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SanDisk Extreme SDHC Cards
  • 438 Replies sorted by
  • @mee

    benchmark for Extreme Pro 16 gb 45mbs card at 800KB/s minimum write speed (write throughput chart),2940-12.html

  • I have a Extreme Pro 16 gb 45mbs card, and as many are experiencing this card has issues playing nice with some of the higher end GH2 hacks. My simple question is what is the best way to approach sandisk for a replacement. I spoke with an agent briefly online but she seemed to not easily accept that I was saying the card has many issues, and she said I need to benchmark it. She also said that I would get the same card in return. Has anyone here returned their card and got a better replacement, or payed the difference for a better card? If so what did you say? Open sesame? Back your product sandisk bitches? Sorry, I am frustrated and just want some advice.
  • @balazer Here's the rub ....Amazon uses the same -sku- etc...for several different vendors...the negative reviews said that "Memory Moguls" was pulling the bait and switch NOTHING not ONE negative review about "Blue Proton".
    Except the one I wrote myself.
  • Really? Every review? 13 of the newest 30 reviews say bait and switch. My review says this: "[this item] has been discontinued and it's probably not what you're getting if you order from any of the sellers on Amazon! I contacted several of Amazon's featured merchants for this item, and they all said that they are substituting different cards for this one."
  • I did read EVERY single review listed but... The price should have been a red flag true...
  • Yes, the 16 and 32 GB HD Video cards support the higher end patches.

    Yes, bait and switch is bad. But you asked for it. Just look at the reviews on that Amazon item, and the recommmendations in this thread. The item you wanted costs three times what you paid.

    UHS is UHS, but that is just an interface. Not every device with UHS has the same performance characteristics. In any case, the GH2 doesn't have a UHS interface, so any guarantees about the UHS performance of a particular card are irrelevant.

    Every one of your issues has already been covered in this topic.
  • @balazer Still that's some BS that pulled the Bait and Switch..I spent hours trying to be positive i was getting an extreme 3...

    Plus--- I dont see why the 45 would be any different...UHS-I is...UHS-I regardless.
  • @no_surrender, those Extreme HD Video cards are what most of us are using, and they are fine. I have two of the 16 GB ones. It's the Extreme Pro 45s that are iffy.
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev
    Ok ...maybe I should delete the nasty review i gave them on amazon....I tend to over react sometimes...
    thx vk
  • @No_SuRReNDeR

    May be try it first?
    As this is not 64Gb 95Mb/s card anyway.
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev
    I wanted to use Driftwoods patches...everyone says the UHS-I cards dont write fast enough and I have issues with the 45MB one I already had ....

  • @No_SuRReNDeR

    Mine 32Gb ones say the same.
    For me they are fine. But I do not use any extreme things.
    Why you think that they are bad?
  • says in big letters...UHS-i on the box in several places
    I dont want to open the box if i have to return them

    this is what I got...
  • @No_SuRReNDeR

    Did you checked the card?
    May be it is not bad, really.
  • I got duped---So be wary...I dont have other options do to having myamazon card I know...I know I should avoid amazon....

    They sent the new UHS-I cards and CHANGED the pictured after the fact--- the listing read extreme III and had a picture of the card as well as in the product ifo--

    Product Specifications
    Brand Name: SanDisk
    Series: SanDisk 16GB Extreme III - 30MB/s Edition Secure D
    Item Height : 1.69 inches
    Item Width : 2.28 inches
    Screen Size: 669.2913385826772 inches
    Screen Resolution: 640x480

    They didnt change the product info after the swap...Im filling a complaint with them via Amazon...
  • @itimjim, I don't have this card, but all I can say is you shouldn't have any problems. I have the 16GB Intergral classs 6 and they are a good card that seems to last. Only one time I have had a broken card and I sent it to Intergral and they replaced it with no charge.

    This card is at least 35 Megabit a second write so you should get at least 2 hours of 50i video footage with Driftwood's Spanable patches and 1 hour 24p cinematic mode with Driftwood again.
  • @chrimsbroome can you confirm this works with the higher bitrate INTRA settings? I.e. 176mb GOP1
  • A bit bigger picture:
    Intergral 64.jpg
    500 x 500 - 45K
  • Something cheaper but just as effective as the Sandisk :-)

    £128 from Amazon

    With Driftwoods new spanning patch this is a must have.
    Intergral 64.jpg
    300 x 300 - 18K
  • Don't bother with SanDisk Ultra for $39 when Extreme HD Video is $51. Class 4 means minimum writing speed of 4 MB/sec.
  • GREAT DEAL!!! : San Disk Ultra 32Gig SDHC (15MB/sec) for $38.99 - that's around a $1 a Gig!

    Keep in mind this is a Class 4 and not a Class 10, so in other words it's 15MB/sec, not 30MB/sec.
  • Try Driftwood's Aquamotion (v1 or v2) or SpanMyBitchUp, from the patch vault. Aquamotion v1 has always spanned for me using a SanDisk Extreme card, and my experiments with lower bit rates (similar to SpanMyBitchUp) span on a Transcend class 6 card. If it still doesn't span,then try a SanDisk Extreme HD Video card. The price is right and a lot of people here have success with them.
  • I've hacked my GH2 with the 44mbps patch by cbrandin. I have a PNY Professional class 10 card 20mb/s and in 24L and in 24H mode, it will cut off recording after about 10 minutes. I've also tried a Transcend 16 gb class 10 also. Same thing.

    From what I've read, the 32mbps is suppose to be stable and span in 24H. Is it my PNY sd card? Should I get a Sandisk Extreme 30mb/s card instead?
  • @balazer thanks- you're right, I'll correct numbers, still trying to get best stress test for video and burst rate, I am trying Driftwood 220mbps patch now, recording with no issues all day
  • Ok Guyz,

    just want to be sure this card outmatch the 45MB/s and further more the 30MB/s.
    Was about to buy 30MB/s but what if it becomes osbsolete in 3 months regarding the new settings the team will figure?