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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • I so far have no issues with 32GB Extreme Pro 45MB/s (NTSC).

    I was having all sorts of issues with my previous 32GB Class 10 Card (Acumem).
  • @Brian202020

    The first post lists an Extreme UHS-1 30MB/s Card as compatible.
    So it may not be just UHS-1 that makes them incompatible?
    What has your research shown?

    There's no fewer than 3 different 30MB/s Cards listed in the thread.

    Sandisk's various versions: 30MB/s or better
    > extreme III (Class 10) 30MB
    > extreme (Class 10) 30MB
    > extreme hd video (UHS-1 and Class 10) 30MB
    > extreme pro UHS-1 only 45MB

    Please Check for Accuracy:

    Any Size Sandisk Extreme III 30MB/s -YES , but no longer Sold

    Any Size Extreme Class 10 "NON-UHS-1" 30MB/s -YES , more difficult to Find

    (these from Vitaliy's first post) (Labeled Class 10 AND UHS-1) (widely available)
    8GB Extreme HD Video Class 10 and UHS-1 30MB/s - YES
    16GB Extreme HD Video Class 10 and UHS-1 30MB/s - YES
    32GB Extreme HD Video Class 10 and UHS-1 30MB/s - YES

    (Labeled as UHS-1, but NO Class 10 Mark)
    16GB Extreme Pro 45MB/s - YES? (updated from NO? date: 10-15-11)
    32GB Extreme Pro 45MB/s - YES, but NTSC Setting in GH2 only?
  • Well that may be true but(personally)I am having zero problems with Cbrandins 44MB settings as far that goes. I get very fast write speeds and the card seems to work fine. Perhaps higher bitrate patches would cause issues but Chris's settings work great for me.
  • It's the write speeds that suffer. It may still be a class 10 card, but class 10 refers to the read speed. for the GH2 the 30 Mb/s card is way faster and will be less likely to have errors and problems. I just did a ton of research on this yesterday.
  • @Brian202020 ---The extreme pro operates the same as a class 10 card. True the GH2 doesn't take advantage of UHS-I's maximum performance but it doesn't turn the card into a class 4 card magically---- I have NO problems with the hack on my 32gig 45MB/s Sandisk extreme pro. Unless I am the ONLY person on earth to get a legit card this card will work fine with the hack. Mine works flawlessly. Maybe its just an issue with PAL country versions of the card.
  • My ExtremePro will succeed where the Transcend class 10 does not make it, like the 132Mb patch with certain subjects or lenses. Have had no problems. But I see your link is to the 16GB as mine is the 32GB.
  • @burgor57
    I bought a SanDisc ExtremePro SDHC 45MBits/sec card from amazon uk also and had the same problem. I had to set to NTSC and reformat card then reboot the camera as NTSC rather than PAL to get it to work with any of the patches apart from the base patch. Have you tried this?
  • @burgor57

    I have exactly same problem with the Sandisk 45MB/s card. Bought it from Chinese seller on eBay, but it seems it wouldn't make any difference to buy it from "trusted" seller like Amazon.

    Now I'm confused what card to buy. Extreme III seems to be recommended, but can't find it anywhere since everyone is selling those new "HD"-cards. I'm thinking that maybe I should buy Transcend instead like this one: . It clearly states that it's only up to 20 MB/s, but who knows for sure when it seems that the most expensive one is not the best?
  • Should we get the big card, 32, or stick with smaller because if they're going to fail eventually then you'd lose less, right, so not as painful. I've been using 16GB cards but was thinking of switching to 8s. Same price for two 8s as a 16 and safer. What do you guys think?
  • @burgor57

    The GH2 doesn't utilize the UHS-1 technology in that card so that is why it's slower. If it did your card would be plenty fast enough, but since it doesn't, the speed of the card is too slow for the hack. Sell the card on ebay, take a small loss if you have to, and get the 32 gig Sandisk class 10 30Mb/s card.
  • Mbit ≠ MB
  • I see other SanDisc SD cards that are Class 10 but I can only see ones that have 30MBits/sec write speeds. If we are setting data rates of 42MBits/sec and above, how can a 30MBits/sec card do the job? Are there fast cards available - I can't see any?
  • I bought a SanDisc ExtremePro SDHC 45MBits/sec card from amazon ( and I find it will not write quick enough using the recommended settings in PTool3. Stops recording after a few seconds and the camera is locked (have to remove battery to stop). It should have been fast enough I thought, but perhaps I got the wrong card. I notice it doesn't say Class 10 on the card - perhaps it's not suitable - or it's faulty - or a fake. Any comments anayone?
  • @ Mark_the_Harp

    After reading your comment I just read over my last one and it sounds terribly bitter or angry and I'm not that at all, but it is, as you say, "frustrating" that everything is so much cheaper in the states than here. Economy of scale perhaps. But even the gas they get from Alberta is cheaper than here.

    Anyways I was wondering whether to buy a couple more Sandisks or wait till the firmware or hack gives us a full HDMI output and get a Ninja recording device and monitor in one! What do you think?
  • @davhar It's frustrating seeing all this cheap stuff in the US. I'm not an economist but it genuinely intrigues me (and annoys me, because I don't live there any more!) that more or less everything you care to name is so cheap there compared with the rest of the world. Wish I knew how the US sustained that.
  • Yeah the yanks seem to get the better deals all right…in many areas, no doubt. The 16 GB Sandisk Extreme on the B&H site is $46 and yet costs $139 here in Vancouver. I mean WTF?! Our dollar is worth more than US.

    Perhaps it's just the modern way of kissing ass for favours, corporate style. Or it's just the stupidity of the global economic reality that we're all so very blessed to be part of, like it or not. Ain't it sweet
  • Looks a great deal. Just wish I still lived in the US as their prices are pretty extortionate - I'm sure it really doesn't cost THAT much to ship 2 SDHC cards to the rest of the world!!!
  • I picked up a pair of these Sandisk 30gb/s cards - they are really awesome, no write or in camera playback errors at all, using driftwoods 100/Low GOP settings - much happier with these than with my Transend10/16. I highly recommend. I'm buying 4 more
  • there is a superb deal on these at adorama
    2 X 16gb class10 sandisk for 59

    this is the best price I've ever seen for these.
    There are extreme 30gb.
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev Thanks :-)

    Sorry to bother . . . but the info on PView about optimal SD cards is all over the place, and most of it is long back-and-forth with some contradicting information. Yes, BHPhoto prices surprised me a bit, that is why I asked. I will order the Sandisk E today, and upgrade to ptools3.62 when they arrive.
  • @B3Guy

    Sandisk Extreme are good and price at BHPhoto makes them especially good :-)
  • sorry, all this talk is confusing! @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    The cards pictured and listed at the top of the thread are still THE BEST cards to get for a hacked GH2? Like these:

    I am currently running 3.61, but would like to move to 3.62 due to some recent breakthroughs, but I need a fast card first, as I am running class 6 transcend right now. I want to go straight to the top-of-the-list fastest card I can get so I don't need to buy more later. Please someone confirm or point me to the best card (16GB is what I'm after), Thanks.
  • I have been testing the 132 mbit extreme patch with Sandisk Extreme Pro 45MBs 32GB and have not been able to make it crash whereas the transcend class 10 stops in 1 to 5 seconds. No spanning but full 4GB 5 minute files with a few different lenses and subjects. Should I have posted this in the extreme settings thread?
  • Sorry I misunderstood...I don't have a "good" card reader- just a cheap 5 dollar one... but I would be willing to test mine on flash memory tool or something.
  • Yep, the one on the left is what I ordered, the card on the right is what I received and returned.
    They were not fake, they were bought from a big name online retailer.

    UHS-I may have it's place....but, it's not for me. In my opinion, Sandisk is selling the UHS-I version like it's the old 30mb/sec version, and it's not. It's closer to a class 6 card.
    And, I'm not worried to much about the write speeds, I wanted the faster read speeds, so I could download things off the camera faster.
    I can save myself at least $50 by going with a cheaper set of 32GB cards, and still be around 20mb/second, which is where the UHS-I cards tested at.

    I would be curious how fast the Extreme Pro UHS-I 45mb/sec cards tested out at. That's on a USB 2.0 set-up.