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Canon 6D FF DSLR topic
  • 63 Replies sorted by
  • Would it be a good decision selling my GH3 to pick the 6D , video-wise ? I am little disappointed with Gh3 results , specially with lumix lenses . I am trying to achieve a "cinematic" look in my videos and I think that would be easier with Canon lenses ...moiré is a huge problem with the GH3 and I dont believe we ll have soon neither a hack or a better firmware . Sorry to be skeptical but Panasonic ...I just cant trust they care about us ...

  • With the VAF-6D ( this is looking as a nice FF alternative for shooters who that need good high ISO performance.

  • Reviews:

    All-in-all, I actually did really like the 6D. I thought it handled well, had really quite good image quality and impressive low-light focusing abilities. There’s certainly more I liked about it than didn’t and I think it’s a worthy consideration for any Canon shooters looking to go full-frame.

  • Canon is the best at product differentiation strategy.

  • Another not too bad review :

  • for video, the 6d owns the the d600 for pictures, flip a coin or decide by personal choice

    bought a d600, took it back instantly bought a 6d, couldn't be happier with my decision.

    look up the video of c300 vs 6d in low light, pretty impressive.

    hopefully in the next week I can have a sample video put together now that the holidays have slowed down.

  • I saw it yesterday, the local dealer made its presentation. I think it is interesting for people who own some APS-C Canon and want to use their EF mount lenses on a FF body. I avoid to say "poorman's 5D" because poor people don't have $2000 for this, and who does should better go for 5D Mk2 now, it is getting cheaper than 6D.

  • That looks great. Shame if the moiree is as bad as my 60D, but not a lot there to stress the camera.

  • I've given the "headphone jack" controversy some thought, and it seems that since I'd be using a Beachtek XLR adapter anyway - which has a headphone jack - what's the need for a built-in headphone jack anyway?

    More distressing, however, is the strange mention about IQ by a Canon rep in The Verge's preview article:

    "Videographers in particular might have incentive to stick with Canon's more expensive options — the company told us that the video quality should be more in line with the 5D Mark II than the 5D Mark III. We asked Canon to clarify whether this means that the 6D skips lines when downsampling video (which can lead to the unpleasant CMOS skew effect seen in lots of DSLR video), but we haven't heard back yet."

    Weird. Just weird.

  • Minor correction: The fastest shutter is 1/4,000.

  • 6D is an interesting option. I'm glad it's coming out before GH3, so we can make a informed decision before purchasing either.

    • I admit I like shooting pics with Canon. I just like the feel, and the results I get from it.
    • I do find the GPS metadata from iphone camera shots. It makes organizing pics so easy. I'm glad this has GPS. I'm very surprised that GH3 didn't...
    • Nearly everyone has shipping Canon full frame lenses. Not just promising, or thinking about them for future.
    • Camera stores anywhere rent additional EF lenses if needed. That's just not an option with M4/3.
    • Full frame goes wide. Very nice for tight indoor shooting options. Much easier to setup shots indoors with more options and angles. Walls are very hard to move. :)
    • And most of all, Canons have the CineStyle flat setting option, which give nice predictable post flexibility. The clients I deal often tweak the style they want during post. Especially if the footage I'm shooting needs to be intercut with someone else's shoot footage from any camera. I'm a little surprised that "flat" wasn't in the GH3 high priority feature list, with it's video focus. That's a major, major mistake by Panasonic GH3 team, in my opinion.
    • More dealers, more price competition...

    $2k may be tempting...

  • The ISO range and better shadow rendition in the Canon sensors compared to Sony still makes the 6d an interesting choice. Shooting video with flat profiles off Sony DSLR sensors is a pretty frustrating experience even at relatively low ISOs. Have had several Sonys and sold them all off for this reason and this point alone still keeps me with Canon on aps-c and ff.

  • If someone here still does not know which FF choose There is a quotation from Graduated Film Student Group on Facebook\Ireland: Topic starts: member1: link to 6D announcement. member2: links to A99 and D600 member1: "Sorry Konrad, anyone with any sense'd be picking up the 6D.Built in Wi-Fi and an ISO range in six digits . Nikon aren't really great video cameras and Sony DSLRS are too finicky for my tastes, plus I like the adaptability of Canon DSLRS.They'reustry standard for a reason...." There is little more there if you like:)

  • I would not like to be a Canon user shooting video nowadays. From hero to zero, people are still discussing Canon below $ 7000 is insane compared to what all other companies have released lately.

  • The portait shots look nice. All these FF cameras as they get discounted, they will put the squeeze on prices and margins of APS-C and 4/3

  • @sohus Don't worry about the touchOLED screen its impressive but it's only meant for touching. Wait till you look thru the Live EVF because that's the OLED that will look fantastic.

  • No headphone jack... common Canon, stop protecting your high-end models with stupid omissions like this. Too bad Nikon skipped live aperture change on the D600, so none of them suits my needs. I think I will buy a Panasonic GH3... which has no omission but the mFT sensor (and LCD that is only 610k dots instead of the gorgeous 920k, 1,200k on competitor models. I hope OLED has higher quality.

  • Cool video. Love the making of part. At 5:50 were they suggesting that you select the EF24-105 instead of the EF50 so as to achieve a more natural DOF look?

    I'd like to say that I think Canon are dreaming when it comes to their pricing but they will probably sell a shitload. That was a pretty good ad.