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US: Default Comedy
  • 95 Replies sorted by
  • @bannedindv

    Simple recipes never work as intended.
    Pressing corporations most probably will result in big problems on all market segments.
  • bannedindv, your lack of perception on this topic is almost insulting. More than likely you consider yourself a progressive thinker and tend to vote liberal. While companies like GE paid no taxes last year due to exemptions obtained by the Obama administration. Tax loopholes are legal and put into the tax code by politicians who then complain that they exist. They can remove them from the code anytime they want. They just use them as an argument for class warfare. Like the corporate jet "Loophole" that was extended in the stimulus plan passed by Obama then to be used as an example of " Fat Cats" getting away with not paying their fare share. In the mean time they park their planes and yachts in different states to avoid paying high taxes in their own. Could that be considered a loophole, John Kerry?

    bannedindv, stop being played. It comes from both sides, by the way. Educate yourself before posting such ignorant statements. I bet you would be happy as hell if you owned a company like Walmart. You'd by all GH2s you heart could desire. I've never received a paycheck from a poor person. Poor people don't fund films either in case you're wondering. A guy I worked for the other month payed over 30 million in taxes last year. More than you will probably pay in a lifetime. I used "loopholes" and hardly paid anything because I could write off equipment bought against profits for my little production company. I, for one, would like to thank that guy "Fat Cat" for paying for the services I paid little to nothing for. Oh, and in his spare time he pays off hospital bills for children whos parents can't afford it. How many kids did you save last year? Still want to execute that corporate " Fat Cat"? Maybe you'll fill up your car with that greedy oil company stuff that they dig out of the ground and put him in his place.

    Almost half the people in America don't pay Federal taxes. That's the real problem. We should all pay our fare share so that we have a common investment in the country. No matter how rich or poor. Stop buying into the B.S. coming from the political elite. You're just a tool to them.

    Now, I have to go ponder why I decide to respond to a political post on a camera forum. I need a life!
  • Obama vs. John Boehner = shit trillion Poker
  • @Dalefpf
    We do not fight here :-)
    Don't go personal and try to avoid politics in topics about economics.

    As for me I don't care about taxes or political problems in US, because if you solve them both (either way) all the problems remain.
    So, they are not interesting.
  • Many theories on how to create society that is stable over longer time (2+ generations, 40+ years). Economics is part of it, of course. But politics, too.

    My theory? Some people get mad...

    Poor will be poor and there will always be poor. Rich will be rich and there will always be rich. No escaping that. Trick for stability is to keep "middle classes" large and hopeful…meaning realistic chance to have enough resources and not fall down economic ladder (i.e., become poor). Too much despair by too many people = less stable (i.e., change, civil war, revolution).

    Answers/Definitions for the terms used (poor, middle class, rich, hopeful, resources, etc.) have some absolute values (e.g., "society is 3 meals away from revolution," ~lower needs on Maslow hierarchy) and some relative values (e.g., "1500cc engine is right size to carry 4 people," ~upper needs on Maslow hierarchy).

    Different societies have different methods to maintain societal balance…feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, even non-secular like cult, spiritualism, religionism, etc. Whatever. But ultimate goal is usually the same, preserve power wherever it currently sits. Else there is risk of changing to a different model with different rules…and people in power don't generally like risk that kind of change brings.

    So what is US Debt Limit in this picture? Why is there a crisis now?

    My opinion? Now people get really mad...

    I think this is just same shit, different day. It is a crisis now because the political parties think they can use "crisis" name as an advantage in political fight. That's it. End of story.

    Some people are scared of numbers. US$14T is Big Number…increase of debt limit will make it bigger! US$15T? OMG…such huge number - it must be bad, bad, bad. My calculator can't hold such a big number. It so big that my Excel causes "1.5E+13" error*. WTF? Try figuring what US$ would be in Rupees = Excel has locked up my MacBook Pro. Force Quit…get bigger CPU and more RAM it will be better.

    But, there are other big numbers, too. For example, US economy is also very big number. It is a bigger number than the US debt - and that's even when US economy has 10%+ unemployment.

    If you run business you know that big debt isn't bad. It's good. The important part about debt is how much does it cost AND what do you buy with it?

    Cost of US debt now is very small - even by historical standards. Probably less than 2% of US economy…Of course, if US "defaults," then costs go up.

    No, I think real fight is what US buys for its debt. You see that on charts higher in thread. What part of that budget is like business investment that helps you make more money? OK - some would say that US needs to budget for more than just investment. OK, but...

    From NASA example above? Now some people want to kill me…

    I like NASA, but it spends most of its budget supporting manned space flight. It is stoopid. NASA should spend most of its budget on unmanned space flight. Don't send people to do a machine job! Too risky to send people. Rocket blows up - if people in it = big delay, big $. Rocket blows up - if no people in it = fix it and build 10 more for less money. Much better investment return if NASA developing robotics, AI and - ok, I keep it on topic - imaging technology.

    I wish Russians would crash ISS into Pacific now. Just let me know where and I capture it on filmic 24p high bit rate hacked GH2. Actually…I'd probably want 60p to catch that action, even if it have video DOF.

    Back to testing GH2 hack.

    *I know what "E" is…just a joke.
  • Ayn Rand got it right ;p round and round we go .....
  • Ayn Rand, if you're thinking Atlas Shrugged, more describes China :)

    But she was right about individualism... Not so much as a force for good actually, but as the beginning of the end. By nature humans are selfish. We have spiritual beliefs, societies and rules for a reason. I am not in the least bit religious, but once we lose the things that keeps our innate selfishness in check, we're in trouble.

    Government factions, both on left and right who can't agree this debt deal are acting more like individuals than members of a society. Thus their selfish urges are to the cost of the greater good.

    This is what the great Rand believers always forget, amongst whom Steve Jobs and many others in Silicon Valley are believers.

    If the US fails as a collective, it will be because of excessive individualism.

    Individualism also lead to Nazism. The working classes felt disenfranchised, jealous of the wealthier jews, frustrated with immigration and downtrodden. The Nazi movement gave them an individualism, an ideology to cling to, in much the same way religion and right wing ideologies in the US give politicians the force to push through their selfish urges, knowing deep down that it could cause disaster at any moment.
  • And now, because of 8 individuals, the US will default on Tuesday
  • And round we go lol - China gets the wonga - people react, housing booms, housing crashes etc etc India gets etc ?
  • @EOSHD
    "And now, because of 8 individuals, the US will default on Tuesday"

    House Republican Bill was doomed before it was ever voted on. DOA. Passing bill is Republican theater only - setting up sound bites for 2012 election.

    Imagine script for House Republican running against House Democrat next year...


    (Queue ominous music)
    Narration (voice of guy from Frontline): Did you know that [Congressional Democrat Name] working with Tax & Spend PELOSI voted AGAINST a balanced budget and for bankrupting our children to fund evil OBAMACARE...

    (Queue "Calvary to Rescue" Music)
    Narration: [House Republican Name] voted to save our children from the crushing burden of debt and balance the national budget...


    Of course, Democrat run opposite sound bite.

    Same shit. Different Day.

    Get popcorn. Enjoy the show...
  • Guys, no more politics in this topic, please.
    Because, as I said, US Default will happen despite all political mess.
  • @Vitaliy
    >>>>>>US Default will happen despite all political mess. >>>>>

    A more accurate statement is the US Default will happen BECAUSE of all the political mess :/
  • >A more accurate statement is the US Default will happen BECAUSE of all the political mess :/

    Nope. Absolutely inaccurate. Political mess is spectacle made for casual guys. Ones that'll find their life to be much harder soon.
  • One of the options in Obama administration is to make calendar reform, so August 2 won't happen in next 30 days :-)
  • @Vitaliy
    Absolutely accurate. Minority Leader of US Senate is on the record as stating the party's #1 objective is making Obama a one term president. That's pure politics right there. The thirst to recapture political power is what prevents compromise and without compromise there is default. And if you're referencing long term structural issues in the US economy, those are also driven by public policy decisions. Politicians make laws that giver cover to things that normally pass for corruption. The reason Wall Street bankers never got charged with crimes related to conflict of interest (G&S) and running the economy into a ditch while at the same time granting themselves million dollar bonuses financed by taxpayers is that they didn't break any laws.
    So I disagree if you're saying what we're seeing now is manufactured spectacle. It's real genuine dysfunction.
  • @brianluce

    Everyone can have his own opinion.
    Mine, considering US situation, is that problems are fundamental, not even caused by banks, taxes, etc.
    And political mess is real comedy made to cover this one more time.
    This is like telling airplane passangers that their captain and 2nd pilot are totally drunk and showing them this all in live mode instead the truth that airplain has both engines failed, no fuel remaining, and none of the controls work as intended.
    So, people will remain optimisting hoping to replace pilots by this wonderful carpenter who told them so good anecdotes recently.
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev
    "Guys, no more politics in this topic, please."

    OK. But hard to discuss US default issue w/o political considerations. The only reason the US Debt Limit is a "crisis" now, is because of politics. In the US, Debt Limit is separate issue from US Government Spending Program.

    The US Debt Limit - the show going on right now - is 99.9999% politics. Imagine Husband and Wife have computer to run a big Spending Program. Husband and Wife agree to Spending Program and start it. Store has delivered new GH2 and 400 pairs of shoes and is waiting at the front door for check. But printer is running out of ink! Husband and Wife cannot agree on who will fill up printer ink. Money is spent, stuff is delivered, so who fills up the printer ink is just a side show - politics for the benefit of future argument Husband and Wife will have next year.

    As for economics...

    The US Debt is just a number. What is important, is what does the debt cost and what do you buy with it.

    Amount and Cost of US Debt is simple numbers. No meaningful discussion. Characterization as "small" or "low" is opinion, but not too much debate when considered historically or with other countries.

    What you buy with debt is 99.9999% politics - depends on politics at work in particular society.

    So if we set aside US politics...I say total US Debt is less than annual US GDP and conclude it is "small." I also say that the current cost of carrying debt is less than 2% annual US GDP and is cheap - but will soon be more expensive because the bitch doesn't want to put more ink in the printer so she can score points in argument we will have in 2012 so she can buy more shoes and less cameras.


  • @v10tdi
    Nothing hard about this.

    Your wife-husbant-printer picture do not have anything in common with USA today.
    It had been closer to real thing in 1970.
    Now all the politics in USA play on the same side (just because they want to live in rich country), they only play their roles to try to distract people.
    It is pure economics. All major wars and all political spectacles always have foundation in economics.

    >I say total US Debt is less than annual US GDP and conclude it is "small."

    I conclude that it is huge looking at real part of US economy and amout of internal US debts.
    So major war (lower life level drop in the expense of millions lifes spent) or hyperinflation (and huge life level drop and less people die) are inevitable.
  • Here you can see where some of the money goes.

    650 x 722 - 25K
  • Vitaliy, you opened this can of worms... there's no way for an American to talk about any of this without politics. Period.

    And, Brian, NICE CHART. Says a lot.