Blackmagic Camera Setup 6.8
I've just upgraded my BMPCC4K as well to the latest firmware (v 6.7). It seemed to "hang" at 70% for a couple of minutes, then proceeded to finish the update without problems.
New firmware just released for the P4K with the following updates:
I just updated mine and it took forever. Much much longer than any previous update. I thought it was going to fail. It did pull through though and all the new features are there. The artificial horizon feature is very different from any other camera I've used. It's a crosshair which skews left/right or up/down depending on how angled the camera is.
Completely run and gun realization of "doppelganger" idea, during two days in sometimes totally harsh light conditions on both-side.... BMPC4K with Panny 12-35
Wow at that price I think I might pick up a second one. I've been hoping to snag a used one on a deal.
Expect official price drop tomorrow
New price will be $1036. B&H showed prices for a little while.
I've spent the last three days lugging my mace around (P4K on a Manfrotto 502 head and a Libec HFMP) trying to make the most of a lens rental and I had enough footage from the Peoria Zoo to make a nice little sample footage reel for the P4K. All of the footage is shot 8:1 BRAW 4KDCI @ 60 FPS, reinterpreted to 29.97 for slow-motion. The lens was the Panasonic-Leica 100-400 f4-6.3. I absolutely love the opening shot of the giraffe and sadly (probably fine actually!) there was a net in the way of the tigers so I did not have a clear view but still enjoyed the footage.
I really wonder what on earth Brandon was doing to claim the battery life is under 20 minutes on an LP-E6. On the later firmwares the battery life is improved and I can get close to an hour out of my aftermarket ones. Even on the original firmware and the provided BMD battery though you should at least get double his claim.
Update about Firmware downgrades:
BM switch the downgrade option of at a specific "date of production". So even some of the "BRAW" Pockets might be downgradeable... (but I don't know the exact date or how to find out which date or serial number is "old" vs. "new".
Its still a very big fuckup and I hope that someone can hack that 6.1 Update-Tool to work with all Pockets.
Ok, thats reasonable. But I'm looking for an option that would allow me to record 4k DCI 60fps uncompressed IF I ever need it. (I will however use the setup in 3:1 or 4:1 most of the time.)
The question is: Is it possible to get 560 MB/s data write speed (+protocoll overhead) on the SATA III interface of the BMPCC 4k? I would like to test this by using a drive that can perform even faster (USB-C = USB 3.1 Gen2 can be faster than that) and pushing the Pocket to the absolut limit... and see if the controller melts;-)
The problem is not to find a fast drive (e.g. my HyperX M.2 SSD can do 1GB/s and even is AHCI), but to find an USB-C adapter that uses a compatible chip. The ASMedia chips seem to work, like the ASM235CM, but I haven't found an enclosure with such a chip that fits a fast drive.
Glad you got an "old" camera! I'm using a Crucial MX500 2TB with no problems.
Forget the enclosure. Get this instead:
@Lohmatij DNG and CinemaDNG are two different beasts. RED has patents on any form of compressed RAW video recording, at least for the U.S. (but that's enough for other companies not to mess with RED):
That RED is suing all companies that implement compressed RAW video recording has been known since Atomos signed a licensing deal with RED for Prores RAW:
Previously, RED sued Sony for the same, but got countersued for infringing on other Sony patents, so that both companies eventually settled in court.
You better make new topic on this if you like.
CinemaDNG had been originally engineered to avoid RED patents (as they have broader patents on raw video, not only on wavelet raw). Idea had been to have each frame stored as photo, very inconvenient, but it worked for good time.
Let's dig it deeper:
"...TIFF/EP provided a basis for the raw image formats of a number of cameras. One example is Nikon's NEF raw file format, which uses the tag TIFF/EPStandardID (with value[1] Adobe's DNG (Digital Negative) raw file format was based on TIFF/EP, and the DNG specification states "DNG... is compatible with the TIFF-EP standard".[2] "
Any news on Red suing Nikon or ISO ( for patent infringement?
Hold on guys, I'm not getting where all the fuss with Red licensing is coming from. As per : "Digital Negative (DNG) is a patented, open, lossless raw image format written by Adobe used for digital photography." CinemaDNG is same thing with "TimeCode" and "FrameRate" tags in EXIF.
Red Raw is completely different beast: it's a wavelet AND lossy codec, similar to JPEG2000.
Any reliable sources on "RED suing Blackmagic for patent infringement", or is it some kind of conspiracy theory?
As far as I know they mentioned somewhere that they got a patent claim from "some company", but as far as I understand these guys (I mean everyone in Silicon Valley ) are constantly getting claims from all kind of patent trolls, so what? Why would it affect the industry?
Here we go (from the official BM Forum):
We recently had to change the type of LCD touchscreens that we use in the manufacturing of the Pocket Cinema Camera 4K. In order to use the new touchscreens, cameras were shipped with v6.2.1 of our Blackmagic Camera software. Unfortunately, cameras with v6.2.1 pre-installed will not be downgradable to v6.1 as the v6.1 software does not support the new screen.
Sound like a cheap excuse to me.
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