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Sirya: True democracy is near
  • 40 Replies sorted by
  • It is in fact discrete, each of these mid eastern countries is different with different levels of technology, military strength, economic disparity, resources, populations, geographies, ethnic divisions etc. There is no one size fits all policy that could possibly work. I don't know why people are so eager to lump the entire middle east into one big pot and think a single (usually boneheaded) policy is all you need to advance western interests.
  • @brianluce

    I know your point of view, thanks.
    Wikipedia article is quite bad and really flawed.

    I predict US and UK will be left to their murderous, oppressive way of doings things -- too many guns, not enough oil to make it worthwhile. Cost benefit analysis.

    Like it? I don't think so.

    Situation is not discrete. This is how rulers want it to looks like, because it is much more easy to destroy opponents one by one.
  • What's flawed? the Hamas massacre is well documented.
    Well, time well tell Vitaliy, but I predict Syria will be left to its murderous, oppressive way of doings things -- too many guns, not enough oil to make it worthwhile. Cost benefit analysis.
  • I will mix it, and I have a reason for this.
    Turkish, US, UK authorities said anough already in past months.
    System in now removing all good manners, one at a time, but fast.

    Removed your wikipedia link, just because it is quite flawed.
  • My point is that mixing Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria into the same bag and saying that since x happened here that y will also happen here is wrong thinking. The situations are discrete, like I frames! This is a nasty, oil poor little nation with lots of guns.
  • @brianluce

    I like you approach to make fun of things.
    This thing is just not made for this :-(
  • Well, in one of the great epic wars of the last 600 years, The mighty nation of Chad defeated the legendary forces of the Libyan Military. Chad used advanced ground warfare methods like putting machine guns on the back of Nissan Pick up trucks. Brilliant!

  • I highly doubt "ragtag group of clowns like the Libyan Military" thing.
    It is "ragtag group of mass media clowns and criminals covering Libyan conflict".
  • Syria ain't Egypt and certainly not a ragtag group of clowns like the Libyan Military. These guys have a real military and are way brutal. An oh, not a lot of oil there either. Get the body bags ready. I'm betting on Junior to crush this uprising.
  • @sammy

    Such logic don't longer work.
    Today even old enemies unite to wipe out any remaining independent countries (not on paper but in reality).
    Elimination is absolutly required as invaders not only badly need things they have, but also can't allow people to see any alternatives during fast social standards drop.
  • South Africa
  • Not Barak or Israel want to see him go ,that's out the picture.The US is in the pocket of Israel,like it or not, its the truth, so the US is out of the ,the question now is , who is behind this?hmm,who wants to see him go that bad?lets see, Syria is mostly (%70 Sunni) ,10% Christian, 10% Alwite (the president is one),10% Kurds and Druz..where have you seen or had a country ran by a minority , a very minor minority to say the least run or in control of a country for this long (40 years) like Syria, I can't think of one..we Orthodox Christians in Syria have fears of a future Syria with a Sunni control,I think they are valid concerns..But,I'm also realistic, 40 years is a long time..And if not now, in 5 years , most Christian Syrians will be in Russia ,Europe or The States, and Sunni's will grow in numbers close to 80% (also a fact they make lots of babies compared to others in Syria). In the end it may turn out to be just simple math and statics that is the cause of all whats going on ..Hope for the best , we been lucky to be a very "safe" country over the years, hope somehow things go back to normal ..

  • I'm curious, who are the criminals here?