Help! I hacked my GH2 with Driftwood's Hugh G. Rection patch and now I'm seeing all these tiny blue flying Viagras on my monitor when reading these threads! Is it my Class 4 SD card? Is it my tragically unmodified Nady SCM900 mic? Is it because I don't believe in Magic Lantern?
I would be happy if the snow stopped falling. I'm on a P4 Northwood for those of you who were born before 2003, and this javascript snow is killing my cpu. :)
"...I'm seeing all these tiny blue flying Viagras on my monitor ..." Are these pills are for free? Have you tried to lick your monitor? Helped? Have you felt pulsation in a known location?
I have blue dots or whatever on my screen at this site also and I'd really like to turn em off. What are they and how can I get rid of em? And what's are this other chatter