I'm very excited to see how Quantum v5 fares. I value Philip's real-world field tests that have true merit for us shooters. Camera geek and shooter first... talented, dedicated and funny. What's not to like about Mr. Bloom? Maybe his opinion isn't "just like everone else's" but that's what I appreciate. If we all liked the same stuff we wouldn't be individuals and life as we know it would be extremely boring.
Friday, 16 December 2011 at 9:29:15 PM GMT Well no news is good news - unless somebody forgot the storage cards/battery charger. ;-) It's well & truly the day after "tomorrow" here. Reminds me of a Petrol station in my childhood which had a permanent sign, "Free Air Today Free Petrol Tomorrow"
All of which really means "Shoot-out Tomorrow" is a brave promise to make. When I taught media I was continually astonished at the novel ways in which students returned from a shoot - empty handed.
The fact that he is cross testing models from different manufacturers shows that he has an independent streak. He also seems to just purchase the cams in some cases. I'm a fan of his work, but I enjoy watching testing done by any and all. Very interested to see the results of this one.
Looks like he has a Sandisk Class 45/mbs 32gb card. So guessing he shot on H mode. He published all the cards he shot on and their was no GH2 card, but he said he missed a couple and reposted. Hears hoping it's up sooner than later.
@DrDave +1 -and it makes for extremely good media, generating revenue in the conventional manner - from advertising. Such a break from advertorials or opinion-driven comparisons or, piecemeal trials.
FWIW I admire Phillip Bloom and have learned a great deal from his blog and work. He's a hugely talented shooter, has a great eye, and I'm satisfied he's navigating the waters of personal opinion, sponsorship, and editorial about as cleanly as one could hope for. My only point earlier was that it's silly to think that his or anyone else's published blog opinions about a camera would somehow validate a camera's legitimacy to any client who wasn't already enough of a DSLR geek they'd be shooting the job themselves.
of course, but assuming that those images were rendered at the same quality they are still a valid comparison for image compression, and the gh2 has more artifacts,
@EOSHD, it's @driftwood's latest Quantum v5 (technically still in beta), the ~150Mbit intra version, assuming Bloom shot H mode. If not, even L mode is 100Mbit :)
Very odd. I realize it's about dynamic range, but he chose to blow the clouds out on the GH2. Also, looking at the same shot on the C300, it appears he shot this during "magic hour". Of course the highlights look better, not to mention the warmer color temp at that lower sunset. I wish he did the same for the GH2. Also what's with 70mb/s ? Where did this come from? I thought Quantum was 154Mb/s.
I'd like to see real tests where all the cameras see the same subjects under the same lighting.
Very odd. I realize it's about dynamic range, but he chose to blow the clouds out on the GH2. Also, looking at the same shot on the C300, it appears he shot this during "magic hour". Of course the highlights look better, not to mention the warmer color temp at that lower sunset. I wish he did the same for the GH2. Also what's with 70mb/s ? Where did this come from? I thought Quantum was 154Mb/s. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I recognize these kinds of tests are just about always lose-lose from an audience complaint point of view, but, like, is it really too much to ask for the images to be KIND OF similarly exposed and KIND OF shot under similar light conditions/time of day/etc?
But all we're seeing is a couple jpegs at this point, so maybe the full thing will be more enlightening. Let's hope.
but, we can surely be looking at gradations on smooth surfaces, noise, macroblocking and other artifacts from this test.
even though at the moment at least (it is incomplete) it seems that the color profile was set to favor the saturation on the canon to make it look more atractive
but i think is worth it still
...assuming that he will eventully post the settings used on each camera, like iso, film mode, lens, aperture, etc..