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Capitalism: The only moral system
  • 30 Replies sorted by
  • @kurth

    Your problem that you defined in your head some wrong definitions of "knowledge", "ideologue" and "right". My position is to stay on materialistic and scientific point of view, not about being abstractly right.
    Your position now - "I also have opinion! I think 2x2 equals 10!". After this you somehow internally understand that this is not right, but blame me or other people with other views.

    This thing changes as you read and think more and understand that your "original opinion" has no real value for long time (or never had). Do not worry, this happens to everyone.

    P.S. I removed personal attack part. Do not go here.

  • @vitaliy ...and what knowledge did you share ? Your problem is you're an ideologue who thinks he's always right.

  • @kurth

    Some people do not understand why we have economic/political posts here. They are here not to fight for your views and opinions. They are to share knowledge. If it makes you to read book or two we already won.

    Capitalism, socialism, communism ...they're all the same, because they divide the population into feudal/overlord.

    Your statement is wrong, this is first. As you literally do not understand definition of words you are using.

    Second, I think you love anarchism. This is utopia.

    The difference between a so-called capitalist state control system like america, which moves in invisible increments to steal accumulated wealth, and a communist state control system like north korea, which takes all wealth by force, is in america the people still have the guns, so the capitalist tread softly. In north korea they just disappear the misfits into their gulags.

    Your problem is that you think that this thoughts and statements are original and have value. They don't. I many times asked you to rise your opinion to knowledge and you constantly want to lower knowledge to opinion.


    Austrian school of thought can be found at (free atticles and books I believe on topic).

    I do not know any "Austrian school of thought". So called Austrian economic school is small tool used by capitalists to make it look like imperialism exist not due economic laws under capitalism, but due some complicated plot by some corrupt elites. And all we need is to move to "true free market". This is just non scientific bullshit.

  • @VK & @kurth You both make good points. Austrian school of thought can be found at (free atticles and books I believe on topic).

  • @Vitaliy ....first, V please give link to article so things can be read within their context. Second, all of the "isms" , in their pure form, have failed humanity. In the final result, if left to their own devices, they all want to take away personal freedom and end in the same totalitarian state. Capitalism, socialism, communism ...they're all the same, because they divide the population into feudal/overlord. And it's going to get worse, because , whether it's the capitalist elites or the socialist elites...they'll own the robotic means of production, which will leave people with little more than crumbs. The difference between a so-called capitalist state control system like america, which moves in invisible increments to steal accumulated wealth, and a communist state control system like north korea, which takes all wealth by force, is in america the people still have the guns, so the capitalist tread softly. In north korea they just disappear the misfits into their gulags. That's why the socialist/leftist forces in america want our guns. It's really a new paradigm, no longer right vs left, but authoritarian vs libertarian, because all extant political systems seek accumulated authority, which they never plan on relinquishing, and authority equals wealth.