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GH2 showing fixed darker band/stripe 20 pixels high across footage
  • 186 Replies sorted by
  • @benzopilas You want to sell yours? How much do you want for it?

  • @alexpj19 thanks for your help but I'm still fuming over this. It's like buying a new car (disregard the price difference) and finding out that the 2nd gear doesn't work. And the manufacturer states that the car was built that way, and not working 2nd gear is the car's characteristic. Furthermore they tell you there is no way to fix it. But hey, there's a workaround - from the 1st gear you can simply shift to the 3rd and you'll be fine.... :) Well, you get the idea. And I will not calm down until I am sure that GH2 sales has dropped to 0. Unless Panasonic readdresses this issue ;) Thanks again.

    @kanintesova I can assure you Panasonic is aware of the LINE issue. They have confirmed it over the phone today. I will get onto EU Consumer Center in a next couple of days and will find out if Pany can get around it legally. My main point is that the camera is not fit for it's purpose and such a 'characteristic' (as they say) is nowhere mentioned in the User Manual. I believe if it's a characteristic - it should be described somewhere. I might be wrong. But I will find that out.

  • Guys, I've been into this also. It's like the classic; "if you know what to look for it is there". I think we can't fight panasonic with this. They never promised something like interference-free picture? Doesn't say so in the manual. It sucks, but it is like force majure in legal documents. :( They WILL get around it legally. The ONE way to go is if a majority of people bring this up. On blogs or wherever.

    It could hurt reputation and it might be an impact on sales. I doubt it, cus this is low end consumer camera (although capable of wonders). So most people won't give a shit, or most ppl won't notice. It's just pixel-peeping.

    I don't know what to do. If you have the camera - work around it??? maybe. Or address it to panasonic/lumix!!!

    They ought to know about it. But if there are no flaws and everythin is perfect...????? - There goes the software developers, there goes the engineers, there goes the technichians , there goes the sales rep. Ha ha ha. It's their livelyhood. Business is: Why fixs problems straight away? Cynic? maybe? Just buy the new "IMPROVED" stuff (but they knew about the flaws - it's a known flaw - they will fix it in near future ha ha ha)

    Imagine people at the engineer side; "fuck, we know this is kind of a problem but let's wait it still works, let the sales rep take the shit... of course we know how to fix this but we need to keep our jobs,lets postpone - we have families to feed") HA A HAHA humans

  • jey man, i hear your pain and unfortunately im in the same boat :( for now im just learning to live with that and work my way around it, learning new tricks, such as: if you shoot 24p with high iso, set your shutter on 1/40 or even 1/30 and in your picture profile set sharpness on 0 or +2 that way you will compensate in sharpness of the image shot at 1/40, and "THE LINE" moves all the way down at 1/40 and could be cropped out of the image, and of course at 1/30 its completely gone. Hope it helps to ease your day a little bit :)

  • So.... BAD NEWS EVERYBODY!!!! I was just talking to Panasonic UK Support Team and I was told that they are aware of that line but it is NOT classified as a fault!!!! It's classified as one of characteristics of the camera!!!! WHAT?!?!?!? Has anyone of you GH2 owners out there been advised about such a characteristic of the camera at the time of purchase? I know high ISO digital noise is a characteristic. But some HORRIBLE horizontal line across the screen?!?!?!?!.... Now I would like to ask everyone with GH2 to check their cameras in low light using ISO 3200 (push it to the limit until you start seeing that bloody line) and let me know how you feel about that 'characteristic'. THEY HAVE ALSO CONFIRMED THAT ALL G2 AND GH2 CAMERAS HAVE SUCH A CHARACTERISTIC!!!! So you're not alone out there. So let's do something about it and teach Panasonic a lesson. Do not let them turn their own fault into characteristic!!!! EU Consumer Legislation states that the goods you bought must be fit for the purpose it was bought for. And in this case you have no rights if you were aware of the defect before you bought it. Well, I haven't been advised of such a characteristic of the camera. Have you? And Panasonic says that no firmware update will fix that 'characteristic'. Do they really expect us to live with that?

  • @mozes I think that may not be the issue - those lines are sometimes just caused by the light source itself. This issue is a fixed band that doesn't change location when run at 1/50 shutter speed and 24p/25p. You're probably seeing that as well though. But the other lines aren't related.

  • I did a short test.
    and yes now i have seen it, i see it every time. :(
    if there is a light source on the left or right site off the lens.
    When i move the gh2 up and down, the horizontal band go's also up and down.
    Sometimes its just one line, other times it are two or even more small horizontal lines

  • Well the same issue exists on 1080i60 at 1/120 and 1/100 when using 1080i50 - it's just more of a problem when using 24p and 25p. Annoyingly.

  • So it looks like the camera has some technical limitations and Panny optimized it for 1080i60 @ 1/60th – which might make sense for some markets. Looks like we have to live with it.

    BTW, the Scarlet-X is out ;-)

  • I checked the topic above and switching to iso 640 from 800 or 1250 from any higher or in any combination did not resolve the issue if "THE LINE", i also checked every movie mode( cinema, standart, smooth........) nothing changed, "The LINE" is still there. the next test i shot in all of the frame modes, they all had the line, except 1 thing i noticed that when i shot 1080i and 720 60i on shutter 1/60 "THE LINE" wasn't there, as soon as i switched to 1/50 or 1/80 or other speeds, "THE LINE" showed up again :( Than i went on to a more desperate test and shot footage with every function available in the menues "ON" and "OFF"............nothing helped to resolve the issue. My conclusion is that "THE LINE" is there to stay and i just have to learn to live with it, at least for now until GH3 or RED SCARLET comes out :)

  • @Tommyboy Interesting that you only see it on 12800 iso. I see it on almost every shoot as soon as it's not perfect light regardless of iso.

  • @JamesAllenVisual I didn't really have time to go thru a test on all of the cameras but I remember seeing it on one of them when I did 12800 iso shoot in black and white.

  • @Tommyboy Thanks for that. Have you tested the band stripe issue over all 3 of your cams as well to see if they differ at all? I would love to know the results if you have.

    @kanintesova Ah I can feel the pain there in going the service centre route - I have a feeling they would probably say there isn't an issue as it's pretty much a hardware flaw - aka a 'feature' - but you never know..

  • @JamesAllenVisual: I hear you, for sure. It shouldn't be there. I am thinking the same thing. I bought mine from a physical reputable store here in Sweden. So within 1 year I think it is possible to return it if there is hardware malfunction. I had contact with PANA rep here, but they had never heard of the problem (go figure) - so they advised me to contact the service department which is a third pary private tech firm outsourced by PANA. And as the communication from service dep was sluggish I hesitate. Maybe not worth it at all? Maybe if I can bring my cam to the shop and we can do a comparison between cameras? But its a hassle. Don't think they want to unbox brand new cameras either. It's a project. Maybe it's worth it? I would wish for this not being an issue though. :P

  • @JamesAllenVisual just go for an exchange I noticed that not all of the GH2 are the same. Out of the three I own I can easily hack two whereas the third one is always giving me problems.

  • @kanintesova The problem is that even with a fast lens (I use the 20mm panny) it's really obvious in city night scenes. I filmed in an area with decent street lighting and cars but at certain points it is very distracting. Remembering to switch to 1/30 sorts it out but it's still quite annoying. Good lighting is definitely a must for most stuff you can control though. Can be worked around. Just be nice to know if every GH2 is the exact same or if some have it worse. Hate not knowing if mine is just one of those that has it bad.. 10 days left to return and get an exchange.. hmmm :)

  • Check all REC modes too and report back here.

  • @alexpj19: This is my conclusion as well. Get some proper light rigs he he. Anyways cameras love light. Maybe also super fast lens, but in some situations we don't want shallow DOF - so bring in the lights I say. :)

  • hwy guys seems like alot of people havin this "Line" issue, including me, i noticed it a few days ago and thought the new lens firmware is to blame, so i did tests with different lenses including Canon FD mounts, the problem remained. than i went to official firmware, old and new , nothing worked. Tried to clean sensor, refresh pixels... nothing worked. Than i went to my old footage before i hacked my GH2 and i managed to find the same issue on some shots, i just never notice it before. :( So the bottom line is if i keep this camera i'll shoot at iso 640 max at 1/50, if iso goes up 1250...... ond so on i shoot at 1/40 or even 1/30 shutter speed. at 1/40 line moves down where i can live with it and at 1/30 there is no line. hope it helps to those who just discovered and super frastrated with it like i was. :)

  • Why would you be unable to unhack? Just load the original firmware, change nothing but version increment, flash this.

  • may be a silly question - but has anyone seen this issue on the out-of-the-box GH2? i'm seemingly unable to un-hack my camera this morning as i wanted to quickly test it on the vanilla version of the firmware...

  • The band is most prevalent in mid register..

    I saw a work-around for post production, I think it was further back in this thread? Actually, If you grade in AE then you could make a custom preset to remove it.

  • I suppose for me it's knowing the degree to which it affects different unit's. If all units are the same and mine is no different I won't return my cam and get a new one but if mine is showing it worst than some than I think I'll have to swap it. Do love this camera but just want this resolved so I can get to enjoying it. ;)

    Would be good to know what other's see with their's.

  • That works. I can see that it's 1/50 shutter by the place it is stuck. The noise is terrible anyhow. But noise is OK - it is really annoying with a fixed stripe though. If I was to do some serious stuff I would get some lights of course. But maybe documentary DIY style it sucks. Also B&W looks cool with the noise and you can go high ISO. So this band is annoying then. :(

    But the topic here is if EVERY cam has it. I think so. To more or less degree.

    I'm going to do a test this weekend. But this is not really scientific, we can not really se a big difference maybe?