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Questions about camera rig bases.
  • I am building my first rig and had ordered a Lanparte base through an Ebay supplier from China. Unfortunately it arrived damaged so today I sent it back. Now I am looking for another. Liked the Lanparte fine except was disappointed that the camera QR base would not accept Manfrotto camera plates. So I am looking at alternatives, mainly the Tilta. Question, will it accept the Manfrotto plates? Failing that, is there a base unit out there that is as rugged and flexible that does accept these plates, other than modding one with a Manfrotto QR base unit? Also, what is the group opinion on the Tilta vs the Lanparte?

    Another question I have about the Tilta is the fastening mechanism for the cage arms to the base. All the pics I have seen show some sort of slotted fingers on the arms the fit into the base. How rugged is this connection, any chance of it coming apart and dropping your rig if you are holding by the top handle? Thanks.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • @kavadni

    Any base will do, all you need is manfrotto compatible QR plate, and they are available separately.

  • Thank you Kavadni, didn't realize they had released their line of rigs. Their adjustable base looks interesting.

  • You might look at manfrotto's range of rigs, just for the baseplate.