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High resolution mirrorless cameras comparison
  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Resolution is overhyped

  • I fully agree with this. My personal view: I would love to see a GH5S with a bit higher pixel count, BM style RAW video recording, somehow better highlight rolloff than BM & most important: IBIS! I know this will not happen.. anyhow.. for me its still good old GH5 for the going fast to delivery, and BM 4K (+Emotive) for the stuff that has more time to ripe.

    For those who did not find it already: Its really amazing what he has archived and a great starting point for grading. (me not affil..)

    This filter can help alot to mimic the Arri look and feel:

    As said.. this is just my personal view. One might disagree.
    (Please do, or it gets boring in here!)

  • DPreview is 100% owned by, and their videos should be mostly considered advertising for camera sales.

    What this one doesn't tell you is that megapixel monster cameras are a waste of money for 90% of photography. Not only do you need a high-end lens to match sensor resolution, but in most practical cases your 40+ megapixels will get (literally) wiped out by jitter/motion blur. That is, unless you shoot at shutter speeds of 1/500 and above or, optimally, static subjects with the camera locked on a tripod.