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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • @LittleD Yes, at least about 15% faster reading and writing from the GH2 directly. Best bet is to get this media and spend the extra money and get a fast UHS-1 reader also, which gets way faster file transfer performance today. I figure the 95MB/s speed will become the new standard for hacks especially as new camera bodies come out that should take advantage of all that new speed. Just my 2 cents...
  • @NickBen, I'm reading your 11/13 update from the first post in that thread, and your own KB/s numbers are around 1 or 2 MB/sec. How are you arriving at 30 MB/sec?

    @LittleD, the throughput measurements from the GH2 used as a USB card reader aren't very relevant. We already have high bit rate patche settings that record to the card at much higher rates than any of us have ever observed being read or written over the camera's USB port. The GH2 is a great camera, but not such a great card reader. ;)
  • @Nickben

    So this card seems to be really faster than the 30mbs extreme and the 30mbs extreme Hd video right?
    Balazer had these numbers :
    "reading and writing large files over the GH2's USB:
    SanDisk Extreme 30 MB/s Edition. read: 8.1 MB/sec; write: 5.8 MB/sec
    SanDisk Extreme HD Video 30 MB/sec. read: 7.8 MB/sec; write: 5.6 MB/sec"

    Yours are: Read: 9.6MB/s; write: 7.5MB/s

    Could this numbers matter some day or will we never come to that?
  • @balazer see my quick test method of Midrange Data Rate of GH2 and Memory Combination

    The limiting factor is likely the GH2, not the memory in the test...
  • 31 MB/sec using photo bursts? How are you measuring?
  • @NickBen do you have the 95MB/s card? If so how is spanning? Any love?

    16GB Extreme Pro Sandisk 95MB/s at B&H Now, not bad at $65.95
    compared to compact flash pricing for same performance.

    So far on the GH2, I see about 9.05-9.25MB/s transfers directly from GH2 to USB3 port. I get 22MB/s thru same USB3 port using USB2 card reader and ATTO benchmark test. ATTO benchmark test of the GH2 as reader gives me 7.5MB/s write and 9.6MB/s Read.

    BTW, if anybody has a patch that pushes 30MB/s (240mbps), let us know
    so we put it thru it's paces...
  • @Chaos123x - The Sandisk 32GB 30 megabyte read & write is fine, I have this card and it works on 90% of all patches. The 45 mega byte version runs on a Bus called UHS-1, which the Panasonic GH2 doesn't support so you will not get top read & write speeds. Funny enough even if you did have a UHS-1 bus camera you wont get the maximum speed. Its just the way Manufactures advertise there cards. They will most of the time always state the cards maximum read speed on the front. However realistically you want the write speed since thats the date that rate that is written to the card. I would be interested to see what the 95 megabytes a second card handles with the patch, but these memory cards are expensive at the moment so nobody wants to invest in them.

    -Just get the Sandisk 32 GB (I get at least 1 hour on 50i mode and 32 mins on 24p mode)
    -Don't waste your money on the 45 Megabyte version
  • Ok I'm ready to try the hack now.

    I have been shooting with PNY class 10 cards so I'm guessing they won't work with the 176mb hack.

    I'm looking at getting 32gig 30mbs Sandisk cards or 95mbs cards. Is the 45mbs some how slower than the 30mbs???

    Would this card work?

    Anyone know how much video can be recorded on a 32gig card with the 176mb driftwood setting?
  • So is this 95mbs card any good for what the hack could become in the future? Or the 30mbs is the maximum efficiency possible?
  • Great News- local Best Buy just got in shipment of 95MB/s Sandisk Extreme Pro. Only 8GB, but good enough to test.

    I just did a quick test of burst mode

    Anybody have an "Extreme Pro" Patch ready to test this media and see if it goes to "11"
  • I bought two Sandisk 45MB/s SDHC U1 Extreme Pro cards when I got my GH2. One works great with the latest driftwood 170mb/s patch. The other chokes with a card speed error after a minute or so. I opened a support incident with Sandisk, and they promised to send me an RMA for the bad card. I suspect that this is a quality control issue with the card, and probably accounts for the inconsistent results reported here.
  • @alcomposer

    Thanks for the answer, that's what I wanted to know. Discussion about UHS-1 or non USH-1 has gone way too confusing for most of us, as some say it works, some say it doesn't but I believe we need facts and knowing where people bought the cards is also very important to verify if it might be a copy, or if it's original 100% guaranteed (stuff from BH or Amazon itself are for example trusted ones).

    Reading from the people who write the most here, those 3 cards I mentioned are known as to being reliable for any patch, so I guess there should be no more brainers about it. If I missunderstood anything please just tell me, but I guess I'm not the only one a little bit fed up with the discussion on wether a card works or not. It's an important matter for the hack itself as well as the firmware creators and testers to know which cards are fully reliable.

  • @Raysito22

    I had written another response but after reading your post have decided to change it.

    32 GIG Sandisk HD Video works fine.

    UHS-1 or Non-UHS-1 no difference (using same memory chip inside)

  • So just per-say, if I were to buy a SD card to use with Driftwoods 176Mb/s patches, any of them, which cards would work flawlessly no matter the motion or what's recorded? 'Cause no matter what, nobody here gets anything clear, and before buying, I want to be sure. The options are:

    Sandisk HD Video UHS-1 30Mb/s
    Sandisk HD Video 30Mb/s (the one at BH Photo)
    Sandisk Extreme Pro UHS-1 45MB/s

    I've read a lot of stuff about GH2 not being compatible with UHS-1 standard so they actually get slower, but nobody has actually made a comparisson of UHS-1 and standard 30Mb/s cards from in-camera recordings (time, and testing with Driftoowd's patches). I believe the discussion has gone no way as to where it was intended.

    I know the usual answer in this forums is "try yourself" but asking for a piece of advice is always good as to safe money. We all know it's not good thanks for your help, but please let's get it straight so that no more nonsense is written about which works, which doesn't, mine does, or whatever, it'll get crazier and crazier. Hope you understand me.

  • I think I might have discovered the root of the problem. Previously I was allowing the recording to stop on their own once they reached the 4GB file spanning limit (the camera just automatically stops recording). I didn't think that would have a negative effect on the file, but I can see now this might have caused the problems.

    I just did a recording of about 1min long, started and stopped it manually, and now it plays back in camera fine, and also is working with FCP log and transfer. SO... it appears if you do not stop the recording manually, it corrupts the file somehow. Can anyone else confirm this? These a brand new genuine Sandisk Extreme 30MB/s cards.
  • @drogo your issue is starting to sound strange... I have had no issue with 176mb/s and log and transfer in FCP. Sounds like your card is corrupt - maybe its a 'bad' card? If FCP is not recognizing the structure- and the camera is no playing it back this is quite serious. (for the card)

    For import into FCP- try using the Panasonic AVCHD repair software.
  • Yes, I formatted the card in the camera several times to be sure. I also tried with a 16GB Transcend class 10 that will also record fine, but will not play back in camera. Also, the Log and Transfer function in Final Cut pro is not able to recognize the files or directory structure... but I can play them back in VLC no problem.
  • @drogo- make sure that after the FW update you format the card in camera. This helps- sometimes I will get the odd one that doesn't playback- probably bit rate to high? (but first try the format)
  • I just got two Sandisk Extreme 30MB/s from B&H and have been testing with Driftwoods 176mbit patches... tried switching to Sandisk from everyone's recommendation because of reliability reports. My previous Transcend 32GB class 10 could not handle it. I thought the Sandisks would be a huge improvement... and it seems they record fine, but I cannot get them to play back in my camera. Has anyone else been able to record with this card, but not playback?
  • Excellent, thanks Vitaliy.
  • @SisterCities

    They are good. Fast and reliable.
  • Are these as reliable as the older card without 'HD Video' printed on it? And at least as reliable as the new Extreme Pro 45MB/s card? There seems to be many differing opinions...maybe know one knows for sure.
  • Avoid buying memory cards from Amazon, unless the item is listed as "sold by". Third-party Amazon sellers are no better than random eBay sellers. Actually I think it's best to buy from a SanDisk-authorized retailers: