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Z-Cam E1 Source Codes???
  • One guy (oldmud0) asked me on github:

    "I am delighted by your progress on reverse engineering the Z CAM E1! We actually use this on a small UAV to take pictures, but we have found the firmware to be extremely janky and haven't found any time to do any reverse engineering work ourselves.

    But you have discovered that the UI side uses Linux and Qt - which immediately implies that since Linux is GPLv2, aren't we legally entitled to receive their branch of the Linux source tree? I don't remember how far the legal requirement goes, but I know that Netgear had to go so far as to releasing their entire firmware kit to allow developers to build their own firmware for all of Netgear's Linux-based routers. Who knows what other open-source software they may be using as well that was included without a license.

    It will not give us all the answers, but it may aid in further reverse engineering work."

    What do you think? Is it possible? Is there any reason to write them letters and ask source codes? I don't have any experience in this things and I need your help.

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • By asking this, you may start without knowing, next revision to be Locked down legally. I may Create a oposite reaction from them in future.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Can you help me to make this? They don't answer any my letters after I hacked E1 camera.

  • @storyboardcreativity

    It is possible, but you need to make proper legal request and send it officially to their email or such.

    Note that it won't give you much, if anything. All of private parts will be compiled.