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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • So please, if anyone has any information about the new Extreme 45MB/s cards, please share it. I should decide within 6 days to return it or not. I would be pleased if it worked and the procedure of returning and buying again could be avoided. Thank You!

  • @balazer

    Don't agree with you on the testing part, I think if we all tested these cards then we'd get a good idea of the average read / write speed of the card. I tested the card on both of my macs, and my Windoze 7 machine using 2 different USB interfaces and got similar results. How can I ignore these results. My Panasonic class 10 card came in at about 9Mbytes/s, transcend class 10 about 7Mbps = 56mbps.

    Of course we don't know exactly why the patches are crashing or what speed the camera can write to the card but I think these are good baseline numbers, no?

    I still don't know how they can advertise half of what most people are reporting i.e. 30Mbytes/s vs the 12 /15 I and others are reporting. I think this may give me a good reason to send it back to Amazon for a refund and get the 95/Mbps card :) - I got mine off Amazon FROM Amazon so I'm pretty sure it's not a fake.

  • When you say don't buy from Amazon are you talking about third parties on Amazon or Amazon itself? If Amazon ships it from their storage center then surly it's legit.

  • Could you suggest an online authorized sandisk reseller here in Europe?


  • @DirkVoorhoeve

    Do you guys reformat the expensive 95MB/s cards in your GH2

    Of course.

    and if so: will it be FAT32?


    The GH2 supports SDXC card and so it can read them and write/format them properly (unlike, say, the GH1).

  • Has anybody bought the 64GB 95 MB/s Sandisk Extream Pro SDXC Card?

    I also saw on Sandisk Website a 128GB version of the 45 MB/s card - I wonder if it make any difference to driftwoods Orion 4d Patch?

  • @AfricaGH2 There are a few numbers on these cards:

    • Class 10: at least 10MB/s write and read speed. This is the only reliable number out there, for minimum write speed. There was no class stated on the Extreme Pro 45 cards, and this might be for the reason that it's minimum write speed could drop below 1MB/s. Minimum write speed is important for spanning, as far as I understand. Please note: 10 MB/s [capitals: MegaByte per second] = 80 mbps [lowercase: megabit per second]

    • 300x or 45MB/s (or 600x or 95MB/s). This is 300x 150kB/s =45MB/s. This is a maximum write speed, as measured by Sandisk itself (Sandisk recommends: Sandisk).

    • UHS-1. This means the card is using a bus speed up to 100Mhz and it is using 4-bit bus. What this means is that the theoretical maximum speed a UHS-1 card can reach will be 100x4/8bits = 50 MB/s. This is: if your device is supporting UHS-1 or 100Mhz and 4-bit bus. There also are higher bus speeds: UHS-104 (up to 104MB/s) and UHS-II (up to 312MB/s). As far as I understand, the GH2 supports the SD specs v.1.10: 4 bit bus with clock speed of 50 MHz = maximum of 200 mbps = 25MB/s.

    • If I understand correctly, the number you are looking for is an avarage write speed of 25MB/s when using it inside of your GH2. This is not stated anywhere. So testing will be the only way to know. As many on this forum are doing right now.

    • Also: formatting will be a factor for speed. SDXC cards are exFAT formatted from factory. Do you guys reformat the expensive 95MB/s cards in your GH2 and if so: will it be FAT32?

    1. Don't buy memory cards from Amazon.
    2. Testing the card outside of the camera really doesn't tell you anything about how the card performs inside the camera.
    3. Testing the card won't easily tell you if the card is fake or defective, because your testing conditions are not controlled.
    4. Some of those 100-Mbps encoder settings aren't stable, on any memory card.

    So, no one can really answer any of your questions. If you want to be sure, get a recommended card and get it from an authorized reseller.


    Since the 30 MB/s HD Video cards are apparently being discontinued, and we have very little experience with the 45 MB/s Extreme and Extreme HD Video cards, now it's looking like the 95 MB/s 32-GB and 64-GB cards are the best choices if you want to be sure. I have the 32-GB card, and it definitely performs better in the GH2 than the old 30 MB/s HD Video cards for some things, like HBR mode. The 64-GB card is apparently even faster than the 32-GB card, but with occasional "file limit exceeded" errors.

  • Also I suggest everyone google H2testw and download this program and see what speed your actual card is getting.

  • Write 12.1 Mbyte/s on 30Mbyte/s card WTF!!! =================

    I just bought one of these cards from Amazon and it was sold by Amazon - SanDisk Extreme 32GB SDHC Flash Memory Card SDSDX-032G-X46,Black. It appear to be the card everyone is recommending.

    I just ran some speed tests on my Mac with Blackmagic speed test utility and then on windows 7 lappy with H2testw. I get write speed of about 14.2MBytes per second on the PC and about 12 on the Mac. Reading was about 40Mb/s on the mac.

    So what gives - a 30Mb/s card performing at half the advertised capacity or a fake? No wonder I'm getting crashes with some of the 100Mb/s patches no ?????? 12.1Mbytes/s = 96.80 Mbps so this is my problem then???

    Should I send it back?

  • So, (final answer) is the latest offering from SanDisk, SanDisk 32GB SDHC Memory Card Extreme Class 10 45 MB/s available at BH, recommended for the latest Driftwood settings or not?

  • It seems that it should be a fair replacement. Not better, not less than the (now) old 30MB/s

  • I ordered the recommended card, Extreme HD Video 32GB 30MB/s at the end of February and got the same as telefoninomac, touviere7 and sumo (Extreme 32GB 45 MB/s - SDSDX-032G-X46). I read here that it should perform the same as the older HD Video cards but not tested yet in every situation. What do You guys recommend to do with it, send it back (within a week), get money back and try to purchase the old one, or unbox what i have now and start to use it? Thank You!

  • Yes, that is the card I have. My supplier told me that it has the same manufacturer code as the 30MB/s but it doesn't. Its a different code as JackBayer mentions above. It seems just fine for me so far.

  • This is my first post. First of all, I want to say thank you for all your work. I will buy a GH2 in the next few weeks, but in the meantime I've read a lot about hack, settings and cards. I knew about "spanning problem", so I wanted to immediatly buy the Sandisk HD Video 30 MB/s Class 10 32gb and I've bought it on 1st March on (IT it's for ITALY). Price: 43€. Today 5th March I was very disappointed when I saw that this card arrived: a Sandisk Extreme 45MB/s Class 10 32gb. But then I read about the tests of sumo and touviere7 and I started to breath again, because you say it's reliable. I can't try this card, I'll buy the GH2 in the next few weeks, but I want to show you the photos of the front and the back of the box, where there is the code, and say you what possibly will happen when you buy a HD Video 30MB/s Class 10 32gb card now.

    So, I hope that's a sort of help. Thank you. p.s. I hope my beeing a Mario isn't problem for the understanding of this post!

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  • So I loaded up driftwood's Orion and it was fine but no spanning. Test conditions the same as my post above with seAQuake. Seems consistent with reports from the 30MB/s users. I think the new 45MB/s should be a reliable replacement for the 30MB/s. I'll test some other patches later to make sure spanning works too.

  • to compare the test from @sumo, here are my findings with the new extreme 45Mbps card, using a SIIG card reader, usb3.

    sandisk extreme 45 mbps.JPG
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    sandisk extreme 45Mbps.JPG
    414 x 370 - 45K
  • Awesome, thanks for clearing that up for me @shian and @sumo!

  • @JackBayer Yeah it just stops recording, kind of like the old roll-outs when shooting film and hitting the end of the roll. We've started calling it a roll-out on set cuz our seasoned film actors are used to that term when having to stop for that reason. But the files are fine. (And the actual cutoff time on 9b is 3:56)

  • @WarrantyVoided Nope, the only reported spanning card is the 64GB Extreme Pro 95MB/s. The 30MB/s version also seemed to go up to 4GB no problem so so far its the equal of the 30MB/s. I don't have the 30MB/s so I can't do any comparisons but I will try and get some more tests done. Anyone got any requests? :)

    @JackBayer The camera will automatically stop recording after it hits 4GB in size on some patches. The recorded file will be fine. The crazy high bitrate patches driftwood puts out only seem to span on the 64GB card. His new Quantum X stuff seems to be all over the place right now. Still lots of tweaking being done.

  • @Shian

    So the cam just stops recording when the file size of the current clip reaches 4GB? But the resulting clip is allright, or should I stop before that (@ below approx. 4 minutes clip length) ?

  • Would love to see more sumo! It's unfortunate it's not able to span, but was the 30MB/sec version able to span? Or don't you have a 30MB/sec version?

  • OK, so I got my 45MB/s card. Its the same as the RawB/touviere7 one :)

    I first ran it through CrystalDiskMark and got the numbers in the screenshot. Done using a USB3.0 reader...

    Then I loaded up seAQuake with v1.0 FW, stuck the camera on a tripod and aimed it at my monitor where I had a program I made which displays a stupid fast kaleidoscope effect using the "stray color chart 2" death chart in the link above as the texture.

    I tried displaying the chart on my screen as a static image and jerking the camera around but the kaleidoscope produced a slightly higher average bitrate before killing my class 4 card so I think the kaleidoscope is more stressful... and I don't have to sit at the PC wobbling my camera all the time ;)

    So I let the camera record on these settings:

    Minolta Rokkor M-mount 40mm/f2 lens 24H/Cinema movie mode 1/25s shutter Manual exposure Tungsten WB Auto ISO Smooth -2-2-2-2 i.DR etc were off

    It produced a 4GB file before dying, so no spanning. However it seems to cope with seAQuake fine under the spanning limit.

    I also attached a stream parser shot for those interested.

    So in conclusion it seems like its a worthy replacement for the 30MB/s so far. It will need more testing with other settings though to see if it is consistently stable.

    I'll try other settings patches when I get some time and post my results here.

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  • @JackBayer I have that exact card. It handles driftwood's stuff just fine but no spanning (other than Quantum v2 which does span, but avg's about 88Mb/s) Never had a failure, or lock-up, or crash. Sometimes audio playback in camera is choppy, but no corruption. Plays fine on computer.

    I also have a 16GB version as well, to use while dumping the other card, and audio on all Quantum versions is choppy in cam, but fine in file.

    64GB version needed for spanning on HBR patches. (by HBR I mean over 100Mb/s. Not the general definition, just my definition, because it is over 100 that you begin to see the fine grain, and superior image quality on a consistant basis that we are all looking for in our footage. This is only speaking form my experience and is not the definitive word on the subject) My current stand-by is still Quantum v9b, haven;t had time to test other versions, and 9b works and works very well.

  • Hi, please tell me, if I summarize this thread correctly for my case:

    I bought 2x SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC UHS-I Cards, 32GB 95MB/s (SDSDXPA-032G-x46)

    I gather: - They will be fast enough for everything that @Driftwood and @Lpowell currently come up with. - The only problem seems to be spanning large takes after 4 minutes which works better (or only??) on the 64GB cards of the same type.

    Thanks! I hope I won´t have to return them...