you think. It's Orwellian to say the poor have it good. Really.

  • Formulas play very minor role here. Calculations are based also on adjustments (with not very clear logic), throwing out people out of the labor force, corrections after some passed time, etc

    As for Obama. He has same power to change anything as gibbon in you near zoo. It can only make loud noises.

  • The way unemployment statistics are generated by the BLS hasn't changed since 1994. You can argue that formulas aren't accurate (I wouldn't disagree). The idea that Obama has somehow changed those calculations is simply wrong. Every president since 1994 has been subject to the same unemployment calculation methods. You can't apply one method to when somebody else was president and a different method now and say Obama has "cooked" the numbers in any way that is different than anybody else had since 1994.

  • cls105...the 99% are the biggest hypocrites ever. They need to just shut their pieholes and go out and work. I was disgusted at these unclean lowlifes setting up tents in my city...the ironic thing is most of them lived out in the burbs and came into the city to play poor...I was once poor, but when I was 12 I went out and got this thing called a "job"..I've been doing it ever since.

  • Actually Onlocation...they do take your income into consideration. They don't ASK how much you make, but they make it a law that you NEED health insurance and then they offer free and practically free healthcare for people who qualify for low income health insurance...and if you don't qualify for free/reduced rate health insurance, you are basically thrown to the dogs (insurance companies). Thus, if you slack off in life and make less, then the government will reward you for it....if you're deemed a "minority", the government rewards you for can score less than your white male counterparts on a police/firefighter/government job and get the job before the white guy under the guise of filling a "quota"...and of course the only white guys who are hurt by this are those white guys who are applying for police/firefighter jobs..mostly inner-city, working class guys who's parents were Irish, Italian, Russian, Polish, etc immigrants and never got handed anything in this country. Most people will call me a racist for saying that because they're afraid to say the truth. They grew up with liberal politics jammed down their throat to the point that they can see logic and reason for what it is.

    Thomas Jefferson once warned that the "tinsel aristoi" would rise up in America, a class of elitist, pseudo Americans who would wrest control of our nation and destroy it from within. I think Obama and the liberal left has pretty much verified Jefferson's prediction.

  • Mitt Romney is touting the same economic policies that created the 2008 economic crisis. Americans would have to be pretty stupid to go back to those failed policies. Stay the course. Be smart.

  • I'm a freelance video editor turning down work in NY and I'm provided health insurance since I meet the requirement of hours by my clients. Fuck all governments and politicians. I don't trust any of them. the us has been living in an unsustainable manner (outsourcing, wars 10billion/mo, lack of quality education) for far too long. Now most people are paying the price. Unfortunately developing countries are using the same techniques that the us has been using with multinational corporations, greed, investment banking where there must always be profit & growth. Do what you have to do to get ahead, because nobody will give you a hand out. Its sad but true. Humans have been slaughtering and enslaving each other since the first civilizations. Do I want this to change OF COURSE. Do I depend on a dishonest corrupt government or elected official, hell fucking no. Everyone keeps saying its the 99% and 1%. This is bs. I'm no millionaire, but im also not like the majority of retards and primates you hear abusing their children in the subways. There will always be a disparity in intelligence and as long as that happens people will not have same "quality" of life.

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