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Video Noise and the Origins of Our Universe
  • I wanted to share an article I wrote on my blog recently that I think some on this site might enjoy if you have some spare time.

  • 9 Replies sorted by
  • Thanks @jazzroy! This site has the kind of membership geeky enough to appreciate. ;-)

  • Really interesting article @zhalberd ! Thanks for sharing!

  • In modern digital equipment, cmbr induced noise is much lower than this to the point of insignificance. Depending on the age of your equipment, interference, thermal temp, quality of manufacturing/shielding, geolocation it varies by minute fractions of a percent. Prior to the digital age, cmbr induced noise in analog equipment could be as high as 1%. I read this in a paper or presentation at some point in my research for the blog article. Of course, this measurement was likely made back when planet earth was relatively more radio quiet. Although I haven't done a test myself, I would wager that cmbr would make up a much tinier fraction of the noise in an analog device now. Sounds like a potential episode for the Oddity Archive ;-)

  • @zhalberd ....I've got question... does cmbr really account for 1% of digital image processing noise ?...because all things considered, that sounds like alot. Do you have a source ?

  • Ah, yes I understand what you mean. For sure. We are unfortunately seeing a lot of this cultural privilege and domination fall on class lines. The film industry is not unlike academia in this respect.

    Awesome that you interviewed the Neat Video team so long ago. It's a great product. I wish they would develop more software or plugins. Topaz Labs is innovating quite rapidly and I'm looking forward to seeing their models grow. Although something tells me that they were simply gleaning and licensing some familiar ML models from Github and packaging under their brand. Nothing wrong with that!

  • I don't know much about the relationship with ruling class and the BB, although I can believe it. I suppose any theory addressing the origins of the universe will naturally be a juncture between God and science. (my vote is for science!)

    Science is class thing (if you try to be "independent" with other vews you will suddenly get no grants and salary issues :-) )

    so neat video is doing us a solid by improving the noise profile.

    Btw I was first or one of the firts who made small interview and review of neatimage guys (they made stills noise reduction at the time) many years ago.

  • Thanks for reading! To be fair, the vast majority of noise in today's cinema cameras is not CMBR, so neat video is doing us a solid by improving the noise profile. I use it daily in my work. Vitaliy, I don't know much about the relationship with ruling class and the BB, although I can believe it. I suppose any theory addressing the origins of the universe will naturally be a juncture between God and science. (my vote is for science!)

  • @zhalbert

    Note that Big Bang is one of the theories (with lot of issues, one of them is fundamental - as theory tries to connect science things with wishes of church and idealistic views of ruling class).

    Noise interpretation you are talking about had been kind of leg to BB theory, as it came in very handy.

  • Very interesting article. It is sad to know that neatvideo can clean and delete all Big Bang legacy noise from digital video...