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GH3 user reviews and opinions
  • 1089 Replies sorted by
  • Take with a grain of salt ;) Everyone has different needs. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

  • @shian

    Correction to your post, my Nikon 55mm that we used for initial testing is f1.2, not f2.

    Anyone used a Ninja 2 on the GH3 yet? I'm curious about the HDMI out performance as I would like to eliminate the massive macro blocking the camera has show thus far in general.

  • shian, I don't know what are are you trying to say with this statement " GH2 IV is kicking the crap out of the GH3", but if you want to compare sharpness use 0 settings on both cameras, not -5 on GH3, and use the 25 fps with H.264 codec and 50 Mb/sec, not the All-I, then and only then you can mace a real comparison. Of course, the same lens, same settings, etc. I look forward to see he results.

    Best regards.

  • Sry, I think Shian is a clown. So much nonsense in two

  • @jjj_ri_usa Oh ...I am in the same boat as you ...I have the GH1 which is not nice for high ISO stills and despite its hacked as well it freezes when I shoot grass or foliage ...

    I was thinking the GH3 would be my answer , specially that I would not like to upgrade my light GH1 Sherman to a Fat Tiger Panzer 5D Mark III (2x price and weight ) ...

    But , reading posts here I am afraid now. I wasnt expecting so many complains about the GH3 sensor, intra codec, moiré etc ...

    Anyway , I have no choice since video is a priority for me and in the M43 world there's no other viable choice ...unless Oly comes up with something amazing in January .

    I live in Brazil and I ll be in USA by january 23 to february 07 . Hope I can find a GH3 available at Amazon or BH ...

    thanks for your feedback . Helped a lot ....

  • @labalbi: Why don´t you test yourself? People who are bashing the GH3 are saying, the GH2 is crap without hack and awesome with hack. Do you trust them? Have you ever seen side by side tests with huge IQ advantages resulting from the hack???

  • Switching codecs made a huge difference. GH3 is finally showing some real promise. The All-I .mov were horrible. The AVCHD looks pretty good, when you see the tests, you'll see the GH3 has a a few advantages over the GH2-I, and vice-versa.

    BTW we were only testing 24p on all cams. We knew others were going to look deeper at the 50 and 60 fps modes, but we wanted to use modes only all 4 cams could do. And none of us had any interest in 25 or 30 fps. But I'm sure @driftwood and his crew will have all the info you need about those modes.

  • OK, but use 0-0-0-0-0 settings on all cameras, not -5-5-5-5-5 on GH3, because you will get a mess!

  • We eventually settled for Standard -2, -2, -2, -5 | the NR in the cam was just smearing the noise, you could see it moving behind the blur of the NR, better to just contend with it in post.

  • I did some tests with +2 on sharpness and liked it. I think -2 on sharpness makes it to soft for my taste and i dont like to add sharpness in nle.

  • Like shian i too was shocked at the quality of intra. Its bad. Avchd 1080p50 is very good.

  • For good sake, use 0 to all settings, we (or at least I) want to see the camera defaults, all camera defaults, it is a shame that nobody can produce a decent test. Sorry but this is the truth, I want to see camera a comparison made in good light wit a wide angle lens, at minimum ISO, with a lot of DOF, not without it. And everything shot from a steady tripod without moving the camera around. It is so much to ask?

    Something like this:

    We made this test in 4 hours with the editing and all. It is to much to ask to for a decent test with the GH3?

  • "You can please some of the people, all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...." - Abraham Lincoln

  • And please, use 16:9 format, don't crop the test. Anamorphic vision is for cinema, not for normal screens. It is a waste of good pixels at best.

  • Until now the only real info about the camera ware some test charts made bay a very friendly guy here on forum, sorry I forgot his name, but his charts lifted the big mystery. After all this time it is so much to ask for a proper test?

    From the carts I concluded that GH3 resolves about 830 line of resolution (distinct lines), and Gh2 about 800. So the resolution is almost identical. There is also the moire factor which it is not so bad actually, yes there is some moire at 45 degrees but it is no such a big deal, BMC also has moire...

  • Another sample at

    And again, panning horizontaly produces a noticable jitter. Did not see that in vertical panning.

  • @kob What filmode and shutter speed in the video?

  • @robbin - this clip is by Caleb Roberts, not me - all I know is what written on the vimeo page. I will post a question there.

  • 1080/24p 50M [.mov] is king. Grain similar to Intravenus, but not quite as nice, and has the GH3's expanded DR, and no noticeable banding. Results video coming within the next week.

    Thanks to everyone who suggested different settings.

  • screenshots: FHD 24p 50mb/s mov.

    Bildschirmfoto 2012-12-20 um 23.21.05.png
    2560 x 1440 - 4M
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-12-20 um 23.22.17.png
    2560 x 1440 - 4M
  • A teaser for the shootout - Results Show coming soon.

  • I cant wait the result of Shian´s test.

  • @ KOB. That video you posted with the trees were you talk about the jitters?????? Download the video and you will see the guy edited all that footage in a 60p timeline and dropped 30p shots in it.

    It's not that hard guys...

  • @ Shian Thanks for doing your test, but upload a 1080 version when you reveal your final test please.