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Books: The Modern Moviemaking Movement
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    * Uncover Successful, Modern Screenwriting Tips with Jurgen Wolff
    * Find Out How To Make the Most of Movie Money with Norman C. Berns
    * Discover Six Ways to Finance Your Feature Film with Gordon Firemark
    * Bankroll Your Movie with Tom Malloy
    * Get The Inside Scoop On Crowdfunding with Carole Dean
    * Plan Your Production For Maximum Success with Peter D. Marshall
    * Modern Guerrilla Filmmaking with Gary King
    * Navigate Film Festivals and Do Them Right with Sheri Candler
    * Sell Your Movie Without the Middle-Man with Jason Brubaker
    * Find Out About The Producer of Marketing and Distribution and Utilize The New 50/50 with Jon Reiss

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  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • Nice ideas in there! Already a few to stimulate the imagination (about developing believable characters). That could prove very useful in the music videos I want to make.

    I also like the way people pitch these things as books. Somehow it makes it more likely that you'll read it than if it was a series of webpages.

    Haven't finished it yet but thanks very very much for posting this (and the other one, on photography, a while back). Cheers!