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OS X 10.9 will restrict multitasking ala Windows 8 fullscreen mode
  • The rumor also notes that OS X 10.9, which is internally codenamed "Cabernet," will include a new version of Safari with a focus on speed and efficiency. Like Mountain Lion before it, 10.9 will reportedly borrow features from iOS: a new multitasking feature inspired by the mobile operating system may be included, and background apps may be paused similarly to how they are on iPhones and iPads.

    "Improvements" galore.


  • 26 Replies sorted by
  • Apple does respond....slowly. When FCPX was dumbed down. They smartened it up. When battery life took a dive with's a little better now. Still waiting for OSX 11.0 Putty Tat.

    Background render disabling in FCPX Preferences:

  • What, this is now a Mac rumors site?

  • You can call CentOS clean (and I see what you mean), but I call it stale and covered with dust.

    MS really shot themselves in the foot with OEM-bundles and "value-added" crapware. Their run from 2000-2010 has scared me off for a lifetime, and I am never coming back. OS X is on the other hand blissfully free of pre-installed popups and register forms, but you pay through the nose for it. I see that, but that is the anti-microsoft tax. I pay it gladly... Anything to fight the antichrist...

    Now, what were we talking about again? Oh, OS X 9. Yes, unless I read rumours about melting mac book pros not even fit for slicing bread on, I will probably follow the sheep and pay up for it...

  • @firstbase

    I think the last time that existed was the Atari ST. In linux world you would like Cent OS. But use that for a day and you will come screaming back to whatever you are using now. I can wager that the moment you have a 'clean' OS the first thing you will have to do is install something to make it work properly.

    There are so many aspects of the computer that the OS is taking care of- its a miracle it works at all really.

    At least with OS X you don't need to worry about installing drivers for EVERYTHING, that can be real fun.

    We will all see what is in store on WWDC day... and actually the most important thing: Will it be a Cougar?

  • I've always wished for a super clean OS with no bells, no whistles, no bloat. I guess Linux is as close as we'll get to it. I'm no software engineer, but I imagine part of the problem Apple and MS face is trying to find a "fat" middle ground that pleases all third party developers. Sometimes I think an a la carté OS would be cool. If I'm optimizing a machine for video and imaging only, give me a clean OS that's designed for that specific set of software. Of course, my ignorance is bliss!

  • I disagree with a few comments here:

    1) This is a rumour. So may or may not be true. 2) FCPX uses extensive background render- so I doubt that Apple would disable this if you checked your email. 3) Frankly I would actually like my apps that were not 'rendering' or doing something useful to go into a coma. 4) Hopefully there will be a terminal command to disable this 'feature' completely.

    Doesn't anyone remember the early days of spotlight? EVERYONE was disabling it-religioulsy. Now... Can't live without it...

    My two cents.

    (have too much time on my hands right now... having to babysit Nuke de-flicker a bad LED light in a live concert recording. EH! 10s footage = 1 hour render, oh and deflicker2 is buggy- so it crashes when it feels like it)

  • Cheap plastic case, lower screen res. than MBA, older CPU than MBA, older graphics chip than MBA, no TB port, no USB3 ports, no SD slot.

    Windows 7 Home Premium installed. LOL!!! :-D

  • Acer has a Macbook Air clone for almost half the price.

    424 x 364 - 6K
  • "Life is a Caber(n)et old chum!" " Money makes the world go around!" .... Macs have always been way overpriced. Acer has a Macbook Air clone for almost half the price. We've been using Macs before it was a Mac, the LISA. The Edsel of Macs. Always paid a premium price for the hardware and peripherals. The AC adapter for the Macbook has a history of shorting out, due to the way the cord sticks out without flexing. I've gone through 2 in the last year. $100 a pop.

  • I met a diehard mac fanboy who didn't know crap about OSX shortcuts. His basis was that Apple is the best for musicians who record music because macbook pro is so dead quiet. I asked him about proliferation of ssd, and he had no idea. He couldn't update to the latest and the greatest MBP due to its incredible price tag and stopped looking for alternatives. Windows 8's ASIO implementation seems getting good feedback.

  • Their vision whatever that is smells like mouldy apple.

  • Theyre going totally for the money (small devices like touchpads) without a care in the world for laptops and desktops. Their vision is not necessarily always the correct one.

  • LoL. Apple shareholders must be crying out loud. Nosediving from $700 to $400 something where S&P500 is in new record high territory. Apple is entering their 3rd calendar year without Steve Jobs. We are witnessing the slow death of the Empire.

  • True or not, result is that loads of folks on the interwebz are talking about OSX 10.9. Welcome to the hype machine, boyz. Apple shareholders owe you.

  • Codename "Cabaret" :)

  • This just doesn't seem right. That's like a 25 year step backwards for computing. Only time will tell.

  • A year ago there were people claiming that apps on osx 10.8 would have been sold and updated only via Appstore. Of course they were 100% sure about it and of course they were 100% wrong. History repeats itself.

  • I have no idea whether the rumour is true or not.All I know is, if it is true, I will avoid 10.9 the way I avoided Vista and am avoiding Windows 8. Do you know what it took for me to use Vista? Someone literally giving me a computer with it... last year - 6 years after it was rleased. And I had already started using Windows 7 long before that on the last computer I actually bought (and I had returned the only computer I`d bought with Vista before that within days).

    All I am saying is, the consumers need to vote with their wallets -Microsoft is being cited as one of the reasons for the decrease in PC sales recently with Windows 8 and (whether that is actually true or not) the perception could pressure them to re-think things. Hopefully if Apple is considering this, it will also re-think things as a result.

    I mean, heck, even Bill Gates says he is holding off on upgrading to Windows 8 because he sees no reason for his desktop to act like a tablet. Okay, end rant. :)

  • Apple sux.

    And rumors believers too.

  • @Pechente

    Issue is this guys like to copy each other. Check Windows 8 implementation. Whole idea is to somehow put good looking high specs CPU, high res screens and tiny batteries into tablet or ultrabook. Hence stupid ideas.

  • The headline is really misleading. First it’s a rumor and even if it’ll turn out to be true, that won’t mean multitasking on the system will be restricted to iOS-like multitasking.

    I had the article in my RSS Feed earlier and read through the comments as usual. Some guys point out that Apple will probably just release some Multitasking APIs that will enable devs to build applications with iOS-like multitasking - that doesn’t mean they’re forced to.

  • @killagram "Why are OS's going backwards"? well, the whole world is going backwards. The dumbing down of science continues unabated, the dumbing down of literary skills, it is endemic :(

    Still, my Win XP is good for many years yet... until MINT or something else can pick up the mantle... If any of us baby boomers are still left at that point... :(

  • Cost saving from researching iOS instead of keeping both iOS and OSX?

  • So there's no true multitasking but we get a multi-tabbed Finder (?!). Why are OS's going backwards? Just because we're eventually losing keyboards doesn't mean we're losing hardware horsepower.