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Pixel pitch size & Sensor Refresh rate
  • Here is pixel pitch size information.

    • iPhone4S 1.4µm
    • LX7 1.85µm
    • X10 2.2 µm
    • RX100 2.5µm
    • GH2 3.6µm
    • NX200 4.25µm
    • 650D 4.3µm
    • 5N 4.75µm
    • X-Pro1 4.8µm
    • D800 4.88µm
    • X100 5.5µm
    • 5DmkIII 6.25µm
    • BMCC 6.5µm

    Would a bigger pixel pitch take longer to refresh a sensor? Or technically more difficult to implement faster refresh rate?

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Eventually it'll be Sony vs Samsung sensor war.

    Eventually it'll be among electronic giants - Sony, Samsung and Panasonic.

  • Thanks VK for the good explanation.

    Let's see how Sony FF mirrorless sensor design goes. I'm losing faith in Canon's ability in sensor advancement. Eventually it'll be Sony vs Samsung sensor war.

  • Thing is, it is faster to read fewer pixels :-)

    Also, it is much more easy to design small and fast sensor. Larger sensors usually use older tech and are harder to make them speedy.

    Idea that you need low megapixel count for DR and such thing is just wrong. All you need is to properly make pixel binnig, or even better, make more advanced downscaling. It is simple math, as if you replace one big bucket with 10 small buckets, DR for one bucket will be smaller, but for same resolution, DR will be the same as you collect water from all ten buckets.