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GF3 - another example of time waste
  • 42 Replies sorted by
  • Nice, give us a quick test about low light and autofocus when you have time i didn't have chance to touch it... hope you will know how to setting everything for a done job ;)
  • Whole new world of: "Hey baby- you wan'a GF3?- its pink!"
  • it depend how you think you can say GH2 needs a hack. Okay

    but you can say that GF3 need a hack for have a better quality low light too. Do you say that only professional camera deserve a hack? this camera is just at the limit for deserve it ;)
  • AF is definitely faster than GH1 but a tad bit slower than GH2.

    Low light... I don't really care. Hack or not... whatever.

    Quite addictive to grip it like wrapping lettuce which almost hides the body. Great for sneaky candid shots. Good image quality. Good skin tone. My wife will carry it all the time. Great.
  • I like GF3's color rendition. Better than GH2...
    1500 x 1125 - 3M
    1500 x 1125 - 2M
  • GF3 has a manual mode to set aperture, SS, and ISO. Good for video recording.

    It has separate ETC option in photo and video. In photo, ETC can be enabled only in JPEG medium and small sizes. I guess it's 2x and 4x respectively. It did help me fine-tune smaller focus area and EV reading. Definitely better than cropping full resolution JPEG during post-processing. In video, ETC can be applied to all video modes. It's about 7.8x. I did unscientific testing, and it seems like HD quality. Yes it definitely has more noise. I wouldn't wanna use it at ISO higher than 200. When there's enough lighting and a tripod, this video ETC mode can be quite useful. 14-42 can cover 220-655mm FOV in 35mm film format.

    I got used to the touchscreen menu. It's not too bad. Quick access to a set of favorite settings from touchscreen is quite nice. I wish GH2 has such feature. I bet GX1's touchscreen menu usability will be very nice.
  • Btw.

    We have GF3 shipping to me now (could not resist recent Adorama deal) :-)
  • Wow. GF3 hack would be nice, too. I like images from GF3.
  • VERY important question!!!!

    Is it pink? :D
  • @rockroadpix

    I have no idea yet.
    We go some color that is left :-)
    May be.
  • I have a been testing a EU version (GF3__V12 firmware) for video the last days. I think the touch screen and menu are great too (better then GH2). And there are the 1080fs25 and the AF tracking options that the GH2 doesn't have.

    Will you try hacking it? I would be very happy to help if you need any testing.

    > ETC does not work in AVCHD 1080sf25 mode, only in 720p50. Are you sure it works does in your camera?
    > I can't set SS, A and ISO manually for video-recording. How did you do that?
  • @DirkVoorhoeve sorry... I just can't recall about it. My main is GH2. I handed GF3 to wife.

    1500 x 1125 - 1M
  • So, since the GF3 has been hacked since quite a while, you may be tempted by this deal from a small dutch dealer that sells the body for 109€ (+ shipping):

    I'm thinking about getting one for my Quadcopter...

  • Exposure/iris were never meant to be locked for video on the GF2 either.

    In fact, in GF2 manual video control was disabled intentionally, but with most code and menus left. With newer bodies they moved further.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev, so are you saying GF2 should be easy to enable Manual mode with the code and menu in place but hidden?

  • so are you saying GF2 should be easy to enable Manual mode with the code and menu in place but hidden?

    Sorry, I meant GF1, of course.

  • Виталий,не могу прошить gf3 из Америки.Есть два таких фотика.Брал с ебея себе и другу.Прошивали по инструкции.Первый прошили на ура,а второй после вкл.камеры и нажатии кнопки плей быстро минует анимацию с часами(вроде бы занюхивает прошивку),а потом показывает на экране рисунок как работать с сенсорным экраном.Перед этим сохраняли файлы еером.Пробовали разные флешки,загружали назад еером,меняли-заряжали батарею.скидали настройки:ничего.Что делать?