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The Swiss Knife Camera
  • 34 Replies sorted by
  • @chef, Well it seems that people have lost faith. Where do you see see that people work for nothing? so to inform everyone, Company will be setup from day one. in the next month or so if we have found the right people Recruited participant will have 3 things: 1/ shares: 50% of the company divided by the amount of people recruited. so if 5 people are recruited then you get 10% each on day one.

    2/ Cash lump sum(depending on your possible hour input) Ready for you on project delivery

    Now since no one is taking any income including myself, all money received would distributed on a bi - annual dividend basis if profit exist of course.

    The other 50% which I would keep ownership at the beginning will then become split in between financial investors which are not needed since I can finance the project, but we never know we may need to bring more capital on board if we have a opportunity to get big.

    And also don't forget that I actually put all the cash on the table os each participant will able to acquire anything that is needed for the success of the project.

    So I think what I'm offering is a little bit better than a kick starter project. isn't it? Here I'm not pretending that I know how to build a camera. I was just helping all of you expert to build one.

    Btw, I don't think you need to call me a moron? is it really appropriate.

    @eatstoomuchjam, @Vitaliy_Kiselev very funny and also very important to bring the subject. well timing is always a consideration, but I was thinking of having a very open project, shared on this very forum that would give daily/weekly updates.

    I know that other project /company have not been shining on the subject, but that's only because they have not worked with the public. They left us in the dark. Here everything would be transparent.

    Reading the comments, I do not believe that there is a massive interest, If the creator of this forum can only backup a proper investment by making a one line joke then it shows a very pessimistic future.

    It seems like time have been wasted.

  • @anthonybert

    Sounds so complicated. Do you have engineering skills?

  • @eatstoomuchjam


    You also forgot very important requirement. You must be a hippie to do it.

  • See, what you need to do also is to find a recent film school graduate to consult with you on the design of the camera. Then you can make a POC video with your "prototype" camera (which is really a camera from another company). Ideally, you could license the camera's name from a respected maker of 8mm and 16mm film cameras who has fallen by the wayside. Maybe Digital Keystone, Digital Bell and Howell, or Digital Beaulieu would be options.
    Now you'll be ready for kickstarter. You can promise people your awesome new camera for around $2500. You'll raise a few million in funding. Then you and your team of "gurus" can fail to deliver a working camera for more than a year while you keep posting updates promising that you're really close to working out all of your sensor problems while you haven't ever actually managed to get even a single usable image out of it. Meanwhile, maybe your optics guru can also invent some crappy lenses and you can brag about using coating technology 40 years out of date on them.

    Oh, hey, and don't forget the handcrank on the side.

  • Cool u try to hire ppl for free and then when the product is done u get the money and the other nothing! why dont u go on other forums u mor.......thx in advance

  • @Jleo Thanks for responding, that was fairly constructive, and I was expecting it. People interested in the project will not have to worry about organisation. I will take charge of it. When the time comes and the a possible team is in place hopefully in the next 2 weeks, I will give them my resume, then they can decide if they are still in. And by the way the article says "the end as we know it" not "the end".

  • Gurus tend to be egomaniacs and don't work well together. So you need a Taskmaster Guru to whip them into line. All the Gurus are useless without an Organizational Guru. His or her first task is to put up a website to communicate your plan. Even scammers know how to do this. Sorry I can't help, my Skeptical Guru wrote the above, not me. Well, I'm off to build my Humvee with macaroni and rubber bands. Good luck! But hurry, Spielberg and Lucas just said the movie industry will soon implode, so there is no need for cameras anymore.

  • @Shaveblog, did I miss the sandwich holder feature on the camera? damn :)

    Thank you for responding and to answer your question, yes you get to choose your guru type. I believe that if we want to get something out constructively and creatively we may need more than one guru per section. I intend to run this thread for around 2 weeks and then we can all decide if we have the necessary resources to achieve our goals.

  • Yes, Internet Stranger, I would love to join your team and work for nothing but the promise of a possible stake in something down the road. Being, like all others here, a complete amateur in the field of camera design and manufacture, I feel that not only do I have a lot to offer the team, but given the high level of discourse and general harmony here, there's no doubt the final design will be a masterpiece of performance, operational elegance, and technical brilliance. Thank you for the opportunity, and I guess my only question is, do we get to pick our own guru type? Because if so, I want to be Optic Guru. Or Storage Guru. Or, and I know this wasn't on the list, but maybe think about Catering Guru? Gurus got to eat too, you know.