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Driftwood ClusterX series 2:│moon│ЅріzZ│nebula│drewnet│Slipstream │Redshift
  • 1053 Replies sorted by
  • hm, but i have formated my card in GH2, and it formated it in exFAT
    look here:

  • @dado023 Tried that a while back. Camera advised wrong format so I chickened out & reformatted in camera. Your experience any different or did you ignore warning and record to card?

  • Some test shots with moon 5 and moon3. 25p, shutter speed 25 with ND filters.

  • @callan
    everything went fine, no such warning, i always form sdcard in my GH2, and GH2 automatically formats my sdcard in exFAT.....i think sdcard has rom or something that instructions host device how to handle the card......anyhow my sdcard in formated in exFAT, that is why i am puzzled with "spanning" since it doesn't make any sense on exFAT system when it supports files larger than 4GB

  • Even on GH3 with exFat, files are spanned. My be this is to make backing up to FAT32 storage possible. On a side note, iPad camera connector or Android Media Importer app cannot read exFat formatted cards. SDXC standard mandates exFat formatting; so even if you format a SDXC card to FAT32, GH3 will not recognize it.

  • Shot this with Moon T6

  • Shot this with Moon T6 a few days ago. My footage seems to be at 160 mbts. I didn't think it would get higher than 100. And I needed a wider angle so I ended up using the stock 14-42 lens.

  • @willieturnip123 the music is The Pinker Tones

  • Something is wrong here...

    Cluster X T6 setting B 24p. Sandisk 95MB 32.

  • I had for the first time several total freeze while testing the 12-35 with MOON v5 HBR :-/ sandisk 32GB extreme Pro which worked fine for hundreds of clips in Canis Majoris Skin tone soft in 24p.

  • @driftwood Hi! I've been using IV2 setting for a while now, because of the "444 style" color encoding it provides for grading. So, does this new GOP1 "moon" candidate (updated 20/05/2013) provide advantage over IV2 as "top grading" quality setting? what are the key differences between those two settings?

  • I think I need to redo my latest round of testing. I started the process using Moon 5, and then switched to Moon 6a half way through so I'd be able to perform a direct comparison. I think something went wrong, though. The footage was incredibly noisy, far more than I'd expect for 200 ISO. I went back into some other Moon 5 footage at low ISO and didn't see anywhere near this amount of noise. I just don't have a clue what would have caused the problem. The camera was powered up at ISO 200 and stayed there for the testing, so the ISO bug seems an unlikely candidate. I'd upload a sample, but my preferred file sharing site isn't working at the moment.

    The other issue I noticed was a purple fringing around some leaves. This happened in only one series of shots later in the test using Trial 6. I don't know if this is just a fluke with Trial 6, or possibly some chromatic aberration in the lens. I've circled the artifacts in this PNG frame grab (right side). They become much more noticeable at higher than 100% magnification.

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • First time using Moon T5 today and was for some reason only giving footage at tops 64mb/s. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Edit: Was shooting in 24H

  • One of my first video with moon T5. Panaleica 25mm with cheap nd filter, most footage with f2,8 and iso 400, standard profile all -2 . minimal grading in speedgrade (white balance) what do you think? (testing out t6 in the next weeks)

  • @danielortegajan nice dof and colors!

  • This is going to start as if it's an "off topic" post but trust me it's not. Bought a GH3 just over a week ago. So far extremely happy with it on many levels. Have an interview job coming up so I did a multi cam test with my GH2 (Moon T5 loaded) and my new GH3 (Highest setting - MOV 1080p 24, @ 72Mb/s, All Intra). GH3 as camera A - front, GH2 as camera B - profile. When I synced the two vids in Premiere Pro for a multi cam edit... things were...different. Long and short of it.... the GH2 with Moon T5 kicked the GH3's butt hands down in low light.

    In a nutshell the GH3 produced much more noise and an overall muddier image vs the GH2 under the same shooting conditions. (Both cameras shooting with the same f-stop, S-speed and ISO)

    Hat's off to you Mr. Driftwood and thank you for your work.

    PS: A very humble request. Please attack the GH3 with a vengeance. It needs it. Fingers crossed.

  • @maddog15 72 intra on gh3 is not the best. Try 50 Mb/s ipb instead.

  • thanks @robbin Started new post as this is off topic and would like to learn more from others. Go here for GH3 Best Settings topic...

  • UPDATE NEWS: Cluster X REDshift updated to 1b

    Cluster X 'REDshift'Version 1b (Released 29/05/2013)

    A classic 12/15 Long GOP combination designed for longer recording times and lower bitrates whilst offering superior quantisation over stock settings and for most pictures. Passes death charts needs checking for spanning. Should work on most cards. Version 1 has been adjusted slightly for a Q16 rate control and 720p modes tweaked: now footage should playback in-camera for all modes. The result is v1b.

    Spanning should work fine on the Low settings. The High settings may not. REDshift v2 (coming soon) aims to get spanning working reliably on the High settings.

    Drawn from its big brother DREWnet, REDshift offers;-

    • 1080p24 50Mbps sustained on detailed shots

    • 1080i60/HBR30p = 38-40Mbps sustained on most shots.

    • 1080i50/HBR25p = 40Mbps sustained on most shots.

    • 720p50/60 = 40-45Mbps sustained on most detail shots.

    The update is available on page 1 under the REDshift comment.

  • @driftwood Redshift 1: Initial tests confirm playback in camera now working. More tests tomorrow but not expecting problems. Many thanks for your prompt update, much appreciated.

  • @driftwood

    one quick question regarding video quality with RedShift.

    In version redshift 1 says:
    All QP10 plus iA modes appear to work

    In version redshift 1b says:
    All QP16 with incam playback plus iA modes appear to work

    So the only difference i see here is QP10 vs QP16, right?, well isn't it much better to go with QP10 setting, and forget 1b version, ....i am not sure what exactly is the distinctive point here...maybe dynamic vs static scene? or something else?

    tnx in advance

  • REDshift: Slight change to GOP Related in 720p modes too for v1b. QP16 offers a low QP of 14 at best levels - ie more comfortable margins and less prone to error plus incam playback. If you like Q10 its safer and recommended to go with full DREWnet v8.

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