@caveport @fahrenheit I see no mention of 4k or 6k photos in lit about the S1 and S1R. 24MP for the S1 would be 6000x4000 or so and would be a "real" 6K not the 5ishk that the GH5 has with open gate and 6k photo. Could this be part of paid options? Again, for me, a FF Panasonic needs open gate to set it above the rest.
Playmemories had been attempt of one manager to make open system with third party apps that other managers tanked.
This will be different, close thing on the market is oscilloscopes where sometimes you can pay up to original price just for enabling features that are already present in hardware and firmware, but disabled.
Well Sony done that for ages for their playmemories app ($10 timelapse app, beauty retouch etc), but they took it down on their recent released cameras.
This guys will do all right.
Idea among camera manufacturers to start offering even basic things like timelapse as paid options is very strong now. As they see Adobe, Microsoft and such who rip people like crazy last few years.
I heard even ideas to offer different AF speeds and limit buffer and serial fps offering to pay to use full amount available.
@Vitaliy_Kiselev Imagine if Panasonic do include a load of "paid for" options in the firmware only for some enterprising individual to hack it and offer them all "open source". Now that would be terrible :)
@bealbuoy What are you basing its absence on? Is there a 4K/6K setting on the drive dial like with the other cameras? They've released very little in the way of information. Frustrating for us but maintains their competitor's ignorance also.
Final specs are not out yet. Open gate may be in the final camera release.
All I hear is 4k60fps, why not open gate? What I love about my GH5 is its open gate. It is all I shoot with my GH5. If the S1 or S1r could shoot open gate it would be worth it, and I would switch. To have a FF and only have it shoot 4k60fps is not as useful for me as open gate. My GH5 with open gate has more pixels to play than the S1 or S1r with only 4k60 fps. What a real difference Panasonic would make if it shot open gate! So why not shoot open gate? Can anyone tell me why the S1 or S1r can not shoot open gate?
The Verge report
It can be, but my source said that it'll be paid and price they talked about is around $400 just for such code.
Some guy who went to the show said he heard from a rep there might be internal RAW video, VK you got pretty good source for the Pana FF so far!
Well, we have complex cartel agreement here, it seems.
So all is possible, may be we see road to A7siii being cleared.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if Sony release their next camera with a fully articulating screen - just as Panasonic do away with theirs!
You think too good about their managers.
Idea to copy Sony (or Fujifilm here) is widespread at Panasonic and you can see results in all latest cameras. And it is amazing for manager, as no need to think or hold responsibility for your own decision.
I think the reason why there is no more fully articulating screen is, that they do not want this camera to be used for vlogging. Most of the AF criticism came from vloggers who filmed themselves. No vloggers, no AF criticism from them. An it will possibly be too heavy for vlogging as well. But I am sure it is a knock out criteria for many.
Camera made by designers. Fortunately, it still works even if it is ugly.
Interested read and Vitaliy you were not lying about Panasonic management going for big premium on this camera and lenses.
"Fusuka: It is under consideration. Since contents are professional specifications, I would like to make price range that recognizes its value. LUMIX S is assumed to be a professional, we believe that the target is different from full-size mirrorless on the market already." = $$$$$
That said, if they give me all the video functionalities of the GH5/s plus what ever magic they can come up to make the video AF on par with Sony/Canon and 4k 60p video crop is small or better not yet not available, I will happily pay $2499 to $2999 for the S1. Otherwise I will happily keep my Z6 when ever I get it (that's me hopping that the video AF will as good compared to what I have seen so far on the Z7)
Camera made by designers
The Kinotika lads managed to squeazel out of a Panasonic rep that it has a bigger battery than the GH5. That's at least something new to know that I haven't actually seen Panasonic state anywhere.
Certainly hope they do the right thing and go for lower pricing. 4K60P won't be that premium of a feature by the time this hits the market - I bet Sony is scrambling to get it into their next camera if they weren't already putting it in there. The lack of rotating screen was also completely obvious would be a big issue. For some reason, vloggers like to use the GH series (I own the G9 but would never use it for that..) - so of course there will be a lot of pissy comments. What they should really think about is how they are pissing off existing users of M43 by not making it possible to a) mount m43 lenses to L camera, or L lenses to m43 camera. They should have gotten some change to the mount so that at least one way was possible....
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