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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • Thank god, thx balazer..........

  • The Extreme HD Video cards are the recommended cards, and they are very common.

  • Indeed but those cards are hard to find. even if you find one, they send you something else.

    I did have orderd a two weeks back a 32 GB SD Card Extreme SDHC Class 10 SanDisk with 30mb/s But it was off stock, today i did get a mail that i will have in two weeks from today. But they have updated my order, and it displays now the Sandisk Extreme HD Video 32 GB And if i read this topic good, then that cart is not good enough.

    by the way, thx for your response balazer

  • Just like it says at, SDXC is differentiated from SDHC only by card size (and filesystem). SDHC and SDXC cards both come in different bus interface speeds and speed classes. Different cards with the same speed class often have very different performance.

    The 45 MB/s cards are fine for an unhacked GH2, but not recommended for higher bit rate patch settings. Stick with one of the recommended cards, as described in the personal-view FAQ.

  • Damn, now i see it !!!!

    gh2 uhs-i.png
    518 x 207 - 30K
  • I have the Sandisk extreme pro SDHC UHS-I 8gb 45mb/s card.
    Its performance is disappointing.
    Now i am reading in this topic that the gh2 doesn't take advance from the uhs card.
    Still, on there website its announced as supported?
    Even the manual says SDXC!

    a lot off useful info about SD cards

    So. there is no different in speed, but only in size.?
    SDHC supports 4GB to 32GB
    SDXC supports 32GB up to 2TB

    The SDHC and SDXC with a UHS-I Bus Interface (Busmark I, SDHCI, SDXCI) Bus speed 50MB/s (SDR50, DDR50) 104MB/s (SDR104)
    The SDHC and SDXC with a UHS-II SDHC and SDXC (Busmark TBD) Bus speed 156MB/s 312MB/s
    I am really confused, and my mind is screwed ad the moment :-(

  • ****NEW Sandisk Extreme Pro 32GB 95Mb/s SDHC Cards**** just bought one at Samy's Camera. Handles Quantum v2 like a pro... And spans fine. The word from Samy's is that the 95s are replacing the 45s as the standard Extreme Pro line.

    Cost me $135 US with tax

    (Oh, yeah... btw just popped my Ptools cherry, my GH2 is no longer a virgin...I think that much was obvious, but yeah... let the testing begin!)
  • @griplimited, that is the same as what the rest of us have.

    @zzanttiago, read the first post of this topic.
  • Could anyone recommend me a good card that work with the driftwood patchs , I have the 45 mb/s extreme pro and doesn´t work, I dont know if buy the 95mb/s extreme pro or the extreme hd video 30mb/s. which one is better?. Thanks for advance
  • So I received my (2) 32gb Extreme HD Video.

    They say UHS-I on the top. Looking thru all the pages, I'm not sure if this is good or bad? Felt like I should've just saved and got the 64gb sdxc
  • @wastedthelight
    Current driftwood settings range from 1.2gig per min to 1 gig to about 300MB per min. (the codec is Variable Bit Rate so it may be more less depending on what you film).

    Note that if you divide 1 gig per min into 1 frame that becomes 711KB per frame in 24p. Makes you realize that 1 gig ain't that much any more! :-(
  • Dunno, the 32 Gb 30Mb/s was the defacto standard befor 64 Gb 95Mb/s was discovered to stand out. Its pretty much the same price as the 16GB 95Mb/s you are thinking about, but offers twice the space.
  • @Meierhans and anyone else. Does the 16 GB 95MB/s card work well with Seaquake for everything except spanning? For example 80% speed, and all the highest settings? Spanning is not my number 1 concern at the moment.
  • @mee "Tempted to try the 16GB 95Mb/s card". Its reported that its not spanning. The 64 GB 95Mb/s is until now the only one that spans at high bitrates.
  • I'm waiting for the GH2 to come back in stock and I'm picking one up to replace my canon HV30. Moving from Tape to SD cards I'm curious to know the amount of footage you can get. What's the file size of each minute of footage (and which hack are you using, since that will change the file size).
  • Well hearing no response I guess I will be going with the card they are offering me. I may just sell it and use the funds towards a 64 GB card. Tempted to try the 16GB 95Mb/s card just to see how much better it is than the 45MB/s card, but I figure if I never open it I can get a pretty penny for it here.
  • @whiterabbit, I realize the 64GB card is the one to get, but the price Sandisk is asking for it makes it unrealistic for me to get through them, unless they are really feeling the holiday spirit and want to upgrade me all the way! One can always dream. Anyways, I don't need the spanning really, so my only question is if the SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC UHS-I 95MB/s 16GB card will work with all of the highest settings on Seaquake minus spanning of course.
  • @WhiteRabbit

    Can we continue the discussion at

    The 64gig Sandisk is SDXS - and this discussion is for SDHC.
  • From what I have read, only the 64GB 95MB/s is "XC-1" (see label), and seems to be the only one that does the spanning magic on a patch like, SeAQuake.
    32/16/8GB seem to be all "HC-1" (label), and results for some of those tested, disclosed in this forum, are said to be non-spanning with SeAQuake. Perhaps a user with actual experience can verify this.
  • OK, so it was like pulling teeth but Sandisk offered me a replacement/upgrade. HOWEVER, they are offering this Will this have the same issues as the one I have? They are both the SDHC UHS 1 models, but mine is 45MB/s and that one is 95MB/s. They are giving me the option to choose another one presumably in the same price range, so if not that SDHC 95MB/s card which one?? Is the 64 GB card the only SDXC 95 MB/s card they have?
  • I have the 64GB SDXC SanDisk Extreme Pro (95/MB) and it spans SeAQuake while using Kae's denser death chart.
  • I heard the new 64 gig SHXC cards will span even the high bitrate stuff? Any truth to this anyone tested yet?....
  • I bought 2 of these. Hope they are the right ones.
  • Hey again Jeffry, I responded to this in the beginners thread, but this seems the better place to ask everyone. Can I just tell Sandisk I am very unhappy with the minimum write speeds? What would you do if you were in my shoes? I can always sell it on yahoo japan for a $20 loss, but I feel this card qualifies for a replacement of a different series just based on that! 800KB/S are they joking! That's a broken card in my opinion.