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Lot of good lav mikes tested
  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • too bad he didn't test the JK mic-J lav, that thing is $20 and sounds like an expensive lav. thx for posting! I also noticed that "good" audio is somewhat subjective, but did notice that the more expensive mics sounded smoother, warmer, and not as harsh. I also researched this with shotgun mics and got similar sounds by using a studio reverb at 150hz (almost inaudible) but gives that subconscious warm sound.

    also, if you playback pink noise into the mic, you can get calibrated audio to match up different mics automatically. you can also use this to calibrate your playback speakers if you don't have an audio probe by comparing a single frequency to an entire pink noise and make them sound psycho-acoustically the same volume by playing back each in a left/right speaker against each other at the same time.

  • @DrDave

    For me big interesting thing can be make micro dissection video.

    Showing this very small mikes cut in half :-)

    And explaining their cost :-) I am sure it can be lowered 10 times for each without issue.

  • This is actually a pretty good video, except that the "processed" video sounds odd. Obviously he could not review every mic, but the MK41 is missing, which is sort of an industry standard. Still, very useful vid.