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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • @woody123 Thank you as well. Just ordered two of them, pretty sweet deal!
  • @woody123
    Thanks, just ordered sandisk extreme sdhc
  • B and H 32GB 30MB/s Sandisk Link:
    thanks @Oedipax for the heads up.

    $82.00 for Single
    $58.95 for 2+
    Free US Shipping

    Anyone using the Transcend 64GB SDXC with 132M, 150M, or 220M bitrates?

    At $95 - $100, it would be ideal.
  • I think I understand this Bandwith when it goes up and down. Its based on the detail the camera needs to record, more objects and good light means more date bandwith. Less detail like landscapes and distance objects not in focus- less bandwith.
  • @Vitaliy - Sandisk Extreme 32GB 30MB's Read/Write does seem to be the best one for the hack don't you think.
  • >Great deal on the 30MB/s Sandisks at B&H right now - $58.95 for a 32GB when you order 2 or more.

    Do you have a link?

    I have 2x Sandist Extreme 32Gb, but I think it had been slightly more in price.
  • Don't know if anybody noticed this but when I shoot in 50p mode with Driftwood 55MB's hack I only get 33MB's on the memory card. Then When I shoot with ETC I get full bandwidth, is that normal for it to go up and down. Sandisk disk say the card can get slower the more you format it. However I am using a Dane-Elec 200x card.
  • Great deal on the 30MB/s Sandisks at B&H right now - $58.95 for a 32GB when you order 2 or more.
  • Ok, Thanks for the information on SD Cards, Yesterday I was working with a CBandin firmware update push to cbrandin 66Mbps AQ2 AVCHD Patch coupled with
    LPowell 100Mbps Low Light MJPEG 1080p Patch. I had no playback, in camera, no big deal, could view in computer, very impressive. Then I get notification in camera that the SD card is not fast enough to continue. I have SD Extreme Pro 45mb 8 Gig.
  • This should put everybodys mind at ease with regards to the Driftwoods 132 Patch. It seems this is the card for high 132MB's Broadcastable video:

    its maxium bandwidth is 21.33 MB's - Havasusvideo as clearly told me that you need 16.5MB/sec so finally you should have no writing limitations. Plus a bit of bandwidth to push the bitrate a bit further. I waiting to get the card this week.
  • @havasuvideo - Thanks for the reply. That makes sens and just need to confirm. It odd really since I have a card that is 200x Class 10, Dane-Elec Proline 32GB.

    Optimized for Rapid-Fire Photo and Video
    Perfect for the Newest Digital HD Video recorders and SLR Cameras
    Finest SLC Memory and Controllers for Years of Reliable Use in the Most Demanding Conditions
    Class 10 Rating Guarantees Minimum Write Speeds of 10MB/Sec or Higher
    200x Allows Read Speeds up to 30MB/s

    I think the advertising spec is a bit miss leading. So it really something like min 10MB/sec so prob that sandisk extream 3 @ 30 MB/s sec will do.
  • You are confusing the little b(bits) with the big B(bytes). 8-bits make 1 byte. So, 132mb/sec, divide by 8, equals 16.5MB/sec.
    don't waste you money on UHS-I, the camera doesn't take advantage of it, and unless you use a USB3.0 card reader, you won't see any benefits.
    Just buy a cheap class 10 card and call it good.
  • @anyone. Can some please advise a good fast memory card for Driftwoods patchs - 132 MB's

    SanDisk ships Extreme Pro SDHC UHS-I memory card seems to be a good one but is the Panasonic GH2 actually takeing advantage of the UHS-1 Controller?. Is 45 MB's enough for a Driftoods patch.

    I dont want to spend £82 on a 32GB memory card and find its not fast enough as I get "recording stopped due to the limitations of the writing to the memory card"
  • I just ran an in camera test to see how long it would take to write the 40 burst shot buffer to the card.
    Time from end of burst until card write icon disappears (best of several trials):
    Transcend 32GB class 10 = 22 seconds
    Sandisk Extreme Pro 45MBs 32GB = 12 seconds
  • @tonalt

    It's my understanding that the SanDisk 30MB/s Cards labeled "HD Video" AND
    "Class 10 and UHS-1", like the ones in the thread's first post are just fine.

    They are the most common SanDisk 30MB/s available now.
  • Is there SD-card that works with 42Mb/s settings and I can actually buy it from somewhere? I searched from almost every local shop Sandisk cards and could only find those new UHS-1 versions.

    Now I'm considering 2 different brands and models. First Transcend 64GB SDXC ( ). user leifo says "I am using Transend SD XC 64 GB it work great for me.".

    Second Lexar 32GB Professional 133x SDHC ( ). Source:,2940-12.html Tom's hardware claims that it has pretty good write speeds.

    Better ideas?
  • USB 2.0's speed limit I believe is 480 Mbit/s or 60 MB/s so yeah,... the actual readers have a speed limit below that then. Do I understand this correctly?
  • Tried the NTSC-trick. Set camera to NTSC from camera menu and then formatted from camera. It didn't work.

    Now I'm desperate. Does anyone know where to get one of these cards or is willing to sell one?

    Any Size Sandisk Extreme III 30MB/s
    Any Size Extreme Class 10 "NON-UHS-1" 30MB/s

    At least 8 GB, but I'd like to get 32 GB.
  • "we've seen a USB 2.0 hard drive has sustained 36 to 40MBbyte/s in the absolute best scenario' :-)

    Normally it is SDHC reader speed limit.
    Most USB 2,0 devices are quite slow and cheap.
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    USB 2.0 can't support 30 MB/sec?
  • @LPowell

    It is not the question of computer power.
    You need good SDHC reader, USB 3.0 based usually.
  • I tested three versions of the Sandisk Extreme SD card on my desktop PC workstation and got nearly identical results:

    Sandisk Extreme 16GB
    30MB/sec - SDHC
    Write speed: 16.1 MB/sec
    Read speed: 18.3 MB/sec

    Sandisk Extreme HD Video 16GB
    30MB/sec - SDHC 1
    Write speed: 15.8 MB/sec
    Read speed: 18.3 MB/sec

    Sandisk Extreme Pro 32GB
    45MB/sec - SDHC 1
    Write speed: 15.6 MB/sec
    Read speed: 18.3 MB/sec

    The computer I used for testing purposes is quite capable, according to Wiki US News:

    HP’s Pavilion Elite HPE-390t is a enthusiastic choice for anyone who wants nakedness noesis but finds the action category’s pricey behemoths off-putting. It managed to eke discover brawny generalized and recreation scores in our tests, and it’s close at a easy (for the category) toll point. It haw not crowning the charts, but at meet over $2000 in a collection whose body outlay at small threefold that amount, it doesn’t rattling requirement to.
  • @woody123 "The first post lists an Extreme UHS-1 30MB/s Card as compatible.
    So it may not be just UHS-1 that makes them incompatible?
    What has your research shown?"

    I didn't mean to allude that ALL UHS-1 cards wouldn't work, just that the UHS-1 technology in the cards can't be utilized in the GH2. That means it'll rely on older technology that is still built into the cards as a redundancy. From what I've read is that there should really be 2 benchmarks for each UHS-1 card, one for electronics that utilize the UHS-1 tech, and one for electronics that don't. It seems the the main cards in question is the 16GB and 32GB Extreme Pro 45MB/s, which you have already noted. The card I am using with no problems what so ever is the older 32GB Extreme 30MB/s Class10 (the second one in your first list above).
  • I'm with skyak, my card works flawlessly. I got it from amazon -directly-it's NTSC. The question is other than "write speed" is there any REAL architectural difference between a 45Mb Sandisc and a 30Mb one that would cause the GH2 to spaz out?.....I thinks not.