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3D LUT Creator - best tool for camera matching and video grading
  • 92 Replies sorted by
  • Maybe a suggestion to Oleg that he might want to consider: it would be nice to give the user a better view of the true color palette in the source image. Working on the palette itself instead of the total color space would make things easier. There are ways to extract a color palette from an image but it is more difficult to get a smoothly ordered one. It is possible though as the attached image shows: on the right a smooth palette of the 625 most important colors in the source image in the upper left. To show that the palette does a good job at capturing the source colors, the bottom left image is the source image where all the colors have been changed to their closest color in the palette: the 2 images are very close. The colors in the palette are neatly arranged in color blobs smoothly blending into each other and as a bonus, the more a color is present in the image the bigger the blob, so you also have a kind of color histogram info. Now each blob could be individually graded by the process used by 3D LUT Creator and not only in hue, but also in saturation and value...

    Color Palette 3.jpg
    1367 x 649 - 67K
  • @tida

    I have played with the demo version of 3D LUT Creator: the program is very clever and useful.

    It differs from automated color grading in the sense that you have to build the transform yourself. The 2 approaches can work together though: provided that the program can load the 3D LUT tables that my program exports (the .3dl format read by After Effects), I see no problem loading one in 3D LUT Creator and further tweak it to achieve whatever results you want. Unfortunately browsing through the menus I haven't seen this possibility: you can export a LUT file but not import it. I guess it is because the program needs a source picture to build its transform, but I may be wrong. In automatic color grading you also transfer the luminance distribution and not only the colors. That helps achieving the transfer of looks: in 3D LUT Creator you can tune the luminance with a more traditional curve.

    2 different approaches then...

  • Finished project using 3D Lut Creator. IMO my color corrections haven't ever looked so good. Especially making skin tone look better is so easy. Just hover mouse cursor on the face and look where are the nearest points in the grid and drag them around until it looks good. To fix greenish GH2 look, drag points to opposite direction from green. Then use curves to add little bit "S-shape" to main curve. Then use blue curve to add maybe little bit blue to the shadows. Then finally reduce little bit saturation and voilà! Just add little bit vignette in AE and depending on scene maybe noise reduction and that's it!

  • @pwc I see that you are still active in this forum. What would you say???

  • I'm wondering how command "File/Import curves from file" works. If you import a picture RGB curves are changed for pre-loaded picture. Maybe it's somewhere mentioned on their websites and somebody who is familiar with Russia can help.

    Would be great if it is based on "Automated Colour Grading using Colour Distribution Transfer" where another solution was discussed at

  • Wow these guy/s don't sleep!!!

                                                                        New demo 1.0 version's out

    Superb cleaner dark theme implementation, dual meters, Lab mode switch, extended tone hacker interface with curves and other stuff. The other day someone sent me a photo with very silly looks... as a game I tried to correct it... well never before I colour corrected a still image so fast and graciously. Really wish a mac version is in the build :D

  • Just 1 word: awesome!!!

    3D LUT Creator demo direct download link. Demo mode does not allow to save 3D LUTs or image in other formats, play with it, at VK there are a ton of LUTs and meshs to download for free.

    For mac users use Wine and X11 or Quartz. Mavericks folks Wine and Quartz, this last one has a buggy installation mode but works =)

  • Went to fb page and messaged Oleg.

  • @tonalt: And where and how did you download it, even to try at first? I couldn't find any link there.

  • Tried it, loved it, bought it. Perfect for noob like me, gives understandable visual feedback instantly.

  • Could someone pls help translate. Vitaliy? Cant read Russian for the life of me. I know something good is happening, but couldnt make head or tail when I got to the website

  • I've used Zero Noise before and thought it was great.

    I'll have to check out his Tone Hacker.

  • @Faudel reposting your video, hopefully it works. In 2007 el compi Guillermo Luijk developed a very similar idea with Tone Hacker, check it out it is free but windows only, BTW his Perfect Raw and Zero Noise are also really nice, he used dcraw as engine... I invited him to chin in, inshallah!

    @Vitaliy_Kiselev indeed

    @derek that's exactly what I'm missing, a Russian wifi wife :P

  • In russia lenguaje , need help from my beautiful Russian Wife :-)

  • Interesting software.

  • @maxr awesome finding thank you ! The extract curve tool is pretty nice to answer the "how can i achieve this look ? " question