And petty bourgeoisie is always the same, same errors and same stupid hopes.
Not understanding that in capitalism you can't have any right to repair is really sad.
And idea seems to more or less work for now
Finally not so bad idea.
Mostly it is good to realize how far this guys outweigh you in the money department, will teach few lessons.
Why they support it?
Because they are small niche guys, it does not touch them financially and instead it is nice totally free advertisement. So, totally pragmatic approach.
Just need to remember that most board for their notes are being designed and made by same Taiwan firms, who also own all right for them.
And same level, sadly.
Still zero or negative progress.
2012-2017 TVs issues statistic
99% of backlight issues caused by horrible cooling. It means that 99% of issues are product design issue that must be actually be paid by manufacturer.
Famous Mayakovsky quote on singletons pointless attempts
Слова у нас
до важного самого
в привычку входят,
ветшают, как платье.
сиять заставить заново
величественнейшее слово
Единица! -
Кому она нужна?!
Голос единицы
тоньше писка.
Кто её услышит? -
Разве жена!
И то
если не на базаре,
а близко.
Партия -
единый ураган,
из голосов спрессованный
тихих и тонких,
от него
укрепления врага,
как в канонаду
от пушек
Плохо человеку,
когда он один.
Горе одному,
один не воин -
каждый дюжий
ему господин,
и даже слабые,
если двое.
А если
в партию
сгрУдились малые -
сдайся, враг,
и ляг!
Партия -
рука миллионопалая,
в один
громящий кулак.
Единица - вздор,
единица - ноль,
один -
даже если
очень важный -
не подымет
пятивершковое бревно,
тем более
дом пятиэтажный.
Партия -
миллионов плечи,
друг к другу
прижатые туго.
в небо взмечем,
и вздымая друг друга.
Партия -
спинной хребет рабочего класса.
Партия -
бессмертие нашего дела.
Партия - единственное,
что мне не изменит.
Сегодня приказчик,
а завтра
царства стираю в карте я.
Мозг класса,
дело класса,
сила класса,
слава класса -
вот что такое партия.
Партия и Ленин -
кто более
матери-истории ценен?
Мы говорим Ленин,
подразумеваем -
мы говорим
подразумеваем -
Ouch, in Xiaomi it is also bad people working, need to replace with good people who watch Louis channel...
Wait, how long you can talk at such bullshit low level not understanding rotten capitalist corps who are doing all this?
It is time to stop blaming ordinary people for the fact that are loosing to the scammers and criminals, as scammers and criminals also known as capitalists are organizing and they are performing ruthless dictatorship (and Louis helps them!).
But if Louis will acknowledge this and will turn his guns against real enemy - his channel will end prematurely and issues with his business will be severe. And he knows it perfectly.
Louis fails to grasp that complexity of devices is so big now and corporations are so large and powerful that it is actually only one good exit from all this mess - it is called communism. Instead Louis constantly slams his head and tries to break from the door that is long closed (since 19th century at least), to nice Wild Wild West of his dreams (not real one of course, just libertarian wet fantasy he sees each nigh along with naked woman).
The Massachusetts Right to Repair Committee had already declared victory as of 9 PM, and said in a statement that “The people have spoken—by a huge margin—in favor of immediately updating right to repair so it applies to today’s high-tech cars and trucks.”
It had been serious organizations behind this, and also important that change is tiny and no way it will interfere with fact that most cars will be services by manufacturer approved centers and that all firmware and parts info will be also fully closed.
Louis realized that bill has zero probability to become law.
But all else is stuff lot of bullshit idealistic crap about rising new good proper people. Like present engineers are some horrible evil creatures who dream about making stuff unrepairable. But if Louis will assume that it is not such - real tragedy will happen with libertarian POV.
Finally we directly touch economic interests and why in auto industry the fight is much more serious (as third party services are much larger and richer, and auto makers have much less money compared even to Apple alone).
At least some bad people will suffer. Or not. But at least they will spend good amount of bucks to continue doing same thing. Remember, it is liberal world, free people doing their stuff.
Here we go again. Bad people, childish logic.
Video has amazing piece around 0:45 (except from very old hearing).
In reality it is good thing to people to understand and raise the following question - is Louis actually proponent of that people want? Is he helping to reach the necessary goal? As for now it is one failure after the next.
Libertarian ideology actually induced horrible damage to the bill, as he constantly searches for good people, for good senators and fails to find them. He never talk about who senators are and that class do they serve. He never show class interest and never shaw real conflict and never tell why bill constantly fails miserably even in the early stages.
Lack of any, even bad and reduced class interests mentioning comes from Louis position as business owner, as part of him don't want anything of this to be mentioned or involved, as inside he feels direct threat to himself and personal wellbeing. He is one of the best business owners who still kep lot of proletarian morale, but it is slowly fading and you can see it.
It is time to understand that it is INTENTIONAL email and legally made leak to hide Apple nice big plan.
Also I do not understand that is all the fuss? As RfR progress is exactly zero up to this point, nothing archieved with huge amount of time spent.
And I NEVER saw real attack on Apple or other corporation explaining us WHY really they hurt the repair industry. It is always bad managers, you can check other topic on PV for this.
And here it is again idealistic bullshit on making good people who will go against company interests. Does nto work his way.
Law is the will of the ruling class transformed into legal regulations.
Fighting the will of ruling class with "some money" is quite fun idea. No, you won't be able to pull anything. Sadly.
We already saw "smart" ideas of totally dumb legislators who can't grasp perfect ideas, after this idea of totally corrupt legislators and after this idea of legislators who are true representatives of opressed people but are just dumb enough to not realise how to protect them.
The PIRG report surveyed 222 biomedical professionals, many of whom work at hospitals. Nearly half said they’d been denied access to necessary repair parts and information during the pandemic. And nearly all said that removing restrictions on repairs was “critical” or “very important” to their work.
Manufacturers frequently restrict third-party repairs. Around 92 percent of the respondents said they’d been denied service information about equipment like ventilators and defibrillators, with around half of those people saying it happened “somewhat frequently.” Around 89 percent said manufacturers had refused to sell spare parts.
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